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  • Scala的XML操作


    8.  XML

    8.1.     生成


    val name = "james"

    val age = 10

    val html = <html>name={name}, age="{age}"</html> toString

    // <html>name=james, age=&quot;10&quot;</html>


    val html = <html><head><title>{myTitle}</title></head><body>{"hello world"}</body></html>



    val x = <r>{(1 to 5).map(i => <e>{i}</e>)}</r>

    // <r><e>1</e><e>2</e><e>3</e><e>4</e><e>5</e></r>


    val x0 = <users><user name="qh"/></users>

    val <users>{u}</users> = x0  // u: scala.xml.Node = <user name="qh"></user>


    By the way, if you want to include a curly brace (`{' or `}') as XML text, as opposed to using them to escape to Scala code, simply write two curly braces in a row:

      scala> <a> {{{{brace yourself!}}}} </a>
      res1: scala.xml.Elem = <a> {{brace yourself!}} </a>

    8.2.       xml文件

    xml.XML loadString "<p></p>"

    xml.XML loadFile "abc.xml"


    xml.XML.saveFull("foo.xml", node, "UTF-8", xmlDecl: Boolean, doctype : DocType)

    8.3.      读取:

    val x = <r>{(1 to 5).map(i => <e>{i}</e>)}</r>

    // <r><e>1</e><e>2</e><e>3</e><e>4</e><e>5</e></r>

    (x "e") map (_.text.toInt) // List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


    val x0 = <users>

    <user name="qh"><age>20</age></user>

    <user name="james"><age>30</age></user>


    (x0 "user") // <user name="qh"><age>20</age></user>, <user name="james"><age>30</age></user>)

    (x0 "user" "age") // (<age>20</age>, <age>30</age>)

    (x0 "age")  // 直接下级: ()

    (x0 \ "age") // 全部下级:(<age>20</age>, <age>30</age>)

    (x0 "_") 全部

    8.4       訪问属性

    val x = <uu><u name="qh" /><u name="james" /><u name="qiu" /></uu>

    scala> (x "u" \ "@name") foreach println



    val data =

      <item name="bread" quantity="3" price="2.50"/>
      <item name="milk" quantity="2" price="3.50"/>
    < /shopping>

    val res = for (item <- data "item" ; 
                     price = (item "@price").text.toDouble ; 
                     qty = (item "@quantity").text.toInt)
               yield (price * qty)

    printf("$%.2f ", res.sum)

    8.5       Deserialization

    You can write of a serializer, a parser from XML back into your internal data structures. For example, you can parse back a CCTherm instance by using the following code:

    def fromXML(node: scala.xml.Node): CCTherm =
        new CCTherm {
            val description = (node "description").text
            val yearMade = (node "yearMade").text.toInt
            val dateObtained = (node "dateObtained").text
            val bookPrice = (node "bookPrice").text.toInt
            val purchasePrice = (node "purchasePrice").text.toInt
            val condition = (node "condition").text.toInt

    This code searches through an input XML node, named node, to find each of the six pieces of data needed to specify a CCTherm. The data that is text is extracted with .text and left as is.

    8.6     格式化输出

    val pp = new xml.PrettyPrinter(80, 4)  // 行宽 80,缩进为 4  

    pp formatNodes <b><a/></b>  






    8.7     Pattern matching on XML

    A pattern embedded in {} can use the full Scala pattern language, including binding new variables, performing type tests, and ignoring content using the _ and _* patterns. Here is a simple example:
    def proc(node: scala.xml.Node): String =
    node match {
    case <a>{contents}</a> => "It's an a: "+ contents
    case <b>{contents}</b> => "It's a b: "+ contents
    case _ => "It's something else."

    scala> proc(<a>apple</a>)
    res16: String = It's an a: apple
    scala> proc(<b>banana</b>)
    res17: String = It's a b: banana

    scala> proc(<c>cherry</c>)
    res18: String = It's something else.

    val catalog =

        <description>hot dog #5</description>
        <dateObtained>March 14, 2006</dateObtained>
        <description>Sprite Boy</description>
        <dateObtained>April 28, 2003</dateObtained>


    catalog match {
      case <catalog>{therms @ _*}</catalog> =>
        for (therm @ <cctherm>{_*}</cctherm> <therms)
          println("processing: "+(therm "description").text)

    processing: hot dog #5
    processing: Sprite Boy

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