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  • [20190419]shared latch spin count.txt

    [20190419]shared latch spin count.txt

    --//昨天测试exclusive latch spin count = 20000(缺省).
    --//今天测试shared latch spin count的情况,看了一些文章测试等于2 *_spin_count.
    --//有了昨天的测试经验,今天测试应该相对容易一些,不过shared latch有两种模式:

    For the shared latches Oracle 10g uses kslgetsl(laddr, wait, why, where, mode) function. Oracle 11g has kslgetsl_w()
    function with the same interface, but internally uses ksl_get_shared_latch(). Like in my previous post, I guess the
    meaning of kslgetsl() arguments as:

    --//对于共享锁存,Oracle 10g使用kslgetsl(laddr,wait,why,where,mode)函数。Oracle 11g具有相同接口的kslgetsl_w()函数,但

        laddress -- address of latch in SGA
        wait     -- flag. If not 0, then willing-to-wait latch get
        why      -- context why the latch is acquired at this where.
        where    -- location from where the latch is acquired (x$ksllw.indx)

    And the last one is:

        mode – Exclusive or shared mode

    the mode argument took only two values:
         8 -- "SHARED"
        16 -- "EXCLUSIVE"

    --//A. S mode 下: peek记录的前4位持有S mode的数量.后4位是0x0. (这里针对的64位的系统)
    --//B. S mode 下,如果出现X mode,peek记录的前4位持有S mode的数量.后4位是0x40000000.
    --//   一旦X mode持有,前4位持有会话PID号,后4位0x20000000.
    --//C. X mode 持有,会导致顺序的S mode 串行化.从调优角度讲这是最"可怕"的事情.
    --//D. 从以上测试可以看出 shared latch优化的重点就是减少X mode出现的频次.

    --//也就是测试要至少测试三种SX,XX,XS情况.是否这些情况下spin count是否一样.
    --//链接 :http://andreynikolaev.wordpress.com/2011/01/14/spin-tales-part-2-shared-latches-in-oracle-9-2-11g/

    sqlplus /nolog @latch_spin_trace.sql 102
    ---------- --------- --------------------------------------------------
    kslgetsl    50009BAC gcs_partitioned_table_hash
    pid: 7270
    kslgetsl     - KSL GET Shared Latch
    kslgess      - wait latch get
    kslskgs      - shared latch spin get
    sskgslspin   - spinning function
    --//说明一下:作者测试环境10g,10g shared latch调用函数是kslgetsl,11g shared latch调用函数是kslgetsl_w.
    --//latch spin 使用sskgslspin函数调用,可是linux下使用intel cpu并没有对应的oracle内部函数.
    (gdb) b sskgslspin
    Function "sskgslspin" not defined.
    Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y
    Breakpoint 3 (sskgslspin) pending.

    SCOTT@book> @ ver1
    PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER
    ------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx       Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

    SYS@book> @ hide spin_count
    ----------------- ---------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------
    _mutex_spin_count Mutex spin count                   TRUE          255           255
    _spin_count       Amount to spin waiting for a latch TRUE          2000          2000

    $ cat shared_latch.txt
    /* 参数如下: @ latch.txt latch_name willing why where mode sleep_num */
    --//connect / as sysdba
    col laddr new_value laddr
    col vmode  new_value vmode
    select decode(lower('&&5'),'s',8,'x',16,'8',8,'16',16) vmode from dual ;
    SELECT addr laddr FROM v$latch_parent WHERE NAME='&&1';
    oradebug setmypid
    oradebug call kslgetsl_w 0x&laddr &&2 &&3 &&4  &vmode
    host sleep &&6
    oradebug call kslfre 0x&laddr
    --//注:我前几天的测试脚本有connect / as sysdba,exit这两行,我为了调式方便,先注解这2行,避免反复退出进入会话.

    --//选择一个shared latch测试,我选择"test shared non-parent l0" latch测试:
    SYS@book> select * from shared_latches where name='test shared non-parent l0';
    VERSION    LATCH# NAME                      S
    ---------- ------ ------------------------- -      6 test shared non-parent l0 Y

    --//首先测试 XX 情况.
    --//session 1:
    SYS@book> @ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 1 2  x 100000
    Statement processed.
    Function returned 1

    --//session 2:
    SYS@book> @ spid

           SID    SERIAL# PROCESS                  SERVER    SPID       PID  P_SERIAL# C50
    ---------- ---------- ------------------------ --------- ------ ------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
            44         23 30318                    DEDICATED 30319       27         10 alter system kill session '44,23' immediate;
    --//暂且称为window 3:
    $ rlwrap gdb -p 30319

    --//session 2:
    SYS@book> @ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 3 4 x 1

    --//windows 3:
    (gdb) c
    --//session 2:
    SYS@book> @shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 3 4 x 1

    Statement processed.

