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    你是否常常有问题,损坏的链接?你是否厌倦了,看到 404 or “File or Directory Not Found” error page?  Wether you are a web developer or a user that is irritated by a website with this broken link issue, this free 或“文件或目录未找到”错误页?天气你是一个网页开发人员或用户是不满的网站,这打破了链接问题,这个自由 tool 工具 is for you. 非常适合您。

    Ironically, the 讽刺的是, Wikipedia page for Xenu’s Link Sleuth 维基百科网页xenu的链接sleuth has a broken link on its footnote section: 有一个破碎的链接及其脚注条:

    http://www.curriculum.edu.au/SCIS/connections/cnetw02/43xenu.htm http://www.curriculum.edu.au/scis/connections/cnetw02/43xenu.htm

    Written by a 写一 programmer 程序员 that’s as fed up as you with broken links, Xenu’s Link Sleuth crawls the entire website and checks for broken links and then creates a summarized report of all the broken links found.  The name Xenu is derived from a Scientology god which does bad things – he is like the Satan of the Scientology world – Tilman, the programmer, is an avid cult and Scientology critic so I think he used “Xenu” to mock the fanatic cult followers. 这是因为厌倦了你与断开的链接, xenu的链接sleuth检索整个网站,并检查是否有损坏的链接,然后创建一个总结报告,所有损坏的链接发现。名称xenu是来自科学上帝是否坏的东西 -他就像是撒旦的科学世界- ti lman,程序员,是一个热爱科学的邪教和评论家因此,我认为他用“ xenu”模拟狂热信徒。

    Xenu能做什么:用于检测网站连接有效性的绿色软件,使用简单,最大支持100线程( Parallel threads),检测速度非常快。在对某网站的6层连接100630个连接进行检测时,使用默认的100线程耗仅费了1小时40分钟。当然耗费的网络资源比较多。


    To start the link checker, open Xenu and then click File > New URL… 开始连结检查,公开xenu然后单击文件“ >新的URL …

    Enter the URL of the website that you want to check on the prompt. 进入网站的网址,你要检查就提示。 On this example, I will check the links coming from the project’s homepage: 就这个例子,我会选中链接来自该项目的网页: http://www.symptomfind.com/

    If you need to check for external sites check the box otherwise make sure to uncheck it to avoid crawling external sites (it could take time and possibly slow down other servers if you crawl sites that you don’t intend to). 如果您需要检查外部网站,选中该框,否则一定要取消它,以避免抓取外部网站(可能需要时间和可能放缓,其他服务器如果您的网站抓取你不打算) 。

    External sites means sites that are hosted on another domain.  Also, you can treat external sites as “internal” by adding the beginning address on the list of “Consider URLs beginning with this as ‘internal’”.  On the same manner, you can bypass URLs that you don’t want to crawl like forums and dynamic pages.  After you are done setting the URL, click OK to start the crawler. 外部网站是指网站上托管的另一个域。另外,您也可以治疗外部网站,为“内部”加入开始地址名单上的“考虑开头的网址,这作为'内部' ” 。对相同的方式,您可以绕道的网址,您不想抓取像论坛和动态页面后,您已完成订定的URL ,单击确定以启动抓取工具。

    During the crawling process you will see the program checking each page along with the status, type of file, size and HTML title: 在抓取过程中,您将看到该程序检查每个网页,随着地位,文件的类型,大小和HTML标题:

    Depending on the speed of your connection and the number of files linked from the URL you entered above, it could take from a few minutes to an hour.  The software crawls the web using a multi-threaded technique so it could check for multiple pages concurrently.  The number of threads is adjustable using the Options panel. 根据对速度您的连接和文件数量挂钩,从您所输入的网址上面,它可以采取从几分钟到一小时,该软件抓取网页使用多线程技术,所以它可以检查多个页面同时。执行绪数目是可调的使用选项面板。

    Click OK once the crawling is done: 单击确定,一旦抓取操作是:

    The final output is a very comprehensive report in HTML format with the following contents: 最后产出是一个非常全面的报告,在HTML格式具有下列内容:

