dic_three = {'北京':{'昌平':{'沙河':{}}},'山东':{'济南':{}}} def three(dic): while 1: for i in dic: print(i) k = input('>>>').strip() if k == 'b'or k =='q':return k elif k in dic.keys() and dic[k]: ret = three(dic[k]) if k == 'q': return q elif(not dic.key(k)) or (not dic(k)): continue three(dic_three)
dic = {'北京':{'昌平':{'沙河':{}}},'山东':{'济南':{}}} l = [dic] while l: for key in l[-1]:print(key) k = input('input>>>').strip() if k in l[-1].keys() and l[-1][k]: l.append(l[-1][k]) elif k == 'b': l.pop() elif k == 'q': break else: continue