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  • HTTP/1.1 demos

    HTTP/1.1 demos

    DISCLAIMER: Jigsaw tries to implement all features of HTTP/1.1, it has not however reached a Refernce Implementation status of any sort with regard to HTTP/1.1. This "test suite" has been established temporarily, in particular:

    • We do not guarantee protocol conformance on any of the tests,
    • This service must not be refered to as a "conforming testing"
    • This service must not be mentioned in any commercial like situation

    You're looking for a server implementing a specific HTTP/1.1 feature ? If that feature is not in the included list below, send mail to jigsaw@w3.org.

    Chunk EncodingJigsaw will chunk encode any stream that needs to be chunk encoded automatically, when possible. This link points to a CGI script, whose output will be chunk encoded if you're using an HTTP/1.1 client.
    TEJigsaw will serve you this text file, according to the transfer-encoding present in the request. It can serve the resource using gzip or deflate compression scheme.
    TE (bis)Jigsaw will serve you this text file, according to the transfer-encoding present in the request. It can serve the resource using gzip or deflate compression scheme, the data comes from another resource, so a Content-Location: header is added.
    ConnectionThe Connection header is used in HTTP/1.1 to mark a header as "hop-by-hop" only. Proxies, for example, should remove header listed in Connection.
    Cache-Control  (max-age)Jigsaw will always emit appropriate Cache-Control info. This link points to a page whose cache control max-age value has been set to 120 seconds.
    Cache-Control (private)This links points to a page that will be served with a private cache control directive.
    Cache-Control (proxy-revalidate)This links point to a page that will be served with a proxy-revalidate cache control directive.
    Cache-Control (no-cache)This links points to a page which has  a fake Set-Cookie header, and which include a Cache-Control: no-cache="Set-Cookie" header. Meant to test proxies.
    Content-MD5This links points to a resource served with its MD5 digest. It gives an indication that the integrity of the entity body has been respected. Note that it only for accidental modification or errors, not to check for malicious attacks.
    In this example, the value should be:
    Content-Md5: 0TMnkhCZtrIjdTtJk6x3+Q==
    Retry-After (delay)This link points to something which can be unavailable, depending on the date and time. If it is not available, it will give the delay of expected unavailability.
    Retry-After (date)This link points to something which can be unavailable, depending on the date and time. If it is not available, it will give the date of expected availability.
    300 Multiple ChoicesThis link points to a resource which can give two resources. One for text/html, one for text/plain. If you have the same quality level for both, the server will return a 300 Multiple Choices along with a list of available variants.
    406 Not AcceptableThis link points to a resource which cannot be served, according to the Accept header sent. The server will return a 406 Not Acceptable to notify the failure of the request.
    414 Request-URI Too LongThis link points to a resource which cannot be served, as the URI to reach it will be too long. The server will return a 414 Request-URI Too Long to notify the failure of the request.
    Redirect test pageThis link point to a page demonstrating some redirect response codes.
    Basic Authentication testThis link point to a protected resource, to access it, the user is "guest" and the password is also "guest".
    Digest Authentication testThis link point to a protected resource, to access it, the user is "guest" and the password is also "guest". This page is protected using Digest Authentication.
    Content-Location testThis link point to resource whose content is in another directory. The computation of the base URI of this document has to be done according to the Content-Location header sent by the server.
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    c语言49 交替输出正负号,当输入0以下时什么也不显示
    c语言48 改写48的程序,当输入的值小于1时不输出换行符
    c语言 411 逆向输出输入的整数值(同时输出原始数据)
    c语言47 显示出小于输入的整数的所有2的乘方
    c语言412 输入一个整数值显示其位数
    c语言415 输出标准身高体重对照表
    c语言413 求1到n的和
    c语言 410 输出连续* \n
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lexus/p/2991840.html
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