G:CodingFFMpegProjConsole>dir 驱动器 G 中的卷没有标签。 卷的序列号是 0FD5-0CC8 G:CodingFFMpegProjConsole 的目录 2016/08/10 12:46 <DIR> . 2016/08/10 12:46 <DIR> .. 2016/04/14 11:08 24,464,896 avcodec-57.dll 2016/04/14 11:08 168,948 avcodec.lib 2016/04/14 11:08 1,363,968 avdevice-57.dll 2016/04/14 11:08 15,628 avdevice.lib 2016/04/14 11:08 3,799,552 avfilter-6.dll 2016/04/14 11:08 50,364 avfilter.lib 2016/04/14 11:08 4,929,536 avformat-57.dll 2016/04/14 11:08 133,888 avformat.lib 2016/04/14 11:08 604,672 avutil-55.dll 2016/04/14 11:08 359,056 avutil.lib 2016/06/23 09:59 21,987,736 bad.mp4 2016/08/09 18:25 424 compile.bat 2016/04/14 11:08 <DIR> libavcodec 2016/04/14 11:08 <DIR> libavdevice 2016/04/14 11:08 <DIR> libavfilter 2016/04/14 11:08 <DIR> libavformat 2016/04/14 11:08 <DIR> libavutil 2016/04/14 11:08 <DIR> libpostproc 2016/04/14 11:08 <DIR> libswresample 2016/04/14 11:08 <DIR> libswscale 2016/04/14 11:08 110,080 postproc-54.dll 2016/04/14 11:08 8,904 postproc.lib 2016/04/14 11:08 287,232 swresample-2.dll 2016/04/14 11:08 17,944 swresample.lib 2016/04/14 11:08 513,536 swscale-4.dll 2016/04/14 11:08 27,064 swscale.lib 2013/09/01 09:07 5,800 test.swf 2016/08/09 18:01 4,334 tutorial.c 2016/08/10 12:01 3,075 tutorial.cpp 21 个文件 58,856,637 字节 10 个目录 10,641,301,504 可用字节 G:CodingFFMpegProjConsole>
@echo off color a call D:VS2013VCvcvarsall.bat x86 cl /c tutorial.cpp if %errorlevel% == 0 (goto :LINK) else ((echo CL error) && goto :END) pause :LINK link tutorial.obj avformat.lib avfilter.lib avcodec.lib avutil.lib postproc.lib swresample.lib swscale.lib avdevice.lib if %errorlevel% == 0 (goto :RUN) else ((echo LINK error) && goto :END) :RUN tutorial.exe tutorial.exe > 1.txt 1.txt :END @pause=====================================================
最简单的基于FFMPEG+SDL的视频播放器 ver2 (采用SDL2.0)
/** * 最简单的FFmpeg Helloworld程序 * Simplest FFmpeg HelloWorld * * 雷霄骅 Lei Xiaohua * leixiaohua1020@126.com * 中国传媒大学/数字电视技术 * Communication University of China / Digital TV Technology * http://blog.csdn.net/leixiaohua1020 * * * 本程序是基于FFmpeg函数的最简单的程序。它可以打印出FFmpeg类库的下列信息: * Protocol: FFmpeg类库支持的协议 * AVFormat: FFmpeg类库支持的封装格式 * AVCodec: FFmpeg类库支持的编解码器 * AVFilter: FFmpeg类库支持的滤镜 * Configure: FFmpeg类库的配置信息 * * This is the simplest program based on FFmpeg API. It can show following * informations about FFmpeg library: * Protocol: Protocols supported by FFmpeg. * AVFormat: Container format supported by FFmpeg. * AVCodec: Encoder/Decoder supported by FFmpeg. * AVFilter: Filters supported by FFmpeg. * Configure: configure information of FFmpeg. * */ #include <stdio.h> #define __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS #ifdef _WIN32 //Windows extern "C" { #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "libavformat/avformat.h" #include "libavfilter/avfilter.h" }; #else //Linux... #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include <libavcodec/avcodec.h> #include <libavformat/avformat.h> #include <libavfilter/avfilter.h> #ifdef __cplusplus }; #endif #endif //FIX struct URLProtocol; /** * Protocol Support Information */ char * urlprotocolinfo(){ char *info=(char *)malloc(40000); memset(info,0,40000); av_register_all(); struct URLProtocol *pup = NULL; //Input struct URLProtocol **p_temp = &pup; avio_enum_protocols((void **)p_temp, 0); while ((*p_temp) != NULL){ sprintf(info, "%s[In ][%10s] ", info, avio_enum_protocols((void **)p_temp, 0)); } pup = NULL; //Output avio_enum_protocols((void **)p_temp, 1); while ((*p_temp) != NULL){ sprintf(info, "%s[Out][%10s] ", info, avio_enum_protocols((void **)p_temp, 1)); } return info; } /** * AVFormat Support Information */ char * avformatinfo(){ char *info=(char *)malloc(40000); memset(info,0,40000); av_register_all(); AVInputFormat *if_temp = av_iformat_next(NULL); AVOutputFormat *of_temp = av_oformat_next(NULL); //Input while(if_temp!=NULL){ sprintf(info, "%s[In ] %10s ", info, if_temp->name); if_temp=if_temp->next; } //Output while (of_temp != NULL){ sprintf(info, "%s[Out] %10s ", info, of_temp->name); of_temp = of_temp->next; } return info; } /** * AVCodec Support Information */ char * avcodecinfo() { char *info=(char *)malloc(40000); memset(info,0,40000); av_register_all(); AVCodec *c_temp = av_codec_next(NULL); while(c_temp!=NULL){ if (c_temp->decode!=NULL){ sprintf(info, "%s[Dec]", info); } else{ sprintf(info, "%s[Enc]", info); } switch (c_temp->type){ case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: sprintf(info, "%s[Video]", info); break; case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO: sprintf(info, "%s[Audio]", info); break; default: sprintf(info, "%s[Other]", info); break; } sprintf(info, "%s %10s ", info, c_temp->name); c_temp=c_temp->next; } return info; } /** * AVFilter Support Information */ char * avfilterinfo() { char *info=(char *)malloc(40000); memset(info,0,40000); avfilter_register_all(); AVFilter *f_temp = (AVFilter *)avfilter_next(NULL); while (f_temp != NULL){ sprintf(info, "%s[%15s] ", info, f_temp->name); f_temp=f_temp->next; } return info; } /** * Configuration Information */ char * configurationinfo() { char *info=(char *)malloc(40000); memset(info,0,40000); av_register_all(); sprintf(info, "%s ", avcodec_configuration()); return info; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char *infostr=NULL; infostr=configurationinfo(); printf(" <<Configuration>> %s",infostr); free(infostr); infostr=urlprotocolinfo(); printf(" <<URLProtocol>> %s",infostr); free(infostr); infostr=avformatinfo(); printf(" <<AVFormat>> %s",infostr); free(infostr); infostr=avcodecinfo(); printf(" <<AVCodec>> %s",infostr); free(infostr); infostr=avfilterinfo(); printf(" <<AVFilter>> %s",infostr); free(infostr); return 0; }