django-standalone 0.4 : Python Package Index
django-standalone 0.4
use the Django ORM with standalone scripts
-*- markdown -*- Simple Standalone Scripts Using the Django ORM ===================================================== This little library is all about easing the pain of using the Django ORM for simple tools that just happen to be in need of some easy to use ORM for object persistence. The best way of course is to set up a full Django project and just use a file and using the DJANGO_SETINGS_MODULE environment variable. But when you just want to do little tools that just need some sqlite3 database to store some of their data and don't want to go for a full Django project, that is where this little library comes into play. It consists of just two modules so far: standalone.conf handles all the configuration needs, setting up standalone.models carries a base class for your models that automatically tells Python that all models created actually reside in the standalone Django app, even though they are in a different file, outside the app's namespace. As a warning: this might be seen as voodoo, bad magic or just a plain stupid idea by some people. And the official way to do it might be a much better idea for you. I myself just happen to like to have the ability to easily create standalone executable scripts that don't rely on some predefined project structure. how to get it --------------- The easiest way to get django-standalone is to use easy_install or pip: sudo easy_install django-standalone or sudo pip install django-standalone Or you can clone this repository and run the included To run the included test cases, just run the following: pythons test using in your scripts: ------------------------ First create a dynamic configuration for your database connection: from standalone.conf import settings settings = settings( DATABASE_ENGINE='sqlite3', DATABASE_NAME=options.database, ) this is all you need to do to have django modules working in your script. You would have to add additional settings if you want to use more than just the ORM, for example you will have to add TEMPLATE_DIR if you want to use the template modules. You can add any django setting you want - standalone.conf will allways extend your settings, never overwrite them. Now you just define a bunch of Models, using the provided base class in your script. The needed module standalone.models reexports everything from django.models, so you only need one. from standalone import models class MyModel(models.StandaloneModel): col1 = models.CharField(max_length=1000) col2 = models.IntegerField() col3 = models.BooleanField() def __unicode__(self): return self.col1