MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0 :: F MySQL Enterprise Monitor Reference :: F.11 Advisor/Graph Reference :: F.11.2 Graph Definition Reference
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Graph Definition Reference
The following items describe individual graphs.
Connections //连接数
Displays the number of client connections by displaying the number of connected threads, active threads, and cached threads.
Name |
Connections |
Range Label |
total/min |
Series //级别 |
Expression //表达式 |
Aborted |
aborted |
Active |
running |
Current |
connected |
Variables //变量 |
Data Item //对应数据项 |
connected |
mysql:status:Threads_connected |
running |
mysql:status:Threads_running |
aborted |
mysql:status:Aborted_connects |
CPU Utilization //CPU利用率
Displays the CPU usage statistics over time for the machine hosting the MySQL server. The graph shows the aggregate system, user, wait and idle times for your CPU(s). You can use this information to help determine your CPU utilization and whether you are getting the most efficient use of your CPU power.
Name |
CPU Utilization |
Range Label |
% |
Series |
Expression |
Kernel |
sys/(sys+user+wait+idle)*100 |
Total |
(sys+user+wait)/(sys+user+wait+idle)*100 |
User |
user/(sys+user+wait+idle)*100 |
Wait I/O |
wait/(sys+user+wait+idle)*100 |
Variables |
Data Item |
sys |
os:cpu:cpu_sys |
user |
os:cpu:cpu_user |
wait |
os:cpu:cpu_wait |
idle |
os:cpu:cpu_idle |
Database Activity //数据库活动
Displays the database activity, by showing the individual counts over time of different DML statements per minute. For example, you can monitor the number of SELECT statements executed per minute over time and gain an understanding of your server throughput. This information can be used to monitor the activity level, and provide a useful quick reference for your server operation.
Name |
Database Activity |
Range Label |
avg statements/sec |
Series |
Expression |
Call |
((call_proc)/60) |
Delete |
((deletes+delete_multi)/60) |
Insert |
((inserts+insert_selects)/60) |
Replace |
((replaces+replace_selects)/60) |
Select |
(selects/60) |
Update |
((updates+update_multi)/60) |
Variables |
Data Item |
selects |
mysql:status:Com_select |
inserts |
mysql:status:Com_insert |
insert_selects |
mysql:status:Com_insert_select |
updates |
mysql:status:Com_update |
update_multi |
mysql:status:Com_update_multi |
replaces |
mysql:status:Com_replace |
replace_selects |
mysql:status:Com_replace_select |
deletes |
mysql:status:Com_delete |
delete_multi |
mysql:status:Com_delete_multi |
call_proc |
mysql:status:Com_call_procedure |
Hit Ratios //命中率
Shows the cache hit ratios (as a percentage) for the query cache, MyISAM and InnoDB tables, and the connection and thread cache information. The information provided by the hit ratios can provide indicators of whether your cache is working effectively, or is of a size suitable for the data that you are storing and retrieving. Low hit ratios indicate that your cache are inefficient and may need to be investigated.
Name |
Hit Ratios |
Range Label |
% |
Series |
Expression |
InnoDB Buffer |
100-((iReads / iReadRequests)*100) |
Key Cache |
(100-((keyReads / keyReadRequests)*100)) * (keyReadRequests >= keyReads) |
Query Cache |
(qHits/(qHits+qInserts))*100 |
Thread Cache |
100-((tcreated / connections)*100) |
Variables |
Data Item |
qHits |
mysql:status:Qcache_hits |
qInserts |
mysql:status:Qcache_inserts |
keyReads |
mysql:status:Key_reads |
keyReadRequests |
mysql:status:Key_read_requests |
iReads |
mysql:status:Innodb_buffer_pool_reads |
iReadRequests |
mysql:status:Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests |
tcreated |
mysql:status:Threads_created |
connections |
mysql:status:Connections |
InnoDB Buffer Pool //InnoDB缓冲池
Displays the size and page usage of the InnoDB buffer pool, providing information on the cache usage and performance. The graph shows the buffer pool size, active pages, and the number of modified pages.
