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  • c#——NPOL下载


    首先,需要在项目中添加NPOL引用,然后引用程序集进行代码编写,核心代码如下 ,由此可研究一下到处动态列表数据

     1 //生成excel
     2 public static void RenderToExcel<T>(string title, IEnumerable<T> data, HttpContextBase context, string fileName) where T : class
     3 {
     4   using (MemoryStream ms = RenderToExcel(title, data))
     5   {
     6     RenderToBrowser(ms, context, fileName);
     7   }
     8 }
     9 //输出到浏览器
    10 private static void RenderToBrowser(MemoryStream ms, HttpContextBase context, string fileName)
    11 {
    12   if (context.Request.Browser.Browser == "InternetExplorer")
    13     fileName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileName);//编码
    14   context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;fileName=" + fileName);
    15   context.Response.BinaryWrite(ms.ToArray()); //进行二进制流下载
    16 }
    17 //生成excel内存流
    18 public static MemoryStream RenderToExcel<T>(string title,IEnumerable<T> data)where T : class
    19 {
    20   if (typeof(T).GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DataContractAttribute)) == null)
    21   {
    22     var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();  //获取所有公共属性
    23     Dictionary<PropertyInfo, string> columnNames = new Dictionary<PropertyInfo, string>();
    24     foreach (var p in properties)
    25     {
    26       var attr = p.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DataMemberAttribute)) as DataMemberAttribute; //获取属性的绑定特性名
    27       if (attr == null)
    28       {
    29         columnNames.Add(p, p.Name); 
    30       }
    31       else
    32       {
    33         columnNames.Add(p, attr.Name);
    34       }
    35     }
    36     IWorkbook workbook = GetIWorkbook(null, ".xls");  //创建一个工作薄
    37     ISheet sheet=workbook.CreateSheet();//创建一个工作页
    38     #region 标题及字段赋值
    39     if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title))
    40     {  
    41       IRow firstrow=sheet.CreateRow(0); 
    42       firstrow.CreateCell(columnNames.Count / 2).SetCellValue(title);
    43     }
    44      IRow headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(1);int columnId = 0;
    45     foreach (var p in columnNames.Keys)
    46     {
    47       headerRow.CreateCell(columnId++).SetCellValue(columnNames[p]);
    48     }
    49     #endregion
    50     #region 数据赋值 
    51     int rowIndex = 2;foreach (var item in data)
    52     {
    53       columnId = 0;
    54       IRow dataRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex++);
    55       foreach (var p in columnNames.Keys)
    56       {
    57         dataRow.CreateCell(columnId++).SetCellValue(p.GetValue(item) == null? string.Empty: p.GetValue(item).ToString());
    58       }
    59     }
    60     #endregion  
    61     AutoSizeColumns(sheet); 
    62      MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); 
    63        workbook.Write(ms); //写入内存流 
    64        ms.Flush();
    65        ms.Position = 0;  
    66        workbook = null;
    67        sheet = null;
    68        return ms;
    69 } 
    71 //创建对应格式的工作薄
    72 private static IWorkbook GetIWorkbook(Stream excelFileStream, string ext)
    73 {
    74   if (ext == ".xlsx") 
    75     return excelFileStream == null ? new XSSFWorkbook() : new XSSFWorkbook(excelFileStream);
    76   return excelFileStream == null ? new HSSFWorkbook() : new HSSFWorkbook(excelFileStream);
    77   }
    78 }
    79 //设置列自适应
    80 private static void AutoSizeColumns(ISheet sheet)
    81 {
    82   if (sheet.PhysicalNumberOfRows > 0)
    83   {
    84     IRow headerRow = sheet.GetRow(0);
    85     for (int i = 0, l = headerRow.LastCellNum; i < l; i++)
    86     {
    87      sheet.AutoSizeColumn(i);
    88     }
    89   }
    90 }
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