IPC=Inter-Processor Communication, 核间通信,粗略来说就是多核之间进行信息、数据交换。
选择"IPC and I/O Examples"分支下的"C6678 Examples"
然后【Next】,在XDCtools version选择3.23.4.60(不带"core"后缀的那一个)
建议勾选下方的"Create a debug group for selected cores"
如果勾选了分组,将会是如下这个样子,测试的时候只需在"Group 1"上点击一次【Step On(继续将执行)】
[plain] view plain copy
[C66xx_6] main: MultiProc id = 6
main: MultiProc name = CORE6
[C66xx_7] main: MultiProc id = 7
main: MultiProc name = CORE7
[C66xx_0] main: MultiProc id = 0
[C66xx_1] main: MultiProc id = 1
[C66xx_2] main: MultiProc id = 2
[C66xx_3] main: MultiProc id = 3
[C66xx_4] main: MultiProc id = 4
[C66xx_5] main: MultiProc id = 5
[C66xx_0] main: MultiProc name = CORE0
[C66xx_1] main: MultiProc name = CORE1
[C66xx_2] main: MultiProc name = CORE2
[C66xx_3] main: MultiProc name = CORE3
[C66xx_4] main: MultiProc name = CORE4
[C66xx_5] main: MultiProc name = CORE5
[C66xx_0] tsk1_func: Sent request #0 to CORE1
[C66xx_1] tsk1_func: Received request #1 from CORE0
tsk1_func: Sent request #1 to CORE2
[C66xx_2] tsk1_func: Received request #1 from CORE1
tsk1_func: Sent request #1 to CORE3
[C66xx_3] tsk1_func: Received request #1 from CORE2
tsk1_func: Sent request #1 to CORE4
[C66xx_3] tsk1_func: Received request #10 from CORE2
tsk1_func: Sent request #10 to CORE4
Test completed
[C66xx_4] tsk1_func: Received request #10 from CORE3
tsk1_func: Sent request #10 to CORE5
Test completed
[C66xx_5] tsk1_func: Received request #10 from CORE4
tsk1_func: Sent request #10 to CORE6
Test completed
[C66xx_6] tsk1_func: Received request #10 from CORE5
tsk1_func: Sent request #10 to CORE7
Test completed
[C66xx_7] tsk1_func: Received request #10 from CORE6
tsk1_func: Sent request #10 to CORE0
Test completed
[C66xx_0] tsk1_func: Received request #10 from CORE7
Test completed
[plain] view plain copy
[C66xx_1] Start the main loop
[C66xx_5] Start the main loop
[C66xx_7] Start the main loop
[C66xx_6] Start the main loop
[C66xx_0] Start the main loop
[C66xx_2] Start the main loop
[C66xx_3] Start the main loop
[C66xx_4] Start the main loop
[C66xx_0] Sending a message #1 to CORE1
[C66xx_1] Sending a message #1 to CORE2
[C66xx_2] Sending a message #1 to CORE3
[C66xx_3] Sending a message #1 to CORE4
[C66xx_4] Sending a message #1 to CORE5
[C66xx_5] Sending a message #1 to CORE6
[C66xx_6] Sending a message #1 to CORE7
[C66xx_7] Sending a message #1 to CORE0
[C66xx_5] Sending a message #9 to CORE6
[C66xx_6] Sending a message #9 to CORE7
[C66xx_7] Sending a message #9 to CORE0
[C66xx_0] Sending a message #10 to CORE1
[C66xx_1] Sending a message #10 to CORE2
The test is complete
[C66xx_2] Sending a message #10 to CORE3
The test is complete
[C66xx_3] Sending a message #10 to CORE4
The test is complete
[C66xx_4] Sending a message #10 to CORE5
The test is complete
[C66xx_5] Sending a message #10 to CORE6
The test is complete
[C66xx_6] Sending a message #10 to CORE7
The test is complete
[C66xx_7] Sending a message #10 to CORE0
The test is complete
[C66xx_0] The test is complete
[cpp] view plain copy
#include <xdc/std.h>
/* XDC.RUNTIME module Headers */
#include <xdc/runtime/System.h>
/* IPC module Headers */
#include <ti/ipc/MultiProc.h>
#include <ti/ipc/Notify.h>
#include <ti/ipc/Ipc.h>
/* BIOS6 module Headers */
#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Semaphore.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Task.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h>
/* To get globals from .cfg Header */
#include <xdc/cfg/global.h>
/* Notify event number that the app uses */
#define EVENTID 10
/* Number of times to run the loop */
#define NUMLOOPS 10
UInt32 seq = 0;
UInt16 recvProcId;
UInt16 srcProc, dstProc;
* ======== cbFxn ========
* This function was registered with Notify. It is called when any event is
* sent to this processor.