Name |
InnoDB Buffer Pool |
Range Label |
MB |
Series |
Expression |
Modified |
(modified*16384)/(1024*1024) |
Total Size |
(size*16384)/(1024*1024) |
Used |
(used*16384)/(1024*1024) |
Variables |
Data Item |
size |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_bp_size |
used |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_bp_db_pages |
modified |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_bp_modified_pages |
InnoDB OS File Access //InnoDB文件系统访问
Displays the InnoDB I/O counts showing the number of fsync, read, and write operations used to support InnoDB tables.
Name |
InnoDB OS File Access |
Range Label |
avg operations/sec |
Series |
Expression |
File fsync() |
(fsync/60) |
File Reads |
(read/60) |
File Writes |
(write/60) |
Variables |
Data Item |
read |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_io_os_file_reads |
write |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_io_os_file_writes |
fsync |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_io_os_file_fsyncs |
InnoDB Row Details //InnoDB行详细信息
Shows the row counts per minute for individual SQL operations (READ, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE).
Name |
InnoDB Row Details |
Range Label |
avg rows/sec |
Series |
Expression |
Rows Deleted |
(deleted/60) |
Rows Inserted |
(inserted/60) |
Rows Read |
(read/60) |
Rows Updated |
(udpated/60) |
Variables |
Data Item |
read |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_rows_read |
inserted |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_rows_inserted |
updated |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_rows_updated |
deleted |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_rows_deleted |
InnoDB Semaphores //InnoDB 信号状态
Displays the InnoDB semaphore status. The graph indicates the amount of time that different InnoDB threads have spent waiting due to the locks used to prevent the same structures being updated at the same time. A large number of threads waiting for the semaphores may be a result of disk I/O or connection problems inside InnoDB. You may want to modify your InnoDB thread concurrency.
Name |
InnoDB Semaphores |
Range Label |
avg waits/sec |
Series |
Expression |
OS Waits |
(oswaits/60) |
Spin Rounds |
(srounds/60) |
Spin Waits |
(swaits/60) |
Variables |
Data Item |
swaits |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_sem_mutex_spin_waits |
srounds |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_sem_mutex_rounds |
oswaits |
mysql:innodbstatus:innodb_sem_mutex_os_waits |
KBytes In/Out //客户端I/O
Displays the total Kilobytes per minute of bytes transferred to/from the server by client applications. Spikes in this output may indicate an unusual application operation or connection.
Name |
KBytes In/Out |
Range Label |
avg kbytes/sec |
Series |
Expression |
Received |
((bytesIn/1024)/60) |
Sent |
((bytesOut/1024)/60) |
Total |
(((bytesIn+bytesOut)/1024)/60) |
Variables |
Data Item |
bytesIn |
mysql:status:Bytes_received |
bytesOut |
mysql:status:Bytes_sent |
Load Average //平均负载
The load average of the server hosting the MySQL server. The load average shows the number of processes using or waiting for CPU time in the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes. Load averages showing a load higher than the number of CPU cores may indicate an overloaded server.
MySQL服务器的平均负载。负载显示线程在1、5、15分钟内使用或等待CPU 时钟。图形显示高于CPU核心数量的负载可能表示一个重负载的服务器。
Name |
Load Average |
Range Label |
Load Average |
Series |
Expression |
1 |
zero |
15 |
two |
5 |
one |
Variables |
Data Item |
one |
os:loadavg:1 |
two |
os:loadavg:2 |
zero |
os:loadavg:0 |
Memory Usage – Agent //内存使用 – 代理
Displays the current amount of memory used by the agent, and by the Lua component of the agent.
