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  • Greengenes Database(16S)

    The Greengenes Database Release 13_5

    The Greengenes Database, a public resource since 2002 (DeSantis 2003, DeSantis 2006, McDonald 2011), is a well-characterized and curated database of small subunit ribosomal near-full length sequences from the kingdoms Bacteria and Archaea(细菌和古菌). With every release, a de novo phylogenetic tree(系统发生树) is constructed that incorporates the novel branching patterns, branch length and candidate divisions of the sequences that have been deposited into public databases since the prior release. Latest versions are available for download at http://greengenes.secondgenome.com.

    Greengenes is operated and maintained by an international consortium, The Greengenes Database Consortium, representing academic and biotech interests. Many improvements and changes have been made to the process by which the database is built in an effort to streamline the release cycle. For this release, a few major changes have been made:

    1. Chimera detection now relies on UCHIME (Edgar 2011) using, as a reference, consensus sequences derived from the 94% OTUs from Greengenes 12_10. Previously identified chimeras are still considered chimeric.
    2. The inference for determining if a record named_isolate, unnamed_isolate, or clone has been dramatically improved. All existing Greengenes records have been updated and now reflect the improved decision status.
    3. Mappings to the Integrated Microbial Genomes databas v400 are now provided. See gg_13_5_img.txt for a mapping between the Greengenes ID and IMG genomes.
    4. PyNAST aligned sequences are now provided, and are included in the ARB database. Thank you Les Dethlefsen for pointing out the need for these.
    5. Taxon names above the rank of genus种 with square brackets are names proposed by the greengenes curators and will not be found in NCBI. Genus names with square brackets are contested names (usually due to polyphyly of the genus) some of which will be found in NCBI.
    As always, various taxonomic updates have been made and over the last few months, we have received valuable feedback about the taxonomy. Specifically,we'd like to thank the following people who provided feedback on errors or inconsistencies in the taxonomy: Greengenes is a living project, and we sincerely value comments from the community, and are working on improving the methods in which we can better
    solicit taxonomic feedback.
    Methods. Sequences not previously observed were obtained from Genbank during January of 2013. These records were parsed for viable sequence. All obtained sequences were run through SSU-Align 0.1 (Nawrocki 2009). SSU-Align was run as follows: First, ssu-prep was specified with –dna and set to perform a parallel
    run. Second, the alignments were run through ssu-mask specifying –dna, to output as aligned FASTA (--afa) and to use the default SSU-Align masks (-d). Sequences that aligned were then filtered by length, dropping all reads less then 1200nt, tallied after SSU-Align deleted bases not fitting its secondary structure model. The remaining sequences were then inflated to NAST width. Thisbag of reads were run through UCHIME. The reference database used was composed of consensus sequences from the 94% GG_12_10 OTUs requiring a minimum of 10 sequences per cluster. Any sequence flagged as chimeric that bridge classes or higher were dropped and Any sequence with >= 1% of non-ACGT bases was dropped. Any sequence with >10% of positions that varied on invariant 16S positions was dropped 
    OTU picking. Sequences were sorted as to increase stability in the picked representative sequences. The following preferences were used:
    1) in the previous release
    2) correctly named isolate
    3) length
    OTUs were picked using QIIME (Caporaso, et al. 2011) and UCLUST (Edgar, 2010)  where the sequences clustered were unaligned 16S reads. UCLUST was run after sorting by the above criteria.
    Initial tree construction was performed using FastTree (Price, et al 2010) with the representative sequences from the 99% OTUs. The parameters specified to FastTree were “-nt -gamma -fastest -no2nd -spr 4” as recommended by FastTree’s author, Morgan Price. A donor taxonomy based off the previous Greengenes release was decorated onto the tree. 
    Taxonomy curation was performed on the 99% tree and expanded out to the full set of sequences. Taxonomy verification was performed to ensure that all paths through the tree contained all 7 levels of the taxonomy in proper order, and that the taxonomy itself formed a true hierarchy (custom scripts at the moment, see now below about Greengenes source code).
    File listing and descriptions. All files are prefixed with gg_<release> where the <release> is composed of <year>_<month>. For instance, gg_13_5 refers to the Greengenes release for May 2013.
        # This file
        # Important changes since the last release
        # Planned changes and additions including release dates
        # Quick stats on the number of sequences included at various similarity levels
        # 99% OTU rooted tree with taxonomy decorated
           # Phylogenetic reconstruction performed with FastTree (Price, et al 2010)
           # Base taxonomy decorated with tax2tree (McDonald, et al 2011)
        #很重要, 每条序列的分类学记录    
        # Full taxonomy for every sequence in the release.
           # All taxonomy strings are strictly 7 level and prefixed
        # 没有比对上的序列
        # Full release unaligned sequences (no bases dropped).
        # 比对上的序列
        # Full release aligned sequences 
           # Sequences were aligned with SSU#Align (Nawrocki 2009). As a consequence of this software, bases corresponding to structural diversions from SSU
           #Align’s model are removed from the sequence. It is not recommended to use this alignment for probe design or any other operation where you need access to all contiguous bases in the sequence.
           # Each sequence is represented with 7,682 characters.  Dashes (#) represent either missing data, as on the 5‘ and 3‘ termini, or an alignment gap, as is interspersed throughout the sequence.
        # 比对序列
        # Near full release of aligned sequences. Approximately 1400 sequences that were alignable by SSU Align failed PyNAST (Caporaso 2010) alignment. The original Greengenes coreset was used which, due to out#of#date coverage, probably contributed to the alignment failures.
        # ID之间对应关系
        # A mapping from Greengenes IDs to external databases
           # This is primarily Genbank references, but includes a few hundred links to IMG genome IDs as there was not an automatic means to infer some of the NCBI accessions.
        # 与IMG之间的ID对应关系
        # A mapping specifically between Greengenes IDs and IMG Genomes.
           # Performed by accession not nearest neighbor
        # QIIME (Caporaso, et al 2011) compatible OTUs
           # Sequences are sorted to place seed preference on:
           # in the previous release
           # named isolates
           # longer sequences
           # Clusters are determined using QIIME#wrapped UCLUST (Edgar 2010)
           # Now includes the representative sequences as aligned by SSU#Align and can be used as a template for PyNAST. 
           # Code can be obtained from
           # https://github.com/qiime#dev/nested_reference_otus
           # commit 821a98df6773ea4e4d209af20b9a8cf34d00324
        # Full Greengenes records
           # This is a mysqldump. The user is 'greengenes' without a password. The database is named 'greengenes'
           # NOTE: This database currently only contains sequence information for those records included in the release, however all examined Genbank records that contained alignable 16S are described. This is a work in progress with additional record data and functionality to be added in subsequent releases
        # 嵌合体黑名单
        # The current chimera blacklist
    Source code. Parts of the Greengenes code base are provided here: https://github.com/greengenes/Greengenes However, the provided code is still quite limited. We're continuing to make changes on the backend of Greengenes, and the structure of the code base has not yet finalized.
  • 相关阅读:
    第八章 前端框架
    第六章 用户管理
    第五章 权限验证
    第四章 功能初始化
    第三章 项目结构
    第二章 基于二进制进行权限管理的理论知识
    第一章 权限管理DEMO简介
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/leezx/p/6434412.html
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