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  • jQuery.Flot开发手记






    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../../jquery.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../../jquery.flot.js"></script>


    <div id="placeholder" class="demo-placeholder"></div>


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function() {
            var d1 = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < 14; i += 0.5) {
                d1.push([i, Math.sin(i)]);
            var d2 = [[0, 3], [4, 8], [8, 5], [9, 13]];
            var d3 = [[0, 12], [7, 12], null, [7, 2.5], [12, 2.5]];
            $.plot("#placeholder", [ d1, d2, d3 ]);
            // Add the Flot version string to the footer
            $("#footer").prepend("Flot " + $.plot.version + " &ndash; ");



    var options = {
        series: {
            lines: { show: true },
            points: { show: true }
    $.plot(placeholder, data, options);


    legend: {
        show: boolean
        labelFormatter: null or (fn: string, series object -> string)
        labelBoxBorderColor: color
        noColumns: number
        position: "ne" or "nw" or "se" or "sw"
        margin: number of pixels or [x margin, y margin]
        backgroundColor: null or color
        backgroundOpacity: number between 0 and 1
        container: null or jQuery object/DOM element/jQuery expression
        sorted: null/false, true, "ascending", "descending", "reverse", or a comparator
    labelFormatter: function(label, series) {
        // series is the series object for the label
        return '<a href="#' + label + '">' + label + '</a>';
    sorted: function(a, b) {
        // sort alphabetically in ascending order
        return a.label == b.label ? 0 : (
            a.label > b.label ? 1 : -1


    xaxis, yaxis: {
        show: null or true/false
        position: "bottom" or "top" or "left" or "right"
        mode: null or "time" ("time" requires jquery.flot.time.js plugin)
        timezone: null, "browser" or timezone (only makes sense for mode: "time")
        color: null or color spec
        tickColor: null or color spec//指定了坐标线的颜色
        font: null or font spec object
        min: null or number//缩放的时候明确最大最小值
        max: null or number
        autoscaleMargin: null or number
        transform: null or fn: number -> number//绘制的时候用于回调,可以改变绘制时的值
        inverseTransform: null or fn: number -> number//canvas坐标转数据坐标会调用
        ticks: null or number or ticks array or (fn: axis -> ticks array)
        tickSize: number or array
        minTickSize: number or array
        tickFormatter: (fn: number, object -> string) or string
        tickDecimals: null or number//小数
        labelWidth: null or number
        labelHeight: null or number
        reserveSpace: null or true
        tickLength: null or number
        alignTicksWithAxis: null or number
        size: 11,
        lineHeight: 13,
        style: "italic",
        weight: "bold",
        family: "sans-serif",
        variant: "small-caps",
        color: "#545454"
    ticks: [[0, "zero"], [1.2, "one mark"], [2.4, "two marks"]]
    xaxis: {
        mode: "time",
        timeformat: "%Y/%m/%d"
    %a: weekday name (customizable)
    %b: month name (customizable)
    %d: day of month, zero-padded (01-31)
    %e: day of month, space-padded ( 1-31)
    %H: hours, 24-hour time, zero-padded (00-23)
    %I: hours, 12-hour time, zero-padded (01-12)
    %m: month, zero-padded (01-12)
    %M: minutes, zero-padded (00-59)
    %q: quarter (1-4)
    %S: seconds, zero-padded (00-59)
    %y: year (two digits)
    %Y: year (four digits)
    %p: am/pm
    %P: AM/PM (uppercase version of %p)
    %w: weekday as number (0-6, 0 being Sunday)
    monthNames: ["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "maj", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "okt", "nov", "dec"]
    dayNames: ["dim", "lun", "mar", "mer", "jeu", "ven", "sam"]
    tickFormatter: function (val, axis) {
        var d = new Date(val);
        return d.getUTCDate() + "/" + (d.getUTCMonth() + 1);


    series: {
        lines, points, bars: {
            show: boolean
            lineWidth: number
            fill: boolean or number
            fillColor: null or color/gradient
        lines, bars: {
            zero: boolean
        points: {
            radius: number
            symbol: "circle" or function
        bars: {
            barWidth: number
            align: "left", "right" or "center"
            horizontal: boolean
        lines: {
            steps: boolean
        shadowSize: number
        highlightColor: color or number
    colors: [ color1, color2, ... ]
    function cross(ctx, x, y, radius, shadow) {
        var size = radius * Math.sqrt(Math.PI) / 2;
        ctx.moveTo(x - size, y - size);
        ctx.lineTo(x + size, y + size);
        ctx.moveTo(x - size, y + size);
        ctx.lineTo(x + size, y - size);


    grid: {
        show: boolean
        aboveData: boolean
        color: color
        backgroundColor: color/gradient or null
        margin: number or margin object
        labelMargin: number//刻度边距
        axisMargin: number//坐标边距
        markings: array of markings or (fn: axes -> array of markings)//用于在背景划线或矩形区域
        borderWidth: number or object with "top", "right", "bottom" and "left" properties with different widths
        borderColor: color or null or object with "top", "right", "bottom" and "left" properties with different colors
        minBorderMargin: number or null
        clickable: boolean//点击事件响应
        hoverable: boolean
        autoHighlight: boolean
        mouseActiveRadius: number
    interaction: {
        redrawOverlayInterval: number or -1
    margin: {
        top: top margin in pixels
        left: left margin in pixels
        bottom: bottom margin in pixels
        right: right margin in pixels
    markings: [ { xaxis: { from: 0, to: 2 }, yaxis: { from: 10, to: 10 }, color: "#bb0000" }, ... ]
    markings: [ { yaxis: { from: 1, to: 1 } }, ... ]
    markings: function (axes) {
        var markings = [];
        for (var x = Math.floor(axes.xaxis.min); x < axes.xaxis.max; x += 2)
            markings.push({ xaxis: { from: x, to: x + 1 } });
        return markings;
    //响应点击事件 "plotclick"或"plothover"
    $.plot($("#placeholder"), [ d ], { grid: { clickable: true } });
    $("#placeholder").bind("plotclick", function (event, pos, item) {
        alert("You clicked at " + pos.x + ", " + pos.y);
        // axis coordinates for other axes, if present, are in pos.x2, pos.x3, ...
        // if you need global screen coordinates, they are pos.pageX, pos.pageY
        if (item) {
            highlight(item.series, item.datapoint);
            alert("You clicked a point!");
    item: {
        datapoint: the point, e.g. [0, 2]
        dataIndex: the index of the point in the data array
        series: the series object
        seriesIndex: the index of the series
        pageX, pageY: the global screen coordinates of the point



    function(event, pos, item) {
    if (item) {
    if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) {
    previousPoint = item.dataIndex;
    var x = item.datapoint[0],
    y = item.datapoint[1];
    var newDate = new Date();
    var x_value = newDate.toLocaleDateString();
    if ((x + "").length < 3)
    x_value = x + ":00";
    showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY,
    item.series.label + "(" + x_value + "):" + y);
    } else {
    previousPoint = null;
    function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {
        $('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css({
            position: 'absolute',
            display: 'none',
            top: y + 5,
            left: x + 15,
            border: '1px solid #333',
            padding: '4px',
            color: '#fff',
            'border-radius': '3px',
            'background-color': '#333',
            opacity: 0.80
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/leestar54/p/5208633.html
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