Name |
Memory Usage - Agent |
Range Label |
MB |
Series |
Expression |
Agent |
agent_mem_size / 1024 / 1024 |
Lua |
lua_mem_size / 1024 / 1024 |
Variables |
Data Item |
lua_mem_size |
agent:lua:mem_size |
agent_mem_size |
agent:proc:mem_resident |
Memory Usage - OS Resident //内存使用 – 系统驻留
Displays the RAM usage on the server for the monitored MySQL instance. You should compare the total and used RAM values to ensure that you are not exceeding your available RAM, which will lead to swapping and performance issues.
Name |
Memory Usage - OS Resident |
Range Label |
MB |
Series |
Expression |
Total |
ram_total/(1024*1024) |
Used |
(ram_total-ram_unused)/(1024*1024) |
Variables |
Data Item |
ram_total |
os:mem:ram_total |
ram_unused |
os:mem:ram_unused |
Memory Usage - OS Virtual //内存使用 – 系统虚拟
Displays the use of swap space on the server for the monitored MySQL instance. High swap usage may indicate that your server needs more RAM or that your MySQL configuration needs to be modified, as high levels of swap will have a negative impact on performance.
Name |
Memory Usage - OS Virtual |
Range Label |
MB |
Series |
Expression |
Total |
swap_total/(1024*1024) |
Used |
(swap_total-swap_unused)/(1024*1024) |
Variables |
Data Item |
swap_total |
os:mem:swap_total |
swap_unused |
os:mem:swap_unused |
Opened Tables //打开表
The number of tables in the open state per minute.
Name |
Opened Tables |
Range Label |
total/min |
Series |
Expression |
Opened Tables |
openedTables |
Variables |
Data Item |
openedTables |
mysql:status:Opened_tables |
Query Cache Blocks //查询缓存块
The block usage of the query cache. Low usage may indicate that you are not getting the best performance out of your query cache. High numbers may indicate that you need to increase your query cache size to allow more queries to be cached.
Name |
Query Cache Blocks |
Range Label |
num blocks |
Series |
Expression |
Free |
free_blocks |
Size |
size_blocks |
Variables |
Data Item |
size_blocks |
mysql:status:Qcache_total_blocks |
free_blocks |
mysql:status:Qcache_free_blocks |
Query Cache Efficiency //查询缓存效率
Displays the hits, inserts and queries not cacheable in the query cache. Low cache hits may indicate that your queries are being expired from the cache before they can be used, which may mean they are unsuitable for storing in the query cache.
Name |
Query Cache Efficiency |
Range Label |
avg cache ops/sec |
Series |
Expression |
Hits |
(hits/60) |
Inserts |
(inserts/60) |
Not Cached |
(not_cached/60) |
Variables |
Data Item |
hits |
mysql:status:Qcache_hits |
inserts |
mysql:status:Qcache_inserts |
not_cached |
mysql:status:Qcache_not_cached |
Query Cache Lowmem Prunes //由于内存较少从缓存删除的查询数量
Displays the number of queries removed from the cache because the size of the query cache was not large enough to store the queries that can be cached. Try increasing your query cache size.
Name |
Query Cache Lowmem Prunes |
Range Label |
avg cache ops/sec |
Series |
Expression |
Lowmem Prunes |
(deletes/60) |
Variables |
Data Item |
deletes |
mysql:status:Qcache_lowmem_prunes |
Query Cache Memory //查询缓存
Displays the free space and total size of the query cache.
Name |
Query Cache Memory |
Range Label |
MB |
Series |
Expression |
Free MB |
free/(1024*1024) |
Size MB |
size/(1024*1024) |
Variables |
Data Item |
size |
mysql:variables:query_cache_size |
free |
mysql:status:Qcache_free_memory |
Query Cache Queries //登记到缓存内的查询的数量
Shows the number of queries stored in the query cache. In normal operation this should be a relatively constant figure. A large number of switches between high and low numbers may indicate that differently sized queries are being inserted into the query cache, and then later removed as a high number of smaller queries are added to the cache. Try increasing the size of your query cache.
