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上海PyCon China2011大会
上海PyCon China2011大会
[LeetCode] Strobogrammatic Number III
[LeetCode] Strobogrammatic Number II
[Codeforces 1253E] Antenna Coverage
[CodeForces 466C] Number of Ways
UVa 806 四分树
Uva 1572 自组合
UVa Sculpture(离散化 floodfill)
Uva 4916 Selling Cells(随机算法)
UvaLive 4863 Balloons(贪心)
UvaLive 4872 Underground Cables (最小生成树)
[题解] uva 1151 Buy or Build (kruskal最小生成树)
[题解] uva 1395 slim span(kruskal最小生成树)
[题解] uvalive 5713 Qin Shi Huang's National Road System 秦始皇修路(prim最小生成树)
[题解] bzoj 2038 小z的袜子(莫队)
[题解] poj 1904 King's Quest (tarjan强连通分量)
[BZOJ1997][Hnoi2010]Planar 2-sat (联通分量) 平面图
[BZOJ1996][Hnoi2010]chorus 合唱队 区间dp
[BZOJ4990][Usaco2017 Feb]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road II dp
[BZOJ4198][Noi2015]荷马史诗 哈夫曼树
[BZOJ4989][Usaco2017 Feb]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road 树状数组维护逆序对
[BZOJ4760][Usaco2017 Jan]Hoof, Paper, Scissors dp
[BZOJ4756][Usaco2017 Jan]Promotion Counting 树状数组
[BZOJ2442][Usaco2011 Open]修剪草坪 dp+单调队列优化
[BZOJ1634][Usaco2007 Jan]Protecting the Flowers 护花 贪心
[LeetCode 295] Find Median from Data Stream
[LeetCode 518] Coin Change 2
[Daily Coding Problem] Find the total number of solutions of a linear equation of n variables
[Daily Coding Problem 371] Solve Arithmetic Equations
[LeetCode 1274] Number of Ships in a Rectangle
[Daily Coding Problem 365] Implement Quack using 3 stacks
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