i use solr1.4.1 version,and the return xml is changed,
the original return xml is like this
some test text
some test text
in responseHeader node has params sub node,but the new version(1.4.1),cancle it,so we need hack some code to fix this isuue.
so when use the default paginator has one issue,
when i invoke it will thrown errors as follows:
class SolrPaginator:
Create a Django-like Paginator for a solr response object. Can be handy
when you want to hand off a Paginator and/or Page to a template to
display results, and provide links to next page, etc.
For example:
>>> from solr import SolrConnection, SolrPaginator
>>> conn = SolrConnection('http://localhost:8083/solr')
>>> response = conn.query('title:huckleberry')
>>> paginator = SolrPaginator(response)
>>> print paginator.num_pages
>>> page = paginator.get_page(5)
For more details see the Django Paginator documentation and solrpy
def __init__(self, result, default_page_size='10'):
self.params = {"rows":default_page_size}
# lexus modified at 201007
#self.params = result.header['params']
self.result = result
self.conn = result._connection
if 'rows' in self.params:
self.page_size = int(self.params['rows'])
elif default_page_size:
self.page_size = int(default_page_size)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('default_page_size must be an integer')
if self.page_size < len(self.result.results):
raise ValueError('Invalid default_page_size specified, lower '
'than number of results')
self.page_size = len(self.result.results)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import solr
# create a connection to a solr server
s = solr.SolrConnection('http://localhost:8080/solr/core0')
# add a document to the index
#s.add(id=1, title='Lucene in Action', author=['Erik Hatcher', 'Otis Gospodnetić'])
# do a search
response = s.query('正品')
for hit in response.results:
print hit['name'].encode("utf8")
print hit['price']
response = s.query('*', facet='true', facet_field='site')
for hit in response.results:
print hit["name"].encode("utf8")
if "brand" in hit:
print hit["brand"]
print "no brand"
response = s.query('*')
paginator = solr.SolrPaginator(response,default_page_size='1')
print type(paginator)
print paginator.num_pages