- create
- create!
- save
- save!
- update
- update_attributes
- update_attributes!
- decrement!
- decrement_counter
- increment!
- increment_counter
- toggle!
- update_all
- update_attribute
- update_counters
- save(:validate => false)
- validates_acceptance_of
- class Library < ActiveRecord::Base
- has_many :books
- validates_associated :books
- end
- validates_confirmation_of :password(多用于验证两次密码)
- class Account < ActiveRecord::Base validates_exclusion_of :subdomain, :in => %w(www), :message => "Subdomain %{value} is reserved."
- end (用于验证是否包含此www)
- class Product < ActiveRecord::Base validates_format_of :legacy_code, :with => /\A[a-zA-Z]+\z/, :message => "Only letters allowed"end
- (格式验证)
- # 验证文件后缀
- validates_format_of :photo, :with => %r{\.(gif|png|jpg)$}i, :message => "must be a URL for a GIF, JPG, or PNG image"
- # 如果使用file_column,则可以用以下方法
- validates_file_format_of :photo, :in => ["gif", "png", "jpg"]
最后我是用p.save false来实现跳过验证的

publicUpdates all the attributes from the passed-in Hash and saves the record. If the object is invalid, the saving will fail and false will be returned.

Only attr_accessible attributes will be updated
If your model specified attr_accessible attributes, only those attributes will be updated.
Use attr_accessible to prevent mass assignment (by users) of attributes that should not be editable by a user. Mass assignment is used in create and update methods of your standard controller.
For a normal user account, for example, you only want login and password to be editable by a user. It should not be possible to change the status attribute through mass assignment.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :login, :password end
So, doing the following will merrily return true, but will not update the status attribute.
@user.update_attributes(:status => 'active')
If you want to update the status attribute, you should assign it separately.
@user.status = 'active' save

Calls attribute setter for each key/value in the hash
This is a convenience to set multiple attributes at the same time. It calls the "setter" method
for each key in the hash. If you have overridden the setter to add functionality, it will be called.
This also allows you to create non-table attributes that affect the record. For instance, a full_name=() method could parse the string and set the first_name=() and last_name() accordingly.

Skipping validation
Unlike the save method, you can’t pass false to update_attributes to tell it to skip validation. Should you wish to do this (consider carefully if this is wise) update the attributes explicitly then call save and pass false:
@model_name.attributes = params[:model_name] @model_name.save false