SOAPdenovo是一个新颖的适用于组装短reads的方法,能组装出类似人类基因组大小的de novo草图。
该软件特地设计用来组装Illumina GA short reads,新的版本减少了在图创建时的内存消耗,解决了contig组装时的重复区域的问题,增加了scaffold组装时的覆盖度和长度,改进了gap closing,更加适用于大型基因组组装。
一般大型基因组组装项目都会有多个文库,配置文件包含文库的位置信息 以及 其他信息。
配置文件包含 全局信息 和 多个文库部分信息。
1) avg_ins
2) reverse_seq
这个选项有 0 或 1 两个选项,它告诉组装器read序列是否需要被完全反转。Illumima GA 产生两种 paired-end 文库:一是forward-reverse;另一个是 reverse-forward。"reverse_seq"参数应该如下设置:0,forward-reverse(由典型的插入长度少于500 bp的DNA末端片段生成);1,reverse-forward(由环状文库,典型的2 kb以上的文库生成)。
3) asm_flags
决定reads哪一段会被利用,1(仅进行contig组装);2(仅进行scaffold组装);3(contig和scaffold都组装);4(只进行gap closure)。
4) rd_len_cutof
5) rank
6) pair_num_cutoff
该参数是成对number的 cutoff value,为了得到两条contigs的可靠的连接 或 pre-scaffolds。paired-end reads and mate-pair reads 的最小数量分别是 3 和 5.
7) map_len
这个参数在“map”阶段生效,它是read 和 contig 的最小比对长度,用来建立一个可靠的read定位。
paired-end reads and mate-pair reads 的最小的长度分别是 32 和 35.
组装器接受三种read格式:FASTA, FASTQ and BAM。
配置文件中,单端文件用"f=/path/filename" or "q=/pah/filename" 表示 fasta or fastq 格式。
双端reads被放在两个fasta文件中,分别为"f1=" and "f2="。fastq文件由"q1=" and "q2="表示。
双端reads如果全在一个fasta文件中,则用"p=" 选项;reads在bam文件中则用"b=".选项。
${bin} all -s config_file -K 63 -R -o graph_prefix 1>ass.log 2>ass.err
${bin} pregraph -s config_file -K 63 -R -o graph_prefix 1>pregraph.log 2>pregraph.err OR ${bin} sparse_pregraph -s config_file -K 63 -z 5000000000 -R -o graph_prefix 1>pregraph.log 2>pregraph.err
${bin} contig -g graph_prefix -R 1>contig.log 2>contig.err
${bin} map -s config_file -g graph_prefix 1>map.log 2>map.err
${bin} scaff -g graph_prefix -F 1>scaff.log 2>scaff.err
all (pregraph-contig-map-scaff)的参数
-s <string> 配置文件:config -o <string> 输出图:输出图文件名的前缀 -K <int> kmer(最小 13, 最大 63/127): kmer size, [23] -p <int> cpu核数 [8] -a <int> 初始的内存:避免内存再分配,单位为G [0] -d <int> KmerFreqCutoff: kmers with frequency no larger than KmerFreqCutoff will be deleted, [0] -R (optional) resolve repeats by reads, [NO] -D <int> EdgeCovCutoff: edges with coverage no larger than EdgeCovCutoff will be deleted, [1] -M <int> mergeLevel(min 0, max 3): the strength of merging similar sequences during contiging, [1] -m <int> max k when using multi kmer -e <int> weight to filter arc when linearize two edges(default 0) -r (optional) keep available read(*.read) -E (optional) merge clean bubble before iterate -f (optional) output gap related reads in map step for using SRkgf to fill gap, [NO] -k <int> kmer_R2C(min 13, max 63): kmer size used for mapping read to contig, [K] -F (optional) fill gaps in scaffold, [NO] -u (optional) un-mask contigs with high/low coverage before scaffolding, [mask] -w (optional) keep contigs weakly connected to other contigs in scaffold, [NO] -G <int> gapLenDiff: allowed length difference between estimated and filled gap, [50] -L <int> minContigLen: shortest contig for scaffolding, [K+2] -c <float> minContigCvg: minimum contig coverage (c*avgCvg), contigs shorter than 100bp with coverage smaller than c*avgCvg will be masked before scaffolding unless -u is set, [0.1] -C <float> maxContigCvg: maximum contig coverage (C*avgCvg), contigs with coverage larger than C*avgCvg or contigs shorter than 100bp with coverage larger than 0.8*C*avgCvg will be masked before scaffolding unless -u is set, [2] -b <float> insertSizeUpperBound: (b*avg_ins) will be used as upper bound of insert size for large insert size ( > 1000) when handling pair-end connections between contigs if b is set to larger than 1, [1.5] -B <float> bubbleCoverage: remove contig with lower cvoerage in bubble structure if both contigs coverage are smaller than bubbleCoverage*avgCvg, [0.6] -N <int> 基因组大小 [0] -V (optional) 组装的可视化信息输出 [NO]