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  • NLP Calculate the similarity of any two articles resume version


    Calculate the similarity of any two course

    -Design a program to implement the retrieval of similar courses on corsera by using NLP

    -Implement input a coursara course to find the top 10 courses similar to it by using python and accuracy can be above 90% 

    -Use the Topic model to solve this problem, mapping the text content to the Topic's dimensions, and then calculating its similarity. 

    -Utilized :Python,NLTK,genius,Topic model,lsi,tf*idf

    基于 语料库当年为了保研究生 向tsinghua university apply the master degree 


    download: https://www.aminer.cn/citation

    Calculate the similarity of any two articles

    基于关键词 :https://www.jiqizhixin.com/articles/2018-11-14-17


    tf-idf算出词频 然后作为文本的向量


    基于LSI模型的课程索引建立完毕,我们以Andrew Ng教授的机器学习公开课为例,这门课程在我们的coursera_corpus文件的第211行,也就是:

    >>> print courses_name[210]
    Machine Learning

    >>> ml_course = texts[210]
    >>> ml_bow = dicionary.doc2bow(ml_course)
    >>> ml_lsi = lsi[ml_bow]
    >>> print ml_lsi
    [(0, 8.3270084238788673), (1, 0.91295652151975082), (2, -0.28296075112669405), (3, 0.0011599008827843801), (4, -4.1820134980024255), (5, -0.37889856481054851), (6, 2.0446999575052125), (7, 2.3297944485200031), (8, -0.32875594265388536), (9, -0.30389668455507612)]
    >>> sims = index[ml_lsi]
    >>> sort_sims = sorted(enumerate(sims), key=lambda item: -item[1])

    >>> print sort_sims[0:10]
    [(210, 1.0), (174, 0.97812241), (238, 0.96428639), (203, 0.96283489), (63, 0.9605484), (189, 0.95390636), (141, 0.94975704), (184, 0.94269753), (111, 0.93654782), (236, 0.93601125)]

    >>> print courses_name[210]
    Machine Learning

    第二门课是Coursera上另一位大牛Pedro Domingos机器学习公开课
    >>> print courses_name[174]
    Machine Learning

    第三门课是Coursera的另一位创始人,同样是大牛的Daphne Koller教授的概率图模型公开课
    >>> print courses_name[238]
    Probabilistic Graphical Models

    第四门课是另一位超级大牛Geoffrey Hinton的神经网络公开课,有同学评价是Deep Learning的必修课。
    >>> print courses_name[203]
    Neural Networks for Machine Learning


    # -*- coding:gb2312 -*-
    from gensim import corpora, models, similarities
    from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
    from nltk.corpus import brown

    //文本做一些格式上的处理 courses=[] temp="" for line in file('aaa'): if(line!=" "): temp =temp+line.strip()+" " else: courses.append(temp) temp="" courses_name = [] for course in courses: x=course.strip().split(' ') courses_name.append(x[0].strip('#*')) print courses_name[0:3] document=['#*AD','ADdd'] document=document[0].decode('utf-8').lower() print document
    //将文本分词 texts_tokenized = [[word.lower() for word in word_tokenize(document.decode('utf-8'))] for document in courses] print texts_tokenized[0]
    //去掉停用词 from nltk.corpus import stopwords english_stopwords = stopwords.words('english') texts_filtered_stopwords = [[word for word in document if not word in english_stopwords] for document in texts_tokenized] print texts_filtered_stopwords[0] english_punctuations = [',', '.', ':', ';', '?', '(', ')', '[', ']', '&', '!', '*', '@', '#', '$', '%'] //词根
    from nltk.stem.lancaster import LancasterStemmer texts_filtered = [[word for word in document if not word in english_punctuations] for document in texts_filtered_stopwords] print texts_filtered[0] st = LancasterStemmer() texts_stemmed = [[st.stem(word) for word in docment] for docment in texts_filtered] print texts_stemmed[0] all_stems = sum(texts_stemmed, []) stems_once = set(stem for stem in set(all_stems) if all_stems.count(stem) == 2)#去掉次数为2的低频词汇 texts = [[stem for stem in text if stem not in stems_once] for text in texts_stemmed] print texts f
    rom gensim import corpora, models, similarities import logging logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) // 构造词典 dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(texts) corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts]
    //计算tf-idf tfidf = models.TfidfModel(corpus)
    corpus_tfidf = tfidf[corpus]‘
    lsi = models.LsiModel(corpus_tfidf, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=10)
    //做成索引 index = similarities.MatrixSimilarity(lsi[corpus])
    ml_course = texts[15]
    //转成向量 ml_bow = dictionary.doc2bow(ml_course)
    现在我们就可以通过lsi模型将这门课程映射到10个topic主题模型空间上,然后和其他课程计算相似 ml_lsi = lsi[ml_bow] print ml_lsi sims = index[ml_lsi] sort_sims = sorted(enumerate(sims), key=lambda item: -item[1]) print sort_sims[1:11] #print courses_name[23


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