    --//回到window 3,按ctrl+c中断:
    (gdb) c
    Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
    0x00000037990d6407 in semop () from /lib64/libc.so.6
    (gdb) bt 8
    #0  0x00000037990d6407 in semop () from /lib64/libc.so.6
    #1  0x0000000009809c0f in sskgpwwait ()
    #2  0x00000000098089ce in skgpwwait ()
    #3  0x0000000000a86d3f in kslgess ()
    #4  0x00000000093faca5 in ksl_get_shared_latch ()
    #5  0x0000000004a2c53e in kslgetsl_w ()
    #6  0x0000000007d74142 in skdxcall ()
    #7  0x00000000076c96aa in ksdxcall ()
    (More stack frames follow...)


    --//在session 1按ctrl+c,退出window 3的gdb程序,重新执行gdb.
    --//window 3:
    $ rlwrap gdb -p 30319
    (gdb) break kslgess
    Breakpoint 1 at 0xa865ca

    --//设置断点在kslgess函数调用上.然后在session 1,2分别执行(后面不再说明):
    --//再次挂起!在window 3,执行如下:
    --//如果我执行ni 1000应该不会错过什么,可以这时看寄存器应该猜测spin count在那个寄存器中.

    (gdb) break kslskgs
    Breakpoint 1 at 0xa874fa
    (gdb) c

    Breakpoint 1, 0x0000000000a874fa in kslskgs ()

    (gdb) ni 100
    (gdb) info regi r13 rip
    r13            0x764    1892
    rip            0xa875e3 0xa875e3 <kslskgs+237>
    (gdb) ni
    0x0000000000a875be in kslskgs ()
    (gdb) info regi r13 rip
    r13            0x764    1892
    rip            0xa875be 0xa875be <kslskgs+200>
    (gdb) ni
    0x0000000000a875c8 in kslskgs ()
    (gdb) info regi r13 rip
    r13            0x764    1892
    rip            0xa875c8 0xa875c8 <kslskgs+210>
    (gdb) ni
    0x0000000000a875cb in kslskgs ()
    (gdb) info regi r13 rip
    r13            0x764    1892
    rip            0xa875cb 0xa875cb <kslskgs+213>
    (gdb) ni
    0x0000000000a875d1 in kslskgs ()
    (gdb) info regi r13 rip
    r13            0x764    1892
    rip            0xa875d1 0xa875d1 <kslskgs+219>
    (gdb) ni
    0x0000000000a875d4 in kslskgs ()
    (gdb) info regi r13 rip
    r13            0x764    1892
    rip            0xa875d4 0xa875d4 <kslskgs+222>
    (gdb) ni
    0x0000000000a875da in kslskgs ()
    (gdb) info regi r13 rip
    r13            0x764    1892
    rip            0xa875da 0xa875da <kslskgs+228>
    (gdb) ni
    0x0000000000a875dd in kslskgs ()
    (gdb) info regi r13 rip
    r13            0x764    1892
    rip            0xa875dd 0xa875dd <kslskgs+231>
    (gdb) ni
    0x0000000000a875df in kslskgs ()
    (gdb) info regi r13 rip
    r13            0x764    1892
    rip            0xa875df 0xa875df <kslskgs+233>
    (gdb) ni
    0x0000000000a875e3 in kslskgs ()
    (gdb) info regi r13 rip
    r13            0x763    1891
    rip            0xa875e3 0xa875e3 <kslskgs+237>

    (gdb) disassemble kslskgs
    0x0000000000a875be <kslskgs+200>:       mov    $0x4000000000000000,%rsi
    0x0000000000a875c8 <kslskgs+210>:       cmp    %rsi,%rbx
    0x0000000000a875cb <kslskgs+213>:       je     0xa876db <kslskgs+485>
    0x0000000000a875d1 <kslskgs+219>:       test   %rbx,%rbx
    0x0000000000a875d4 <kslskgs+222>:       je     0xa876db <kslskgs+485>
    0x0000000000a875da <kslskgs+228>:       mov    (%r14),%rbx
    0x0000000000a875dd <kslskgs+231>:       pause
    0x0000000000a875df <kslskgs+233>:       add    $0xffffffffffffffff,%r13d
    0x0000000000a875e3 <kslskgs+237>:       jne    0xa875be <kslskgs+200>

