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  • ES6的新特性



    1 var arr = [1,2,3];
    2         //传统写法 
    3 arr.forEach( function(val, index) {
    4     console.log(index + ' ' + val+',')//0 1,1 2,2 3
    5 });
    6         //es6
    7 arr.forEach((val,index) => console.log(index + ' ' + val)); //0 1,1 2,2 3


     1 class People  {
     2     constructor(name='jack'){ //默认参数
     3         this.name = name; // this.name = name||'jack'传统默认参数
     4     }
     5     sayHello() {
     6         console.log(`my name is ${this.name}`) //字符串模版 反向‘
     7     }
     8 }
     9 class Student extends People{   //extends Es6 继承
    10     constructor(name) {
    11         super(name);
    12     }
    13     doSth() {
    14         console.log('I am doing homework')
    15     }
    16 }
    17 var noname = new Student();
    18 var leonel = new Student('leonel');
    19 noname.sayHello();//my name is jack
    20 leonel.sayHello();//my name is leonel
    21 leonel.doSth();//I am doing homework


    1 var  [x,y] = getVal(),
    2     [name,,sex]=['leonel',25,'man'];
    3 function getVal() {
    4     return [0,1];
    5 }
    6 console.log('x:'+x+'   y:'+y)//x:0 y:1
    7 console.log('name:'+name+'   sex:'+sex) //name:leonel  sex:man


    function print1(...x) { //...x 相当于arguments
        for(let v of x) {     //for of 遍历数组,类似于for in  区别:for in 遍历的是key,for of 遍历的是value
    function print2(arguments) { //...x 相当于arguments
        for ( let i in arguments ){  //let 定义局部变量 只有 当前体内才能使用
        //console.log(i) //报错  i is undefined
    var arr = ['one','two','three'];
    print1(...arr) // one two three 
    print2(...arr) // 0  1 2 


    1 var enginner = {name: 'leonel',age:25}; //被监听的对象
    2 var doProcess ={
    3     set:function(received,property,value){
    4         console.log(property +"  is changed");
    5         received[property] = value;
    6     }
    7 }
    8 enginner = new Proxy(enginner,doProcess); //new 一个proxy  doprocess 监听 enginner 上发生改变了什么
    9 enginner.age=40; //age is changed


     1 //创建promise
     2 var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
     3     // 进行一些异步或耗时操作
     4     if ( /*如果成功 */ ) {
     5         resolve("Stuff worked!");
     6     } else {
     7         reject(Error("It broke"));
     8     }
     9 });
    10 //绑定处理程序
    11 promise.then(function(result) {
    12     //promise成功的话会执行这里
    13     console.log(result); // "Stuff worked!"
    14 }, function(err) {
    15     //promise失败会执行这里
    16     console.log(err); // Error: "It broke"
    17 })


    参考于博客ES6新特性概览阮老师的ECMAScript 6 入门

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/leonel/p/6593477.html
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