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  • 线段树(结构体建法_QAQ)


    using namespace std;
    typedef long long ll;
    int ans;
    struct node
        int l, r, w;
        int f;
    struct node tree[50000 * 4 + 1];
    void BuildSegmentTree(int k, int l, int r)     // 建线段树
        tree[k].l = l;
        tree[k].r = r;
        if(l == r)
            scanf("%lld", &tree[k].w);
            return ;
        int m = (tree[k].l + tree[k].r) >> 1;
        BuildSegmentTree(k << 1, l, m);
        BuildSegmentTree(k << 1 | 1, m + 1, r);
        tree[k].w = tree[k << 1].w + tree[k << 1 | 1].w;
    void down(int k)                      // 懒标记
        tree[k << 1].f += tree[k].f;
        tree[k << 1 | 1].f += tree[k].f;
        tree[k << 1]. w += tree[k].f * (tree[k << 1].r - tree[k <<1].l + 1);
        tree[k << 1 |1].w += tree[k].f * (tree[k << 1| 1].r - tree[k << 1| 1].l + 1);
        tree[k].f = 0;
    void Single_Point_Modification(int k, int x, int y)   // 单点修改
        if(tree[k].l == tree[k].r)
            tree[k].w += y;
            return ;
        int m = (tree[k].l + tree[k].r) >> 1;
        if(x <= m) Single_Point_Modification(k << 1,x, y);
        else Single_Point_Modification(k << 1 | 1, x, y);
        tree[k].w = tree[k << 1].w + tree[k << 1 | 1]. w;
    void Single_Point_Query(int k, int x)     // 单点查询
        if(tree[k].l == tree[k].r)
            ans = tree[k].w;
            return ;
        if(tree[k].f) down(k);
        int m = (tree[k].l + tree[k].r) >> 1;
        if(x <= m) Single_Point_Query(k << 1, x);
        else Single_Point_Query(k << 1 | 1, x);
    void Interval_modification(int k, int x, int y,int z)  //区间修改
        if(tree[k].l >= x && tree[k].r <= y)
            tree[k].w += (tree[k].r - tree[k].l + 1) * z;
            tree[k].f += z;
        if(tree[k].f) down(k);
        int m = (tree[k].l + tree[k].r) >> 1;
        if(x <= m) Interval_modification(k << 1, x, y, z);
        if(y > m) Interval_modification(k << 1 | 1, x, y, z);
        tree[k].w = tree[k << 1].w + tree[k << 1 | 1].w;
    void Interval_Query(int k, int x, int y)  //区间查询
        if(tree[k].l >= x && tree[k].r <= y)
            ans += tree[k].w;
            return ;
        if(tree[k].f) down(k);
        int m = (tree[k].l + tree[k].r) / 2;
        if(x <= m) Interval_Query(k << 1, x, y);
        if(y > m) Interval_Query(k << 1 | 1, x, y);
    char s[10];
    int main()
        int T, n;
            int cas = 0;
                scanf("%d", &n);
                printf("Case %d:
    ",++ cas);
                    int x, y, z;
                    if(s[0] == 'E')break;
                    else if(s[0]== 'A')  // 区间修改
                        scanf("%d %d %d", &x, &y, &z);
                    else if(s[0] =='B')   // 区间查询
                        ans = 0;
                        scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);
                        Interval_Query(1, x, y);
                    else if(s[0]=='C')  // 单点修改
                        scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);
                    else if(s[0]=='D')  // 单点查询
                        ans = 0;
                        scanf("%d", &x);
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lcchy/p/10139640.html
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