Void cbFxn(UInt16 procId, UInt16 lineId, UInt32 eventId, UArg arg,
UInt32 payload)
/* The payload is a sequence number. */
recvProcId = procId;
seq = payload;
* ======== tsk0_func ========
* Sends an event to the next processor then pends on a semaphore.
* The semaphore is posted by the callback function.
Void tsk0_func(UArg arg0, UArg arg1)
Int i = 1;
Int status;
if (MultiProc_self() == 0)
while (i <= NUMLOOPS)
/* Send an event to the next processor */
status = Notify_sendEvent(dstProc, INTERRUPT_LINE, EVENTID, i,
/* Continue until remote side is up */
if (status < 0)
System_printf("tsk1_func: Sent request #%d to %s ", seq,
/* Wait to be released by the cbFxn posting the semaphore */
Semaphore_pend(semHandle, BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER);
System_printf("tsk1_func: Received request #%d from %s ", seq,
/* increment for next iteration */
while (seq < NUMLOOPS)
/* wait forever on a semaphore, semaphore is posted in callback */
Semaphore_pend(semHandle, BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER);
System_printf("tsk1_func: Received request #%d from %s ", seq,
/* Send an event to the next processor */
status = Notify_sendEvent(dstProc, INTERRUPT_LINE, EVENTID, seq,
if (status < 0)
System_abort("sendEvent failed ");
System_printf("tsk1_func: Sent request #%d to %s ", seq,
System_printf("Test completed ");
* ======== main ========
* Synchronizes all processors (in Ipc_start), calls BIOS_start, and registers
* for an incoming event
Int main(Int argc, Char* argv[])
Int status;
UInt numProcs = MultiProc_getNumProcessors();
* Determine which processors Notify will communicate with based on the
* local MultiProc id. Also, create a processor-specific Task.
srcProc = ((MultiProc_self() - 1 + numProcs) % numProcs);
dstProc = ((MultiProc_self() + 1) % numProcs);
System_printf("main: MultiProc id = %d ", MultiProc_self());
System_printf("main: MultiProc name = %s ",
* Ipc_start() calls Ipc_attach() to synchronize all remote processors
* because 'Ipc.procSync' is set to 'Ipc.ProcSync_ALL' in *.cfg
status = Ipc_start();
if (status < 0)
System_abort("Ipc_start failed ");
* Register call back with Notify. It will be called when the processor
* with id = srcProc sends event number EVENTID to this processor.
status = Notify_registerEvent(srcProc, INTERRUPT_LINE, EVENTID,
(Notify_FnNotifyCbck) cbFxn, NULL);
if (status < 0)
System_abort("Notify_registerEvent failed ");
return (0);
[cpp] view plain copy
#include <xdc/std.h>
#include <string.h>
/* XDC.RUNTIME module Headers */
#include <xdc/runtime/System.h>
#include <xdc/runtime/IHeap.h>
/* IPC module Headers */
#include <ti/ipc/Ipc.h>
#include <ti/ipc/MessageQ.h>
#include <ti/ipc/HeapBufMP.h>
#include <ti/ipc/MultiProc.h>
/* BIOS6 module Headers */
#include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Task.h>
/* To get globals from .cfg Header */
#include <xdc/cfg/global.h>
#define HEAP_NAME "myHeapBuf"
#define HEAPID 0
#define NUMLOOPS 10
Char localQueueName[10];
Char nextQueueName[10];
UInt16 nextProcId;
* ======== tsk0_func ========
* Allocates a message and ping-pongs the message around the processors.
