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  • 多线程访问共享对象和数据的方式



     1 public class MulteThreadlShareData {
     2     public static void main(String[] args) {
     3         ShareData shareData = new ShareData();
     4         new Thread(shareData).start();
     5         new Thread(shareData).start();
     6     }
     8     static class ShareData implements Runnable{
     9         int count = 100;
    10         @Override
    11         public void run() {
    12             while(count>0){
    13                 decrease();
    14             }
    15         }
    16         public synchronized void decrease(){
    17             count--;
    18             System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"this count: "+count);
    19         }
    21     }
    22 }


    •   将共享数据封装在另一个对象中,然后将这个对象逐一传递给各个runnable对象中。每个线程共享数据的操作方法也分配到了这个对象身上去完成,这样容易实现针对该数据进行共享数据的互斥和通信。代码实现如下:
       1 public class MulteThreadlShareData2 {
       2     public static void main(String[] args) {
       3         final ShareData shareData = new ShareData();
       4         new Thread(new Decrease(shareData)).start();
       5         new Thread(new Increment(shareData)).start();
       6     }
       8     static class Decrease implements Runnable{
       9         private ShareData shareData;
      10         public Decrease(ShareData shareData){
      11             this.shareData=shareData;
      12         }
      13         @Override
      14         public void run() {
      15             shareData.decrease();
      16         }
      18     }
      19     static class Increment implements Runnable{
      20         private ShareData shareData;
      21         public Increment(ShareData shareData){
      22             this.shareData=shareData;
      23         }
      24         @Override
      25         public void run() {
      26             shareData.increment();
      27         }
      29     }
      31     static class ShareData{
      32         int count = 100;
      33         public synchronized void decrease(){
      34             count--;
      35             System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"decrease this count: "+count);
      36         }
      37         public synchronized void increment(){
      38             count++;
      39             System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"increment this count: "+count);
      40         }
      41     }
      42 }
    •   将这些runnable对象作为某个类的内部类,共享数据作为这个外部类的成员变量,每个线程对共享数据的操作也分配到外部类,以便实现对共享数据进行的各个操作进行互斥和通信,作为内部类的各个runnable对象调用外部类的这些方法。
       1 public class MulteThreadlShareData3 {
       2     static int count = 100;
       3     public static void main(String[] args) {
       4         new Thread(new Decrease()).start();
       5         new Thread(new Increment()).start();
       7     }
       8     public synchronized static void decrease(){
       9         count--;
      10         System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"decrease this count: "+count);
      11     }
      12     public synchronized static void increment(){
      13         count++;
      14         System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"increment this count: "+count);
      15     }
      16     static class Decrease implements Runnable{
      17         @Override
      18         public void run() {
      19             decrease();
      20         }
      22     }
      23     static class Increment implements Runnable{
      24         @Override
      25         public void run() {
      26             increment();
      27         }
      29     }
      30 }
    •   上面两种方式的结合:将共享数据封装到另一个对象中,各个线程对共享数据操作的方法也分配到那个对象上去完成,对象作为外部类的成员变量或方法的局部变量,每个runnable对象作为外部类中的成员内部类或局部内部类。
       1 public class MulteThreadlShareData1 {
       2     public static void main(String[] args) {
       3         final ShareData shareData = new ShareData();
       4         new Thread(new Runnable() {
       5             @Override
       6             public void run() {
       7                 while(true){
       8                     shareData.decrease();
       9                 }    
      10             }
      11         }).start();
      12         new Thread(new Runnable() {
      13             @Override
      14             public void run() {
      15                 while(true){
      16                     shareData.increment();
      17                 }
      19             }
      20         }).start();
      21     }
      23     static class ShareData{
      24         int count = 100;
      25         public synchronized void decrease(){
      26             count--;
      27             System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"this count: "+count);
      28         }
      29         public synchronized void increment(){
      30             count++;
      31             System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"this count: "+count);
      32         }
      33     }
      34 }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lcngu/p/5150024.html
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