    $ cat spin_s.gdb
    break kslgetl
        printf "kslgetl %x, %d, %d, %d ", $rdi, $rsi, $rdx, $rcx

    break kslges
        printf "kslges %x, %d, %d, %d ", $rdi, $rsi, $rdx, $rcx

    break skgpwwait
        printf "skgpwwait %d, %d, %d, %d ", $rdi, $rsi, $rdx, $rcx

    break sskgpwwait
        printf "sskgpwwait %d, %d, %d, %d ", $rdi, $rsi, $rdx, $rcx

    break semop
        printf "semop %d, %d, %d, %d ", $rdi, $rsi, $rdx, $rcx

    break *0x93f9ddc
        printf " spin count loop: %d %d %x ", $rax,$rcx,$rip

    break ksl_get_shared_latch
        printf "ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:%x, willing:%d, where:%d, why:%d, mode:%d ", $rdi, $rsi, $rdx, $rcx, $r8

    break kslgess
        printf "kslgess %x, %d, %d, %d ", $rdi, $rsi, $rdx, $rcx

    break kslskgs
        printf "kslskgs %x, %d, %d, %d ", $rdi, $rsi, $rdx, $rcx

    break *0xa875be
        printf " spin count loop: %d %x ", $r13,$rip

    --//window 3:
    $ rlwrap gdb -p 30319 -x spin_s.gdb
    Breakpoint 1 at 0x93f97a8
    Breakpoint 2 at 0x93f9b74
    Breakpoint 3 at 0x9808932
    Breakpoint 4 at 0x9809840
    Breakpoint 5 at 0x37990d6400
    Breakpoint 6 at 0x93f9ddc
    Breakpoint 7 at 0x93faa36
    Breakpoint 8 at 0xa865ca
    Breakpoint 9 at 0xa874fa
    Breakpoint 10 at 0xa875be
    (gdb) c
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f800a8, willing:1, where:-2043089904, why:95, mode:8
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f800a8, willing:1, where:-2043089904, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f800a8, willing:1, where:-2043089904, why:95, mode:8
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f800a8, willing:1, where:-2043089904, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f800a8, willing:1, where:-2043089904, why:95, mode:8
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f800a8, willing:1, where:-2043089904, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f800a8, willing:1, where:-2043089904, why:95, mode:8
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f800a8, willing:1, where:-2043089904, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f800a8, willing:1, where:-2043089904, why:95, mode:8
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f800a8, willing:1, where:-2043089904, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f800a8, willing:1, where:-2043089904, why:95, mode:8
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f800a8, willing:1, where:-2043089904, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:60009a18, willing:1, where:3, why:4, mode:16
    kslgess 60009a18, 16, 0, 3
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, 491913760, 491914304
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 1998 a875be
     spin count loop: 1997 a875be
     spin count loop: 1996 a875be
     spin count loop: 1995 a875be
     spin count loop: 1994 a875be
     spin count loop: 6 a875be
     spin count loop: 5 a875be
     spin count loop: 4 a875be
     spin count loop: 3 a875be
     spin count loop: 2 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, 491913760, 491914304
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait 491913544, 202182304, -2044659696, 0
    sskgpwwait 491913544, 202182304, -2044659696, 0
    semop 315195392, 491913344, 1, -1

    --//session 1:
    SYS@book> @ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 1 2  x 100000

    Statement processed.
    Function returned 1
    Function returned 0

    --//session 2等1秒也执行完成.
    SYS@book> @shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 3 4 x 1

    Statement processed.
    Function returned 1
    Function returned 0

    --//window 3界面显示如下:
    semop 315195392, 491913344, 1, -1
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, 491913760, 491914304
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be

    (gdb) info br 9
    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
    9       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000a874fa <kslskgs+4>
            breakpoint already hit 3 times
            printf "kslskgs %x, %d, %d, %d ", $rdi, $rsi, $rdx, $rcx
    (gdb) info br 10
    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
    10      breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000a875be <kslskgs+200>
            breakpoint already hit 2002 times
            printf " spin count loop: %d %x ", $r13,$rip
    --//spin count=2002次.再次重复结果一样.也就是我的测试结果与https://fritshoogland.wordpress.com/2015/07/17/oracle-12-and-latches-part-2/


    SYS@book> startup pfile=/tmp/@.ora
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area  643084288 bytes
    Fixed Size                  2255872 bytes
    Variable Size             205521920 bytes
    Database Buffers          427819008 bytes
    Redo Buffers                7487488 bytes
    Database mounted.
    Database opened.

