Python Network Programming : Code Index
Code Index
- Simple Echo Server and Client: Demonstrates the use of the socket API, without error checking.
- Simple Echo Server with Exception Checking and Client with Exception Checking: Demonstrates error checking for sockets.
- Echo Server with Select and Long-Lived Echo Client: Demonstrates a server that multiplexes clients using select() with a client that can send an unlimited number of echo requests. Just for fun, you can try this client with the Inefficient Echo Server, which can server only one client at a time.
- Threaded Echo Server: Demonstrates how to build a threaded echo server, with generates one thread for each incoming client. You can use the Long-Lived Echo Client to test it.
- Shared Memory Server and Client: Demonstrates the use of shared memory among threads, using a separate Shared Memory Module
- UDP Echo Server and Client: Demonstrates the use of UDP sockets.