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  • Amber is an implementation of the Smalltalk language that runs on top of the JavaScript runtime.

    Amber is an implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language. It is designed to make client-side development faster and easier. It allows developers to write client-side heavy web applications in Smalltalk.

    Amber includes an integrated development environment with a class browser, workspace, transcript, object inspector and debugger.

    Amber is written in itself, including the parser and compiler, and compiles into efficient JavaScript, mapping one-to-one with the JS equivalent.

    Try a right now!

    You can join the Google Group or the #amber-lang IRC channel on freenode.

    webscraping - Python library for web scraping - Google Project Hosting


    The webscraping library aims to make web scraping easier.

    All code is pure Python and has been run across multiple Linux servers, Windows machines, as well as Google App Engine.



    >>> from webscraping import common
    >>> common.remove_tags('hello <b>world</b>!')
    'hello world!'
    >>> common.extract_domain('http://www.google.com.au/tos.html')
    >>> common.unescape('&lt;hello&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;world&gt;')
    '<hello & world>'
    >>> common.extract_emails('hello richard AT sitescraper DOT net world')
    >>> cj = common.firefox_cookie()
    >>> opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
    >>> html = opener.open(url).read() # use current firefox cookies to access url


    >>> from webscraping import download
    >>> D = download.Download()
    >>> # crawl given domain
    >>> domain = ...
    >>> for url in D.crawl(domain):
    >>>    html = D.cache[url]


    >>> from webscraping import pdict 
    >>> cache = pdict.PersistentDict(CACHE_FILE)
    >>> cache['a'] = range(5) # pickle stored in sqlite database
    >>> 'a' in cache
    >>> cache['a']
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

    (see a further example here)


    >>> from webscraping import xpath
    >>> html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
    >>> xpath.parse(html, '/html/body/ul[2]/li[@class="info"]/div[1]')
    ['div content']
    >>> xpath.parse(html, '/html/body/ul[2]/li[@class="info"]/a/@href')
    ['url1', 'url2', 'url3']
  • 相关阅读:
    Clone Graph
    Word Break II
    Word Break
    Pascal's Triangle
    N-Queens II
    Length of Last Word
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lexus/p/2465790.html
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