    SYS@book> select * from x$ksllclass ;
    ADDR                   INDX    INST_ID       SPIN      YIELD   WAITTIME     SLEEP0     SLEEP1     SLEEP2     SLEEP3     SLEEP4     SLEEP5     SLEEP6     SLEEP7
    ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    00000000861986C0          0          1         20          0          1       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000
    00000000861986EC          1          1         20          0          1       1000       1000       1000       1000       1000       1000       1000       1000
    0000000086198718          2          1         20          0          1       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000
    0000000086198744          3          1         20          0          1       1000       1000       1000       1000       1000       1000       1000       1000
    0000000086198770          4          1         20          0          1       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000
    000000008619879C          5          1         20          0          1       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000
    00000000861987C8          6          1         20          0          1       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000
    00000000861987F4          7          1         20          0          1       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000
    8 rows selected.

    (gdb) c
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:95, mode:8
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2082043896, 3991
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:95, mode:8
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 0, 4039
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 0, 3980
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 0, 4039
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2081938320, 3991
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:95, mode:8
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:95, mode:8
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2081947264, 3991
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:95, mode:8
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2081910208, 3991
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 0, 4039
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 0, 3980
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 0, 4039
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:95, mode:8
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2081915088, 3991
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:95, mode:8
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2081924032, 3991
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f7e8, willing:1, where:-2043265072, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:60009a18, willing:1, where:3, why:4, mode:16
    kslgess 60009a18, 16, 0, 3
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, 1333839872, 1333840416
     spin count loop: 20 a875be
     spin count loop: 19 a875be
     spin count loop: 18 a875be
     spin count loop: 17 a875be
     spin count loop: 16 a875be
     spin count loop: 15 a875be
     spin count loop: 14 a875be
     spin count loop: 13 a875be
     spin count loop: 12 a875be
     spin count loop: 11 a875be
     spin count loop: 10 a875be
     spin count loop: 9 a875be
     spin count loop: 8 a875be
     spin count loop: 7 a875be
     spin count loop: 6 a875be
     spin count loop: 5 a875be
     spin count loop: 4 a875be
     spin count loop: 3 a875be
     spin count loop: 2 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, 1333839872, 1333840416
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait 1333839656, 202182304, -2044663976, 0
    sskgpwwait 1333839656, 202182304, -2044663976, 0
    semop 315326464, 1333839456, 1, -1
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, 1333839872, 1333840416
     spin count loop: 20 a875be

    (gdb) info br 10
    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
    10      breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000a875be <kslskgs+200>
            breakpoint already hit 22 times
            printf " spin count loop: %d %x ", $r13,$rip
    --//22次spin count.

    SYS@book> select addr,name,level#,latch#,gets,misses,sleeps,immediate_gets,immediate_misses,waiters_woken,waits_holding_latch,spin_gets,wait_time from v$latch_parent   where lower(name) ='test shared non-parent l0';
    ---------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
    0000000060009A18 test shared non-parent l0                         0          6          4          2          2              0                0             0                   0          0   23731310

    *._latch_class_3='10 0 1 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 50000'

    SYS@book> startup pfile=/tmp/@.ora
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area  643084288 bytes
    Fixed Size                  2255872 bytes
    Variable Size             205521920 bytes
    Database Buffers          427819008 bytes
    Redo Buffers                7487488 bytes
    Database mounted.
    Database opened.
    SYS@book> select * from x$ksllclass ;
    ADDR                   INDX    INST_ID       SPIN      YIELD   WAITTIME     SLEEP0     SLEEP1     SLEEP2     SLEEP3     SLEEP4     SLEEP5     SLEEP6     SLEEP7
    ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    00000000861986C0          0          1      20000          0          1       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000
    00000000861986EC          1          1      20000          0          1       1000       1000       1000       1000       1000       1000       1000       1000
    0000000086198718          2          1      20000          0          1       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000
    0000000086198744          3          1         10          0          1      10000      20000      30000      40000      50000      60000      70000      50000
    0000000086198770          4          1      20000          0          1       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000
    000000008619879C          5          1      20000          0          1       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000
    00000000861987C8          6          1      20000          0          1       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000
    00000000861987F4          7          1      20000          0          1       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000       8000
    8 rows selected.