* A local message queue is created and a remote message queue is opened.
* Messages are sent to the remote message queue and retrieved from the
* local MessageQ.
Void tsk0_func(UArg arg0, UArg arg1)
MessageQ_Msg msg;
MessageQ_Handle messageQ;
MessageQ_QueueId remoteQueueId;
Int status;
UInt16 msgId = 0;
HeapBufMP_Handle heapHandle;
HeapBufMP_Params heapBufParams;
if (MultiProc_self() == 0)
* Create the heap that will be used to allocate messages.
heapBufParams.regionId = 0;
heapBufParams.name = HEAP_NAME;
heapBufParams.numBlocks = 1;
heapBufParams.blockSize = sizeof(MessageQ_MsgHeader);
heapHandle = HeapBufMP_create(&heapBufParams);
if (heapHandle == NULL)
System_abort("HeapBufMP_create failed ");
/* Open the heap created by the other processor. Loop until opened. */
status = HeapBufMP_open(HEAP_NAME, &heapHandle);
* Sleep for 1 clock tick to avoid inundating remote processor
* with interrupts if open failed
if (status < 0)
} while (status < 0);
/* Register this heap with MessageQ */
MessageQ_registerHeap((IHeap_Handle) heapHandle, HEAPID);
/* Create the local message queue */
messageQ = MessageQ_create(localQueueName, NULL);
if (messageQ == NULL)
System_abort("MessageQ_create failed ");
/* Open the remote message queue. Spin until it is ready. */
status = MessageQ_open(nextQueueName, &remoteQueueId);
* Sleep for 1 clock tick to avoid inundating remote processor
* with interrupts if open failed
if (status < 0)
} while (status < 0);
if (MultiProc_self() == 0)
/* Allocate a message to be ping-ponged around the processors */
msg = MessageQ_alloc(HEAPID, sizeof(MessageQ_MsgHeader));
if (msg == NULL)
System_abort("MessageQ_alloc failed ");
* Send the message to the next processor and wait for a message
* from the previous processor.
System_printf("Start the main loop ");
while (msgId < NUMLOOPS)
/* Increment...the remote side will check this */
MessageQ_setMsgId(msg, msgId);
System_printf("Sending a message #%d to %s ", msgId,nextQueueName);
/* send the message to the remote processor */
status = MessageQ_put(remoteQueueId, msg);
if (status < 0)
System_abort("MessageQ_put had a failure/error ");
/* Get a message */
status = MessageQ_get(messageQ, &msg, MessageQ_FOREVER);
if (status < 0)
System_abort("This should not happen since timeout is forever ");
* Wait for a message from the previous processor and
* send it to the next processor
System_printf("Start the main loop ");
while (TRUE)
/* Get a message */
status = MessageQ_get(messageQ, &msg, MessageQ_FOREVER);
if (status < 0)
System_abort("This should not happen since timeout is forever ");
System_printf("Sending a message #%d to %s ",MessageQ_getMsgId(msg),
/* Get the message id */
msgId = MessageQ_getMsgId(msg);
/* send the message to the remote processor */
status = MessageQ_put(remoteQueueId, msg);
if (status < 0)
System_abort("MessageQ_put had a failure/error ");
/* test done */
if (msgId >= NUMLOOPS)
System_printf("The test is complete ");
* ======== main ========
* Synchronizes all processors (in Ipc_start) and calls BIOS_start
Int main(Int argc, Char* argv[])
Int status;
nextProcId = (MultiProc_self() + 1) % MultiProc_getNumProcessors();
/* Generate queue names based on own proc ID and total number of procs */
System_sprintf(localQueueName, "%s", MultiProc_getName(MultiProc_self()));
System_sprintf(nextQueueName, "%s", MultiProc_getName(nextProcId));
* Ipc_start() calls Ipc_attach() to synchronize all remote processors
* because 'Ipc.procSync' is set to 'Ipc.ProcSync_ALL' in *.cfg
status = Ipc_start();
if (status < 0)
System_abort("Ipc_start failed ");
return (0);