当然了,巧妇难为无米之炊,你得先准备好upf文件,这个文件就是你电源设计的初衷,(power intent),upf有规范的标准,所以你不用担心,找个参考文档是分分钟的事情。好了,有了设计和upf文件,代表你对设计有些成熟在心了,能保证没有问题,一步到位?难,所以还是先检查一下吧,为了不让自己白跑一趟流程,做好这些准备工作还是很有必要。当然,如果你有dc综合的环境,不妨在流程中用用check_mv_design来检查,同样可以在早期让很多电源问题暴露出来。
analyze_upf commandis used to detect problems in the UPF file that prevents proper verification.
l Foridentified errors, it indicates users did not simulate using the UPF file thatis used in Formality.
l Run thiscommand before verification to identify issues in the UPF file in the referencedesign that can cause verification to erroneously succeed in all-state mode(verification_force_upf_supplies_on==false)
In the N-2017.09version if this command finds issues with the UPF file, either in a referenceor an implementation design
l Preventsfull verification from proceeding.
l Anyerrors detected are treated the same as errors that occur during load_upf.
l The UPFissues must be resolved to load the UPFs without errors.
能不能自动检查呢? 当然可以,只不过工具默认把这个关了,看着有点着急。为啥呢?关了省时间啊。不过还是打开吧,前期发现并解决问题其实反而会省很多时间。电源没问题了呢?关了吧,能省一分是一分。用法如下:
• Toautomatically run analyze_upf before preverify.
– set upf_auto_analyze true(the default isfalse)
– When the variable is true, the analyze_upfcommand is run on all containers at the beginning of the preverify step. This will occur when you run preverify,match, or verify commands.