Name |
Query Cache Queries |
Range Label |
num queries |
Series |
Expression |
Queries in Cache |
queries |
Variables |
Data Item |
queries |
mysql:status:Qcache_queries_in_cache |
Replication Delay //复制延迟
Displays the number of seconds behind the master for a given slave in a replication scenario. An increasing value means that your slave is unable to keep up with your master.
Name |
Replication Delay |
Range Label |
total seconds |
Series |
Expression |
Seconds Behind Master |
sbehind |
Variables |
Data Item |
sbehind |
mysql:slavestatus:Seconds_Behind_Master |
Row Accesses //行访问统计汇总
Displays the aggregated row access statistics per minute. Information is shown both in terms of the full table scans (which are expensive to perform), and index based accesses.
Name |
Row Accesses |
Range Label |
avg rows/sec |
Series |
Expression |
Average Rows Per Query |
((first+key+next+prev+hread_rnd+hread_rnd_next+sort_rows) / questions) |
Rows Read via Full Scan |
((hread_rnd+hread_rnd_next)/60) |
Rows Read via Indexes |
((first+key+next+prev)/60) |
Variables |
Data Item |
first |
mysql:status:Handler_read_first |
key |
mysql:status:Handler_read_key |
next |
mysql:status:Handler_read_next |
prev |
mysql:status:Handler_read_prev |
hread_rnd |
mysql:status:Handler_read_rnd |
hread_rnd_next |
mysql:status:Handler_read_rnd_next |
sort_rows |
mysql:status:Sort_rows |
questions |
mysql:status:Questions |
Row Writes //行写统计
Shows the number of delete, write (INSERT), and update operations on rows per minute on all tables regardless of storage engine.
Name |
Row Writes |
Range Label |
avg rows/sec |
Series |
Expression |
Rows Deleted |
(delete/60) |
Rows Inserted |
(write/60) |
Rows Updated |
(update/60) |
Variables |
Data Item |
delete |
mysql:status:Handler_delete |
update |
mysql:status:Handler_update |
write |
mysql:status:Handler_write |
Sort Activity //排序活动
Shows the number of different sort operations performed on queries.
Name |
Sort Activity |
Range Label |
total/min |
Series |
Expression |
Merge Passes |
Sort_merge_passes |
Range |
Sort_range |
Scan |
Sort_scan |
Variables |
Data Item |
Sort_merge_passes |
mysql:status:Sort_merge_passes |
Sort_range |
mysql:status:Sort_range |
Sort_scan |
mysql:status:Sort_scan |
Table Locks //表锁
Shows the average number of table locks per second.
Name |
Table Locks |
Range Label |
avg locks/sec |
Series |
Expression |
Immediate |
(locks_immediate/60) |
Waited |
(locks_waited/60) |
Variables |
Data Item |
locks_waited |
mysql:status:Table_locks_waited |
locks_immediate |
mysql:status:Table_locks_immediate |
Temporary Tables //临时表
Displays the number of memory temporary tables and disk temporary tables. Disk temporary tables are slower to create, populate, and read back. You may want to increase your memory temporary table size or check your queries to determine whether the use of temporary tables can be minimized.
Name |
Temporary Tables |
Range Label |
total/min |
Series |
Expression |
Disk Temp Tables |
diskTempTables |
Memory Temp Tables |
memoryTempTables |
Variables |
Data Item |
memoryTempTables |
mysql:status:Created_tmp_tables |
diskTempTables |
mysql:status:Created_tmp_disk_tables |
Thread Cache //线程缓存
Displays the thread cache information, comparing new thread creations against all database connections.
Name |
Thread Cache |
Range Label |
total/min |
Series |
Expression |
New Connections |
connections |
Threads Created |
tcreated |
Variables |
Data Item |
tcreated |
mysql:status:Threads_created |
connections |
mysql:status:Connections |