    * Broken links, ordered by link *损坏的链接,下令链接

    * Broken links, ordered by page *损坏的链接,下令由页

    * List of redirected URLs *清单,自由的网址

    * List of valid URLs you can submit to a search engine *名单有效的URL ,您可以提交到搜索引擎

    * Site Map of HTML pages with a Title *网站地图的HTML网页标题

    * Broken page-local links *打破页本地链接

    * Orphan files *孤儿档案

    * Statistics for managers *统计经理

    The most important part of the report is the list of broken links so we can identify them: 最重要的一部分,这份报告是名单已损坏的链接,使我们能辨认他们:

    Click the first item “Broken links, ordered by link” to see the list of broken links: 单击第一项“断开的链接,由链接” ,即可看到名单已损坏的链接:

    To interpret the report see below guide: 解释的报告见下文指南:

    From a web developer point of view, this can be fixed by: 从Web发展的观点来看,这可以固定:

    1. 1 。 making the missing page available OR 决策失踪网页提供

    2. 2 。 removing the broken link from the pages that point to the missing page. 删除失效链接从网页指向失踪页。

    Given the case above and considering what is the best way to finish the job, looks like step 1 is more practical to implement since only one file will be affected instead of many files. 鉴于上述情况,并考虑什么是最好的方式,来完成任务,看起来像第1步,是较为实际的做法实施以来,只有一个文件会受到影响,反而许多文件。

    What if you are only the user and don’t have direct control of these files?  Well, first you can try to find the “Contact Us” page or email the admin if you have their contact details.  Quality websites usually fix the issue very quickly – they don’t want to have irritated readers. 如果你只是用户并没有直接控制这些文件的?那么,首先您可以尝试寻找“联系我们”网页或电子邮件的管理如果您有他们的联络资料。品质的网站通常是解决问题非常很快-他们不希望有读者恼火。

    Now, to get the overall picture of the whole site scroll to the bottom part of the report to see the aggregated result: 现在,为了得到的大局整个网站的滚动到底部的报告的一部分,看到汇总结果:

    So, from the report I can see that out of 10590 URLs only 52 are not found or only .49%.  Depending on your standard or level of discomfort towards broken links this could be interpreted as either good, bad or in the middle – don’t really matter. 所以,从报告中我可以看到指出, 10590网址只有49个没有发现或没有返回信息仅0.49 % 。取决于您的标准或水平的不适,对已损坏的链接,这可以被解释为不是好的,坏的

    This tool enables you to find quality shortcomings of websites that don’t check their pages for broken links.  With a tool like Xenu’s Link Sleuth , link checking is only a few clicks away.


    1、若不需要检查外部链接(Check external lin),该项不需要打勾。比如测试www.gzzzjz.com,该网站有个外部链接www.baidu.com,若勾了外部链接,也会检查www.baidu.com,这显然不是我们测试的目标,因此不需要勾上检查外部链接;

    2、更多选项设置(ore options)。可最多设置100个并列线程。最大层次建议在6以内,否则会有很多链接。报告(Report)可全选。比较关心的是中断链接、中断内部链接、统计、有效文字链接。应用到所有工作和需要时需要密码应勾上(ask  for password or certificate when needed )


    ‑D3KMB2Sjrl0C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp其中Administrator为你的账号
    MSt _Tl i0删除临时文件可能需要很长时间,建议你直接将Temp目录删除。然后重新建立个目录即可。此前需要将XENU之外的所有程序关闭,防止Temp目录被使用导致无法删除。如果该目录提示不能删除,则需要进入该目录,手工删除几万个临时文件,光显示出来就需要很多时间,所以需要耐心,但是请相信这是值得的



    L0中断链接,按网页顺序表示网页中存在中断链接的网页,并在网页下方标出中断连接的地址转向网址列表 列出重新转向定位的网址ftp和gopher网址列表列出存在ftp和gopher类型的网址列表

    有效网址列表你可以提交给搜索引擎 列出所有有效的网址列表包含一个标题的网页地图列出包含标题的网页地图sitemap中断当地链接孤立文件


    使用Xenu 需要注意的:




    2、更多选项设置。可最多设置100 个并列线程。最大层次建议在6 以内,否则会有很多链



    xenu 的局限性:



    常见的not found timeout 问题解答:

    1.可能xenu 不支持这种类别的文件检测

    2.中间出现了一些权限方面的验证过程,在xenu 中无法进行权限的传递,网页中是可以的


    4 服务器相应的问题

    5 网络的问题

    我们可以逐个点击链接去验证,如果在IE 下能正常打开,就ok 了,如果真的打到比较慢,



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/leonxiaosi/p/2902361.html
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