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  • 多对多实例



    from django.db import models
    # Create your models here.
    class Business(models.Model):

    class Host(models.Model):
        b=models.ForeignKey('Business',to_field='id',on_delete = models.CASCADE)
    # , on_delete = models.CASCADE

    class Application(models.Model):

    # class HostToApp(models.Model):
    #     hobj=models.ForeignKey(to='Host',to_field='nid',on_delete = models.CASCADE)
    #     aobj=models.ForeignKey(to='Application',to_field='id',on_delete = models.CASCADE)


    s14day20 URL Configuration
    from django.contrib import admin
    from django.conf.urls import url
    from app01 import views
    urlpatterns = [
        url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
        url(r'^business/$', views.business),
        url(r'^host/$', views.host),
        url(r'^test_ajax$', views.test_ajax),
        url(r'^app$', views.app),
        url(r'^ajax_add_app$', views.ajax_add_app),


    from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse,redirect
    from app01 import models
    import json
    # Create your views here.

    def business(request):
        # QuerySet

        # QuerySet
        # [{'id':1, 'caption':'运维部'},{'id':2, 'caption':'开发部'},{'id':3, 'caption':'市场部'}]

        # QuerySet
        # [(1,运维部),(2,开发),()]

        return render(request,'business.html',{'V1':v1,'V2':v2,'V3':v3})

    # def host(request):
    #     v1=models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gte=0)
    #     for row in v1:
    #         print(row.nid,row.hostname,row.ip,row.port,row.b_id,row.b,row.b.id,row.b.caption,row.b.code,sep=" ")
    #     v2=models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gte=0).values('nid','hostname','b_id','b__caption')
    #     # 跨表用双下划线__
    #     # 字典类型 QuerySet:[{}]
    #     # print(v2)
    #     for row in v2:
    #         print(row['nid'],row['hostname'],row['b_id'],row['b__caption'])
    #     v3 = models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gte=0).values_list('nid', 'hostname', 'b_id', 'b__caption')
    #     # 跨表用双下划线__
    #     for row in v3:
    #         print(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3])
    #     # return HttpResponse('Host')
    #     return render(request, 'host.html', {'V1': v1,'V2':v2,'V3':v3})

    def host(request):
        if request.method=="GET":
            v3 = models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gte=0).values_list('nid', 'hostname', 'b_id', 'b__caption')
            return render(request, 'host.html', {'V1': v1,'V2':v2,'V3':v3,'B_List':b_list})
        elif request.method=="POST":
            return redirect('/host/')

    def test_ajax(request):
            h = request.POST.get('hostname')
            i = request.POST.get('ip')
            p = request.POST.get('port')
            b = request.POST.get('b_id')
            if h and len(h)>5:
                models.Host.objects.create(hostname=h, ip=i, port=p, b_id=b)
        except Exception as e:
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret))      #传字符串 字典转换成字符串

    def app(request):
        if request.method=="GET":
            app_list= models.Application.objects.all()
            # for row in app_list:
            #     print(row.name,row.r.all())

            return render(request,'app.html',{'App_List':app_list,'Host_List':host_list})

        elif request.method=="POST":
            # print(app_name,host_list)
            obj = models.Application.objects.create(name=app_name) #创建完之后会返回一个对象 对象就是刚增加的这条对象
            return redirect('/app')

    def ajax_add_app(request):
        app_name = request.POST.get('app_name')
        host_list = request.POST.getlist('host_list')
        obj = models.Application.objects.create(name=app_name)  # 创建完之后会返回一个对象 对象就是刚增加的这条对象
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret))


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
            {% for row in V1 %}
                <li>{{ row.id }} - {{ row.caption }} - {{ row.code }}</li>
            {% endfor %}

            {% for row in V2 %}
                <li>{{ row.id }} - {{ row.caption }}</li>
            {% endfor %}

            {% for row in V3 %}
                <li>{{ row.0 }} - {{ row.1 }}</li>
            {% endfor %}




    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
                display: none;
                position: fixed;
                background: black;
                z-index: 9;
                position: fixed;
                z-index: 10;
                border:1px solid #eeeeee;
                background-color: white;
                margin-left: -320px;
            <input id="add_host" type="button" value="添加">
        <table border="1">

                {% for row in V1 %}
                 <tr hid="{{ row.nid }}" bid="{{ row.b_id }}">
                    <td>{{ forloop.counter }}</td>
    {#                 forloop.counter/counter0/revcounter/revcounter0/parentloop#}
    {#                          1开始增  0开始增    倒序到1   倒序到0     取父循环#}
                    <td>{{ row.hostname }}</td>
                    <td>{{ row.ip }}</td>
                    <td>{{ row.port }}</td>
                    <td>{{ row.b.caption }}</td>
                        <a class="edit">编辑</a> | <a class="delete">删除</a>
                {% endfor %}


