treapdb - A fast and stable key-value store based on Treap data structure - Google Project Hosting
TreapDB is a key-value store based on Treap
- 2.0 RC1 released!
- See the change log.
- 中文简介
Unit Test
- can be a embedded library or a standalone RPC-Server
- can 'talk' memcache and thrift at the same time
- master-slave replication
- random "put" speed: 8000 tps(RPC Server); 25000tps(Embedded)
- key is "thing1"~"thing5000000",value is 100B string
- 关于性能
- random "get" speed: 15000 tps(RPC Server); 32000tps(Embedded)
- bulkPut speed: 17000 tps, bulkGet speed:30000tps
- support other operations besides "get" and "set":
All Operations
- service specification:
namespace java fx.sunjoy.server.gen
struct Pair {
1: string key,
2: binary value,
service TreapDBService{
void put(1:string key, 2:binary value);
binary get(1:string key),
void bulkPut(1:map<string,binary> kvMap);
list<Pair> bulkGet(1:list<string> keyList);
list<Pair> prefix(1:string prefixStr,2:i32 limit,3:string startK,4:bool asc),
list<Pair> bulkPrefix(1:list<string> prefixList,2:i32 limit,3:string startK,4:bool asc),
list<Pair> kmax(1:i32 k),
list<Pair> kmin(1:i32 k),
list<Pair> range(1:string kStart, 2:string kEnd,3:i32 limit),
list<Pair> before(1:string key,2:i32 limit),
list<Pair> after(1:string key,2:i32 limit),
i32 length(),
bool remove(1:string key),
bool removePrefix(1:string key),
void optimize(1:i32 amount)
}Operations of TreapDB
Operation Usage Parameters put insert a new key-value pair, or replace an old key-value pair key and value get get the value of the indicated key key bulkPut inset 2 or more key-value pairs together map of key and value bulkGet get the value of 2 or more indicated keys list of keys prefix get the value of the keys with the indicated prefix string prefix and number of result bulkPrefix get the value of the keys with the indicated prefix strings list of prefix, number of result, beginning key, sort the key-value pairs in ascending or descending order kmax get the k maximum key-value pairs k kmin get the k minimum key-value pairs k range get the key-value pairs whose key is between the indicated keys beginning key and ending key before get the key-value pairs whose key is before the indicated key in alphabetical order key and number of result after get the key-value pairs whose key is after the indicated key in alphabetical order key and number of result length get the number of key-value pairs none remove delete the indicated key-value pair key removePrefix delete value of the keys with indicated prefix string prefix optimize optimize the space usage of index file number of nodes need to be optimized(1024 is recommended value) Sample Server
- memcached protocol compatible server for test usage
- thrift-based server for production usage
Download & Configure
- click here to download
- run
- ./ conf/TreapDBConf.xml(master mode)
- ./ conf/TreapDBConf_Slave.xml(slave mode)
- configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
//Listening port of memcache protocol
//Listening port of thrift protocol
//Index file name
//size of index-block-item;
//default key length is 26(=64-38),38 is the node-overhead,
//TreapDB supports max key-length: 127 bytes)
<MMapSize>128</MMapSize> //the more the better, 128MB is enough for 2 Million keys
</TreapDB>TreapDBConf_Slave.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
//Set master address and port here!
</TreapDB>How to build from source
- svn checkout
- ant dist
- use the jars generated in build/dist
How to write client code
Java:String host = "localhost";Python:
Integer port = 11812; //thrift port
TreapDBClient client = TreapDBClientFactory.getClient(host, port);
...import pytreap
client = pytreap.connect('localhost',11812) //thrift port
client.remove(...)Can TreapDB be used in an embedded way?
Yes,put libtreap-xx.jar in your app's classpath.DiskTreap<String, Serializable> treap = new DiskTreap<String,Serializable>
(new File("/usr/local/indexpath"));
/* key can be any type which implements Comparable;
value can be any type which implements Serializable*/Only Java?
- TreapDB server is based on thrift, so you can generate your client in
any programming language.
- For example, generate the python client code.
thrift --gen py res/service.txt- res/service.txt is a service specification:
Python client: is treap?
In computer science, the treap and the randomized binary search tree are two closely-related forms of binary search tree data structures that maintain a dynamic set of ordered keys and allow binary searches among the keys. After any sequence of insertions and deletions of keys, the shape of the tree is a random variable with the same probability distribution as a random binary tree; in particular, with high probability its height is proportional to the logarithm of the number of keys, so that each search, insertion, or deletion operation takes logarithmic time to perform.
Contact the author
- Junyi Sun, Qiang Ma
- E-mail: ccnusjy (#$)
- Sponsor: Sino-German Joint Laboratory of Software Integration