#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> typedef struct _queue { int cursor; int lastposition; int size; int *header; }queue; queue *queueinit(int size) { queue *ptQ = (queue *)malloc(sizeof(queue)); ptQ->cursor = 0; ptQ->lastposition = 0; ptQ->size = size; ptQ->header = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*size); return ptQ; } int Enqueue(int i,queue *ptQ) { if(ptQ->cursor-ptQ->lastposition == 1 || ptQ->lastposition - ptQ->cursor == ptQ->size -1) return -1; ptQ->header[ptQ->lastposition] = i; if(ptQ->lastposition == ptQ->size -1) ptQ->lastposition = 0; else ptQ->lastposition++; return i; } int Dequeue(queue *ptQ) { if(ptQ->cursor == ptQ->lastposition) return 0xffffffff; if(ptQ->cursor == ptQ->size -1) { ptQ->cursor = 0; return ptQ->header[ptQ->size-1]; } else { int tmp = ptQ->header[ptQ->cursor++]; return tmp; } } typedef enum _hashstat { empty = 0, occupied = 1, deleted = 2 }hashstat; #define namelen 100 typedef struct _hashentry { char name[namelen]; hashstat stat; }hashentry; typedef struct _hashtable { int tablesize; hashentry *table; }hashtable; int nextprime(int num) { int flags = 1; int i; do{ for(i = 2;i < sqrt((double)num);i++) if(num % i == 0) { num++; break; } if(i>=sqrt((double)num)) break; }while(flags); return num; } hashtable *hashinit(int tablesize) { if(tablesize < 10){ printf("tablesize is too small "); return 0; } tablesize = nextprime(tablesize); hashtable *tmp = (hashtable *)malloc(sizeof(hashtable)); tmp->tablesize = tablesize; tmp->table = (hashentry *)malloc(sizeof(hashentry)*tablesize); memset(tmp->table,0,sizeof(hashentry)*tablesize); return tmp; } int hash(char *key,int tablesize) { int tmp = 0; while(*key!= 0) tmp = (tmp<<5)+*key++; return tmp%tablesize; } int hashfind(char *key,hashtable *htable) { int position = 0; int collisionNum = 0; position = hash(key,htable->tablesize); while(htable->table[position].stat != empty && strcmp(key,htable->table[position].name) != 0) { position = position + 2*++collisionNum - 1; if(position >= htable->tablesize) position = position - htable->tablesize; } return position; } int hashinsert(char *key,hashtable *htable) { int position; position = hashfind(key,htable); if(htable->table[position].stat != occupied) { htable->table[position].stat = occupied; strcpy(htable->table[position].name,key); } return position; } void printhash(hashtable *htable) { for (int i = 0;i<htable->tablesize;i++) { if(htable->table[i].stat == occupied) printf("%s %d ",htable->table[i].name,i); } } typedef struct _node { int index; int distance; struct _node *next; }list,node; typedef struct _edge { char *s; char *d; int dist; }edge; typedef struct _tableentry { list *adjacentlist; int known; int p; int mindist; int degree; int hashval; }tableentry; typedef struct _graph { int nVertexNum; hashtable *htable; tableentry *AdjTable; }graph; void addadjacentvertex(tableentry *t,int i,int distance,graph *ptG) { node* tmp = 0; tmp = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); tmp->index = i; tmp->distance = distance; if(t->adjacentlist == 0) tmp->next = 0; else tmp->next = t->adjacentlist; t->adjacentlist = tmp; ptG->AdjTable[i].degree++; } void printpath(graph *ptG,int i) { if(ptG->AdjTable[i].p == 0){ printf("%s",ptG->htable->table[i].name); return; } printpath(ptG,ptG->AdjTable[i].p); printf("->%s",ptG->htable->table[i].name); } void printgraph(graph *ptG,int type)//type == 1 print adjacent list ;type == 2 print the minimum distance to the vertex that the distance is 0 { for(int i = 0;i<ptG->htable->tablesize;i++) if (ptG->htable->table[i].stat == occupied) { printf("%s : ",ptG->htable->table[i].name); if(type == 2) printf("mindist %d ",ptG->AdjTable[i].mindist); else if(type == 1){ node *cursor = ptG->AdjTable[i].adjacentlist; for(;cursor != 0; cursor = cursor->next){ if(type == 1) printf("%s ",ptG->htable->table[cursor->index].name); } printf(" "); } else if(type == 3) { printpath(ptG,i); printf(" "); } } } #define INFINITE 0xffffffff graph* initgraph2(edge e[],int edgeNum,int vertexNum) { graph *ptG = (graph *)malloc(sizeof(graph)); ptG->htable = hashinit(vertexNum); ptG->AdjTable = (tableentry *)malloc(sizeof(tableentry)*(ptG->htable->tablesize)); memset(ptG->AdjTable,0,sizeof(tableentry)*(ptG->htable->tablesize)); ptG->nVertexNum = vertexNum; int Shashposition; int Dhashposition; for(int i = 0;i<edgeNum;i++) { Shashposition = hashinsert(e[i].s,ptG->htable); ptG->AdjTable[Shashposition].hashval = Shashposition; ptG->AdjTable[Shashposition].mindist = INFINITE; Dhashposition = hashinsert(e[i].d,ptG->htable); ptG->AdjTable[Dhashposition].hashval = Dhashposition; ptG->AdjTable[Dhashposition].mindist = INFINITE; addadjacentvertex(&ptG->AdjTable[Shashposition],Dhashposition,e[i].dist,ptG); } //printhash(ptG->htable); printgraph(ptG,1); return ptG; } void unweightedpath(graph *ptG,char *key) { queue *ptQ = queueinit(ptG->nVertexNum); int i = hashfind(key,ptG->htable); if(ptG->AdjTable[i].hashval != i) return; Enqueue(i,ptQ); int position; node *cursor; int currdist = 0; ptG->AdjTable[i].mindist = 0; ptG->AdjTable[i].known = 1; while((position = Dequeue(ptQ)) != 0xffffffff) { cursor = ptG->AdjTable[position].adjacentlist; for(;cursor != 0;cursor=cursor->next) if(ptG->AdjTable[cursor->index].known == 0) { ptG->AdjTable[cursor->index].mindist = currdist + 1; ptG->AdjTable[cursor->index].known = 1; ptG->AdjTable[cursor->index].p = position; Enqueue(cursor->index,ptQ); } currdist++; } } void weightedpath(graph *ptG,char *key) { queue *ptQ = queueinit(ptG->nVertexNum); int i = hashfind(key,ptG->htable); if(ptG->AdjTable[i].hashval != i) return; Enqueue(i,ptQ); int position; node *cursor; int tmpdist = 0; ptG->AdjTable[i].mindist = 0; ptG->AdjTable[i].known = 1; while((position = Dequeue(ptQ)) != 0xffffffff) { cursor = ptG->AdjTable[position].adjacentlist; for(;cursor != 0;cursor=cursor->next) { tmpdist = ptG->AdjTable[position].mindist + cursor->distance; if(tmpdist < ptG->AdjTable[cursor->index].mindist || ptG->AdjTable[cursor->index].mindist == INFINITE) { ptG->AdjTable[cursor->index].mindist = tmpdist; ptG->AdjTable[cursor->index].known = 1; ptG->AdjTable[cursor->index].p = position; Enqueue(cursor->index,ptQ); } } } } int main() { graph *ptG; edge e[] ={ {"b","g",1}, {"a","b",5}, {"b","c",2}, {"b","e",3}, {"g","e",1}, {"a","c",3}, {"c","e",7}, {"d","a",2}, {"c","d",7}, {"e","d",2}, {"e","f",1}, {"d","f",6}, }; ptG = initgraph2(e,sizeof(e)/sizeof(edge),20); weightedpath(ptG,"a"); printgraph(ptG,3); //initgraph(); //topsort(); while(1); }