- Oracle列转行函数 Listagg()
- strcat()
- wmsys.wm_concat()
2.Oracle列转行函数 Listagg()
用法就像聚合函数一样,通过Group by语句,把每个Group的一个字段,拼接起来。
eg : listagg(city,’,’)
eg : order by city
with temp as( select 'China' nation ,'Guangzhou' city from dual union all select 'China' nation ,'Shanghai' city from dual union all select 'China' nation ,'Beijing' city from dual union all select 'USA' nation ,'New York' city from dual union all select 'USA' nation ,'Bostom' city from dual union all select 'Japan' nation ,'Tokyo' city from dual ) select nation,listagg(city,',') within GROUP (order by city) as Cities from temp group by nation
就是over(partition by XXX)
也就是说,在你不实用Group by语句时候,也可以使用LISTAGG函数:
with temp as( select 500 population, 'China' nation ,'Guangzhou' city from dual union all select 1500 population, 'China' nation ,'Shanghai' city from dual union all select 500 population, 'China' nation ,'Beijing' city from dual union all select 1000 population, 'USA' nation ,'New York' city from dual union all select 500 population, 'USA' nation ,'Bostom' city from dual union all select 500 population, 'Japan' nation ,'Tokyo' city from dual ) select population, nation, city, listagg(city,',') within GROUP (order by city) over (partition by nation) rank from temp
listagg()函数支持最低版本需要Oracle 11gR2,查询自己Oracle版本sql如下,
SELECT v.VERSION FROM v$instance v;
如果版本低于11g,查询会报错 [未找到要求的 FROM 关键字]
with temp as( select 'China' nation ,'Guangzhou' city from dual union all select 'China' nation ,'Shanghai' city from dual union all select 'China' nation ,'Beijing' city from dual union all select 'USA' nation ,'New York' city from dual union all select 'USA' nation ,'Bostom' city from dual union all select 'Japan' nation ,'Tokyo' city from dual ) select nation,strcat(city) from temp group by nation
注意:如果执行报错,报错内容为 strcat标识符无效,则你的版本缺少这个函数,手动执行下面的strcat源码即可
ORACLE 字符串聚合函数 strCat
create or replace type strcat_type as object ( currentstr varchar2(4000), currentseprator varchar2(8), static function ODCIAggregateInitialize(sctx IN OUT strcat_type) return number, member function ODCIAggregateIterate(self IN OUT strcat_type,value IN VARCHAR2) return number, member function ODCIAggregateTerminate(self IN strcat_type,returnValue OUT VARCHAR2, flags IN number) return number, member function ODCIAggregateMerge(self IN OUT strcat_type,ctx2 IN strcat_type) return number ); create or replace type body strcat_type is static function ODCIAggregateInitialize(sctx IN OUT strcat_type) return number is begin sctx := strcat_type('',','); return ODCIConst.Success; end; member function ODCIAggregateIterate(self IN OUT strcat_type, value IN VARCHAR2) return number is begin if self.currentstr is null then self.currentstr := value; else self.currentstr := self.currentstr ||currentseprator || value; end if; return ODCIConst.Success; end; member function ODCIAggregateTerminate(self IN strcat_type, returnValue OUT VARCHAR2, flags IN number) return number is begin returnValue := self.currentstr; return ODCIConst.Success; end; member function ODCIAggregateMerge(self IN OUT strcat_type, ctx2 IN strcat_type) return number is begin if ctx2.currentstr is null then self.currentstr := self.currentstr; elsif self.currentstr is null then self.currentstr := ctx2.currentstr; else self.currentstr := self.currentstr || currentseprator || ctx2.currentstr; end if; return ODCIConst.Success; end; end; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION strcat (input VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 PARALLEL_ENABLE AGGREGATE USING strcat_type;
注意:11gr2和12C上已经摒弃了wm_concat函数,所以要用连接函数,建议使用之前介绍的两种.如果之前老项目使用了这个函数,需要重建该函数或者在当前运行oracle版本中没有这个函数请看这 “WM_CONCAT”: 标识符无效
with temp as( select 1 grp, 'a1' str from dual union select 1 grp, 'a2' str from dual union select 2 grp, 'b1' str from dual union select 2 grp, 'b2' str from dual union select 2 grp, 'b3' str from dual ) select grp, wmsys.wm_concat(str) from temp group by grp