    SYS@book> select CLASS_KSLLT,decode(CLASS_KSLLT,2,KSLLTNAM,3,KSLLTNAM) name,count(*) from x$kslltr group by  CLASS_KSLLT,decode(CLASS_KSLLT,2,KSLLTNAM,3,KSLLTNAM);
    CLASS_KSLLT NAME                      COUNT(*)
    ----------- ------------------------- --------
              0                                580
              2 process allocation               1
              3 test shared non-parent l0        1

    Continuing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           [0/22415]
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:95, mode:8
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2085717616, 3991
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:95, mode:8
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 0, 4039
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 0, 3980
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 0, 4039
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2085673168, 3991
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:95, mode:8
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:95, mode:8
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2085682112, 3991
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:95, mode:8
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2085645056, 3991
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 0, 4039
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 0, 3980
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 0, 4039
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:95, mode:8
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2085649936, 3991
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:95, mode:8
    kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2085658880, 3991
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:96, mode:16
    ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:60009a18, willing:1, where:3, why:4, mode:16
    kslgess 60009a18, 16, 0, 3
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -331400368, -331399824
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 3 a875be
     spin count loop: 2 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait -331400584, 202182304, 0, 10000
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -331400368, -331399824
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 1998 a875be
     spin count loop: 2 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait -331400584, 202182304, 0, 20000
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -331400368, -331399824
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 1998 a875be
     spin count loop: 3 a875be
     spin count loop: 2 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait -331400584, 202182304, 0, 30000
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -331400368, -331399824
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 1998 a875be
     spin count loop: 1997 a875be
     spin count loop: 2 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait -331400584, 202182304, 0, 40000
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -331400368, -331399824
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 2 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait -331400584, 202182304, 0, 50000
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -331400368, -331399824
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 2 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait -331400584, 202182304, 0, 60000
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -331400368, -331399824
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 2 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait -331400584, 202182304, 0, 70000
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -331400368, -331399824
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 1998 a875be
     spin count loop: 2 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait -331400584, 202182304, 0, 70000
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -331400368, -331399824
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 1998 a875be
     spin count loop: 2 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait -331400584, 202182304, 0, 70000
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -331400368, -331399824
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 1998 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait -331400584, 202182304, 0, 50000
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -331400368, -331399824
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 2 a875be
     spin count loop: 1 a875be
    skgpwwait -331400584, 202182304, 0, 50000
    kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -331400368, -331399824
     spin count loop: 2000 a875be
     spin count loop: 1999 a875be
     spin count loop: 1963 a875be
     spin count loop: 1962 a875be
     spin count loop: 1961 a875be
    ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---q
    --//注意看skgpwwait最后参数,实际上就是sleep的时间,单位微秒.spin count不是10,而是2000.

    (gdb) info br 10
    Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
    10      breakpoint     keep y   0x0000000000a875be <kslskgs+200>
            breakpoint already hit 18041 times
            printf " spin count loop: %d %x ", $r13,$rip

    $ strace -fttT -p 31247
    Process 31247 attached - interrupt to quit
    11:06:41.497253 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 40191}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.040333>
    11:06:41.537915 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050145>
    11:06:41.588209 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050140>
    11:06:41.638518 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050108>
    11:06:41.688774 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050146>
    11:06:41.739070 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050147>
    11:06:41.789366 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050110>
    11:06:41.839640 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050141>
    11:06:41.889947 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050143>
    11:06:41.940240 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050121>
    11:06:41.990509 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050153>
    11:06:42.040831 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050145>
    11:06:42.091124 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050151>
    11:06:42.141462 select(0, [], [], [], {0, 50000}) = 0 (Timeout) <0.050161>

    2.shared latch 持有X 模式,申请 X 模式阻塞,spin_count=_spin_count.与exclusive latch不同.
    4.其它模式比如SX,XS.另外写一篇blog测试.我看了连接,我还忘记考虑Blocking mode下的情况.

                    S mode get  X mode get
    Held in S mode  Compatible  2*_spin_count
    Held in X mode           0  2*_spin_count
    Blocking mode            0  2*_spin_count


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