官网文档——heatmap.js Documentation (patrick-wied.at)
一个写的很好的示例——Vue+heatmap.js实现热力图的展示 - 简书 (jianshu.com)
npm install heatmap.js
// 在需要的文件中引入
// h337是官网用的写法,我就照着这个来了
import h337 from "heatmap.js";
data() { return { heapMapIns: null, pointsArr: [{ x: 115, y: 115, value: 1000 }], }; }, mounted() { window.onresize = () => { this.myChart.resize(); }; this.drawMap(); this.initHeatMapOrigin(); }, // Methods initHeatMapOrigin() { // create configuration object let config = { container: document.getElementById("mapTest"), radius: 10, maxOpacity: 0.5, minOpacity: 0, blur: 0.75, gradient: { // enter n keys between 0 and 1 here // for gradient color customization ".5": "blue", ".8": "red", ".95": "white", }, }; // create heatmap with configuration this.heapMapIns = h337.create(config); // a single datapoint let point = { x: 150, // x coordinate of the datapoint, number y: 215, // y coordinate of the datapoint, number value: 500, // the value at datapoint(x, y) }; let dataPoint = point; this.heapMapIns.addData(dataPoint); // multiple datapoint // (for data initialization use setData!!) this.heapMapIns.addData(this.pointsArr); },
// DELETE HeatMap deleteHeatMap() { let data = { max: 100, min: 0, data: [], }; this.heapMapIns.setData(data); console.log("Delete heatMap"); },
<template> <div> <el-switch v-model="isShow" inactive-color="#666" active-color="#53acff"> </el-switch> <el-button @click="addHeatPoints">Add Heat Points </el-button> <el-button @click="backDefault">Default </el-button> <div id="mapTest" style=" 900px; height: 700px"> <el-card id="mapTestOrigin" style=" 900px; height: 700px"></el-card> </div> </div> </template> <script> import * as echarts from "echarts"; import h337 from "heatmap.js"; // import * from "heatMap"; export default { data() { return { heatMapIns: null, // Default Setting pointsArrO: [], pointsArr: [{ x: 115, y: 115, value: 1000 }], isShow: true, }; }, watch: { isShow() { // When isShow is true, heatMap can be seen. // Otherwise, the heapPoints will remove from the map. if (this.isShow) { let dataFormatter = { // Max and min data compare to show the heapMap color. max: 1000, min: 0, data: this.pointsArr, }; // this.pointsArr.forEach((key) => { // console.log("VALUE", key.value); // }); // A sentence is equal to B. // A. // this.heatMapIns.setData(dataFormatter); // B. this.heatMapIns.addData(this.pointsArr); } else { this.deleteHeatMap(); } }, }, mounted() { window.onresize = () => { this.myChart.resize(); }; this.pointsArrO = this.getDefaultPoints(this.pointsArrO, this.pointsArr); this.drawMap(); this.initHeatMap(); }, methods: { // get Default heapPoints // Remember arrGet need to be returned as new Arr. // Otherwise it only make effect in this function scope. getDefaultPoints(arrGet, arrFrom) { // Complex data type needs DEEP COPY. arrGet = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arrFrom)); // arrGet = deepclone(arrFrom); // console.log("Default Origin Arr Length", arrGet.length); return arrGet; // arrGet = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arrFrom)); // deepclone function is same to the string upper. function deepclone(obj) { console.log("BEFORE DEEP CLONE", obj.length); let _obj = JSON.stringify(obj); let cloneObj = JSON.parse(_obj); console.log("AFTER DEEP CLONE", cloneObj.length); return cloneObj; } }, // Go back to default setting backDefault() { this.pointsArr = this.getDefaultPoints(this.pointsArr, this.pointsArrO); console.log("Lenght", this.pointsArrO.length, this.pointsArr.length); let dataFormatter = { max: 1000, min: 0, data: this.pointsArr, }; this.heatMapIns.setData(dataFormatter); }, clearCanvas() { var c = document.getElementById("mapTest"); var cxt = c.getContext("2d"); cxt.fillStyle = "#000000"; cxt.beginPath(); cxt.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); cxt.closePath(); }, // Add the heat points // First add the points. need to paint the MAX and MIN!!! addHeatPoints() { for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { let tX = getRandomInt(0, 900); let tY = getRandomInt(0, 700); let tV = getRandomInt(100, 1000); this.pointsArr.push({ x: tX, y: tY, value: tV }); // console.log("Temp", tX, tY, tV); } let dataFormatter = { // Max and min data compare to show the heapMap color. max: 1000, min: 0, data: this.pointsArr, }; this.heatMapIns.setData(dataFormatter); // Get random number function getRandomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } }, // DELETE HeatMap deleteHeatMap() { let dataFormatter = { max: 1000, min: 0, data: [], }; // this.clearCanvas(); this.heatMapIns.setData(dataFormatter); // this.heatMapIns.repaint(); console.log("Delete heatMap"); }, initHeatMap() { // Everytime repaint need to delete the last heatmap // this.deleteHeatMap(); let self = this; this.heatMapIns = h337.create({ container: document.getElementById("mapTest"), gradient: { //渐变颜色 0: "rgba(255,255,255,1)", //value为0的颜色 0.3: "#82ff6d", //value为500的颜色 0.8: "#f3ff6d", //value为1000的颜色 1: "#ff6d6d", //value为2000的颜色 }, maxOpacity: 1, minOpacity: 0, blur: 0.75, }); let dataFormatter = { // Max and min data compare to show the heapMap color. max: 1000, min: 0, data: self.pointsArr, }; this.heatMapIns.setData(dataFormatter); }, drawMap() { if ( this.myChart != null && this.myChart != "" && this.myChart != undefined ) { this.myChart.dispose(); } this.$nextTick(() => { // let self = this; this.myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById("mapTestOrigin")); // HuaiAn let geoJson = "http://localhost:8080/static/mapHuaiAn.geoJson"; // Axios--- this.get(geoJson) .then((res) => { echarts.registerMap("HuaiAn", res); this.myChart.setOption({ series: [ { type: "map", map: "HuaiAn", label: { show: true, color: "#222", }, }, ], }); }) .catch((err) => { console.log("ERR", err); }); }); }, }, }; </script> <style> </style>