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  • Agile PLM Itme BOM Tab 物料清单标签

    BOM Tab

    The BOM tab lists all the items on an item's bill of material (BOM) . For details on the BOM tab , see Bills of Material on page 73


    Note: If you do not have Discovery privilege for an item , it does not appear on the BOM tab . You may see a message telling you how many items are not displayed . For more information , see Details about Discovery and Read Privilege on page 197

    提示: 如果你没有探索一个项目的权限,BOM标签不会显示,你可以看到一个提示信息告诉你有多少个项目没有被显示。要查看更多的信息,看197

    If there are site-specific items on the BOM , common items and site-specific items are grouped together . The common items are listed first ; the Sites column is blank for common items . The Sites column of site-specific items displays the associated site name


    Note: You can directly eidt the BOM table when an item is initially created and before it is added to the Affected Items table of a change . See Creating a Common BOM on page 6 and Creating a Site-Specific BOM on page 6

    提示: 你可以直接编辑BOM表,当项目被初始化时以及在被加入影响的项目表中之前,查看创建一个普通的BOM 在第6页 以及创建一个站点配置BOM

    The common section of the BOM lists items that are associated with all the sites where the parent item is associated . The common section of a BOM can be modified through a revision change only .

    BOM列表的普通不放呢 被指定站点的。这些BOM的普通内容只有在版本更改时可以被编辑。

    The site section of the BOM lists items specific to the selected site .  The site section of the BOM can be modified through a revision change or an SCO (site change order) . For a site to be listed in a section of the BOM , the site must also be associated with the parent item .


    Note: By assigning a color to each site , you can color code the site section of the BOM tab .


    If you want to view all the components for all sites , select ALL from the Site drop-down list .


    To open an item listed on the BOM tab:  在BOM标签中打开一个项目列表

         In Web Client , click the item number . The item opens with the Title Block tab on top .在Web客户端,单击项目编码

         In Java Client , double-click the item row . The item opens with the Title Block tab on top.在Java客户端,双节项目行

        Or , right-click the item row , choose Open , then choose a tab . The item opens with the selected tab on top.

        或者 右键项目行,选择打开,再选择一个Tab

    Creating a Common BOM  创建一个普通BOM

    You can directly edit the item object BOM table when an item is initially created and before it is added to the Affected Items of a change.


    For detailed instructions about adding items to the BOM tab , see:

      Web Client , Adding Items to the BOM table of a Preliminary Item on page 85

           Java Client , Adding Items to the BOM table of a Preliminary Item on page 92

     When you add an item to the common portion of the BOM table , the Sites column is blank to indicate that the item is associated with all the sites assigned to the BOM .


    Creating a Site-Specific BOM 创建一个特质的BOM

    You can directly edit the item object BOM table when an item is initially created and before it is added to the Affected Items table of a change.


    Note: If the site for which you want to create a site-specific BOM is not on the Site list , you must associate the item with that site through the item's Site tab.

    提示: 如果为你想要创建指定站点BOM的站点不在站点表中,你必须指定一个项目给这个站点通过项目站点标签。

     For detailed instructions about adding items to the BOM tab , see:  要查看如何添加项目到BOM标签,查看详细的步骤:

       Web Client ,Adding Items to the BOM table of a Preliminary Item on page 85.

       Java Client , Adding Items to the BOM table of a Preliminary Item on page 92.

    when you add an item to a site-specific portin of the BOM table , the Site column is automatically completed with the site selected from the Site list as the associated site .


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/leojun/p/1939699.html
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