        <table border="1">
                {% for row in V2 %}
                 <tr hid="{{ row.nid }}" bid="{{ row.b_id }}">
                    <td>{{ row.hostname }}</td>
                    <td>{{ row.b__caption }}</td>
                {% endfor %}

        <table border="1">
                {% for row in V3 %}
                 <tr hid="{{ row.0}}" bid="{{ row.2 }}">
                    <td>{{ row.1 }}</td>
                    <td>{{ row.3 }}</td>
                {% endfor %}

        <div class="shade hide"></div>

        <div class="add-modal hide">
            <form action="/host/" method="post">
            <div class="group">
                <input id="host" type="text" placeholder="主机名" name="hostname">
                <input id="ip" type="text" placeholder="IP" name="ip">
                <input id="port" type="text" placeholder="端口" name="port">
            <div class="group">
                <select id="sel" name="b_id">
                    {% for op in B_List %}
                    <option value="{{ op.id }}">{{ op.caption }}</option>
                    {%endfor %}

            <input type="submit" value="提交"/>
            <a id="ajax_submit" style="display: inline-block;padding: 5px;background-color: blue;color:white;">悄悄提交</a>
            <input id="cancel" type="button" value="取消">
            <span id="error_msg" style="color: red;"></span>

        <div class="edit-modal hide">
            <form id="edit_form" action="/host/" method="post">
                <input type="text" name="hid" style="display: none">
                <input  type="text" placeholder="主机名" name="hostname">
                <input  type="text" placeholder="IP" name="ip">
                <input  type="text" placeholder="端口" name="port">
                <select  name="b_id">
                    {% for op in B_List %}
                    <option value="{{ op.id }}">{{ op.caption }}</option>
                    {%endfor %}
            <a id="ajax_submit_edit" style="display: inline-block;padding: 5px;background-color: blue;color:white;">确认编辑</a>

        <script src="/static/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
            $(function () {
                $('#add_host').click(function () {
                    $('.shade, .add-modal').removeClass('hide');
                $('#cancel').click(function () {
                    $('.shade, .add-modal').addClass('hide');
                $('#ajax_submit').click(function () {
                        success:function (data) {
                            var obj=JSON.parse(data);

                $('.edit').click(function () {
                    var bid= $(this).parent().parent().attr('bid');
                    var hid=$(this).parent().parent().attr('hid');




    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
                display: inline-block;
                padding: 3px;
                border:1px solid red;
                background-color: burlywood;
                display: none;
                position: fixed;
                background: black;
                z-index: 9;
                position: fixed;
                z-index: 10;
                border:1px solid #eeeeee;
                background-color: white;
                margin-left: -320px;
            <input id="add_app" type="button" value="添加">
        <table border="1">
                {% for app in App_List %}
                    <tr aid="{{ app.id }}">
                        <td>{{ app.name }}</td>
                            {% for host in app.r.all %}
                                <span class="host-tag" hid="{{ host.nid }}" >{{ host.hostname }}</span>
                                {% endfor %}
                            <a class="edit">编辑</a>
                {% endfor %}

        <div class="shade hide"></div>

        <div class="add-modal hide">
            <form id="add_form" action="/app" method="post">
            <div class="group">
                <input id="app_name" type="text" placeholder="应用名称" name="app_name">

            <div class="group">
                <select id="host_list" name="host_list" multiple>
                    {% for op in Host_List %}
                        <option value="{{ op.nid }}">{{ op.hostname }}</option>
                    {%endfor %}

            <input type="submit" value="提交"/>
            <input id="add_submit_ajax" type="button" value="Ajax提交"/>

        <div class="edit-modal hide">
            <form id="edit_form" action="/host/" method="post">
                <input type="text" name="hid" style="display: none">
                <input  type="text" placeholder="应用名称" name="app">
                <select  name="host_list" multiple>
                    {% for op in Host_List %}
                        <option value="{{ op.nid }}">{{ op.hostname }}</option>
                    {%endfor %}
            <a id="ajax_submit_edit" style="display: inline-block;padding: 5px;background-color: blue;color:white;">确认编辑</a>

     <script src="/static/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
            $(function () {
                $('#add_app').click(function () {
                    $('.shade, .add-modal').removeClass('hide');
                $('#cancel').click(function () {
                    $('.shade, .add-modal').addClass('hide');
                $('#add_submit_ajax').click(function () {
    {#                    data:{'user':'root','host_list':[1,2,3,4]},#}
                        success:function (obj) {
                        error:function () {

                $('.edit').click(function () {

                    var hid_list=[];
                    $(this).parent().prev().children().each(function () {
                        var hid=$(this).attr('hid');

    {#dataType:'JSON', 先序列化 成对象 obj#}
    {#traditional:true, 传列表#}
    {#$('#add_form').serialize()  取标签id=add_form下的所有值 app_name host_list#}

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/leiwenbin627/p/11028862.html
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