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  • Eboot 中给nandflash分区实现



    硬盘的0柱面、0磁头、1扇区称为主引导扇区,NANDFLASH由BLOCK和Sector组成,所以NANDFLASH的第0 BLOCK,第1 Sector为主引导扇区,FDISK程序写到该扇区的内容称为主引导记录(MBR)。该记录占用512个字节,它用于硬盘启动时将系统控制权交给用户指定的,并在分区表中登记了的某个操作系统区。

    ·分区表(DPT,Disk Partition Table)含4个分区项,偏移地址01BEH--01FDH,每个分区表项长16个字节,共64字节为分区项1、分区项2、分区项3、分区项4。

    图6-15 MBR的组成结构图


        占用512个字节的MBR中,偏移地址01BEH--01FDH的64个字节,为4个分区项内容(分区信息表)。它是由磁盘介质类型及用户在使用 FDISK定义分区说确定的。在实际应用中,FDISK对一个磁盘划分的主分区可少于4个,但最多不超过4个。每个分区表的项目是16个字节,其内容含义 如表6-19所示。
    表6-19 分区项表(16字节)内容及含义




    /*  BP_OpenPartition


     *  Opens/creates a partition depending on the creation flags.  If it is opening

     *  and the partition has already been opened, then it returns a handle to the

     *  opened partition.  Otherwise, it loads the state information of that partition

     *  into memory and returns a handle.


     *  ENTRY

     *      dwStartSector - Logical sector to start the partition.  NEXT_FREE_LOC if none

     *          specified.  Ignored if opening existing partition.

     *      dwNumSectors - Number of logical sectors of the partition.  USE_REMAINING_SPACE

     *          to indicate to take up the rest of the space on the flash for that partition (should

     *          only be used when creating extended partitions).  This parameter is ignored

     *          if opening existing partition.

     *      dwPartType - Type of partition to create/open.

     *      fActive - TRUE indicates to create/open the active partition.  FALSE for

     *          inactive.

     *      dwCreationFlags - PART_CREATE_NEW to create only.  Fail if it already

     *          exists.  PART_OPEN_EXISTING to open only.  Fail if it doesn't exist.

     *          PART_OPEN_ALWAYS creates if it does not exist and opens if it

     *          does exist.


     *  EXIT

     *      Handle to the partition on success.  INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error.


    HANDLE BP_OpenPartition(DWORD dwStartSector, DWORD dwNumSectors, DWORD dwPartType, BOOL fActive, DWORD dwCreationFlags)


    BOOL WriteRegionsToBootMedia(DWORD dwImageStart, DWORD dwImageLength, DWORD dwLaunchAddr)






    第一个参数分区的起始sector 为(NK_START_BLOCK+1)*PAGES_PER_BLOCK,

    第二个参数分区的结束 sector为BINFS_BLOCK*PAGES_PER_BLOCK,


    第四个参数指示该分区为活动分区,fActive = TURE,


    HANDLE BP_OpenPartition(DWORD dwStartSector, DWORD dwNumSectors, DWORD dwPartType, BOOL fActive, DWORD dwCreationFlags)


            DWORD dwPartIndex;

            BOOL fExists;

            ASSERT (g_pbMBRSector);


            if (!IsValidMBR()) {

                DWORD dwFlags = 0;



                 RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("BP_OpenPartition:: dwStartSector=0x%x ,dwNumSectors= 0x%x.,dwPartType = 0x%x/r/n"), dwStartSector, dwNumSectors,dwPartType));

                if (dwCreationFlags == PART_OPEN_EXISTING) {

                    RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("OpenPartition: Invalid MBR.  Cannot open existing partition 0x%x./r/n"), dwPartType));

                    return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;



                RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("OpenPartition: Invalid MBR.  Formatting flash./r/n")));

                if (g_FlashInfo.flashType == NOR) {

                    dwFlags |= FORMAT_SKIP_BLOCK_CHECK;



                 RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("BP_LowLevelFormat: g_pbMBRSector=0x%x, g_dwMBRSectorNum= 0x%x./r/n"), *g_pbMBRSector, g_dwMBRSectorNum));

                BP_LowLevelFormat (SECTOR_TO_BLOCK(dwStartSector), SECTOR_TO_BLOCK(dwNumSectors), dwFlags);

                dwPartIndex = 0;

                fExists = FALSE;


            else {

                fExists = GetPartitionTableIndex(dwPartType, fActive, &dwPartIndex);       


            RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("OpenPartition: Partition Exists=0x%x for part 0x%x./r/n"), fExists, dwPartType));

            if (fExists) {

                // Partition was found. 

                if (dwCreationFlags == PART_CREATE_NEW)

                    return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;


                if (g_partStateTable[dwPartIndex].pPartEntry == NULL) {

                    // Open partition.  If this is the boot section partition, then file pointer starts after MBR

                    g_partStateTable[dwPartIndex].pPartEntry = (PPARTENTRY)(g_pbMBRSector + PARTTABLE_OFFSET + sizeof(PARTENTRY)*dwPartIndex);

                    g_partStateTable[dwPartIndex].dwDataPointer = 0;


               if ( dwNumSectors > g_partStateTable[dwPartIndex].pPartEntry->Part_TotalSectors )

                  return CreatePartition (dwStartSector, dwNumSectors, dwPartType, fActive, dwPartIndex);


                       return (HANDLE)&g_partStateTable[dwPartIndex];           


            else {

                // If there are already 4 partitions, or creation flag specified OPEN_EXISTING, fail.

                if ((dwPartIndex == NUM_PARTS) || (dwCreationFlags == PART_OPEN_EXISTING))

                    return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

                // Create new partition

                return CreatePartition (dwStartSector, dwNumSectors, dwPartType, fActive, dwPartIndex);


            return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;




    检测MBR的有效性,首先要知道MBR保存在哪里,前面说过NANDFLASH的第0 BLOCK,第1 Sector为主引导扇区,也就是MBR,但是NAND如果被当作启动芯片,○地址一般被BOOTLOADER代码占据,MBR只有放在后面的BLOCK中。所以我把第0 个BLOCK放NBOOT,第1个BLOCK放TOC,第2个BLOCK放EBOOT,第3个BLOCK保留,第4个BLOCK就放MBR。

    static BOOL IsValidMBR()


        // Check to see if the MBR is valid

        // MBR block is always located at logical sector 0

        g_dwMBRSectorNum = GetMBRSectorNum();       

        RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("IsValidMBR: MBR sector = 0x%x/r/n"), g_dwMBRSectorNum));


        if ((g_dwMBRSectorNum == INVALID_ADDR) || !FMD_ReadSector (g_dwMBRSectorNum, g_pbMBRSector, NULL, 1)) {

           RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("IsValidMBR-----return FALSE-------------------/r/n")));

            return FALSE; 


        return ((g_pbMBRSector[0] == 0xE9) &&

             (g_pbMBRSector[1] == 0xfd) &&

             (g_pbMBRSector[2] == 0xff) &&

             (g_pbMBRSector[SECTOR_SIZE_FS-2] == 0x55) &&

             (g_pbMBRSector[SECTOR_SIZE_FS-1] == 0xAA));

    IsValidMBR()实现的第一行就是给全局变量g_dwMBRSectorNum 赋值,显而易见,g_dwMBRSectorNum就是指示保存MBR的那个Sector了。

    g_dwMBRSectorNum = GetMBRSectorNum();   //是获得保存MBR的那个Sector

    static DWORD GetMBRSectorNum ()


        DWORD dwBlockNum = 3, dwSector = 0;

        SectorInfo si;


        while (dwBlockNum < g_FlashInfo.dwNumBlocks) {

            if (!IS_BLOCK_UNUSABLE (dwBlockNum)) {

                dwSector = dwBlockNum * g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock;


                if (!FMD_ReadSector (dwSector, NULL, &si, 1)) {

                    RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("GetMBRSectorNum: Could not read sector 0x%x./r/n"), dwSector));

                    return INVALID_ADDR;


                // Check to see if logical sector number is 0

                if (si.dwReserved1 == 0) {


                    return dwSector;





        return INVALID_ADDR;



    #define IS_BLOCK_UNUSABLE(blockID) ((FMD_GetBlockStatus (blockID) & (BLOCK_STATUS_BAD|BLOCK_STATUS_RESERVED)) > 0)

    然后确定BLOCK是否可使用的BLOCK,最后通si.dwReserved1 == 0来判断是不是选择这个Sector来保存MBR。



        return ((g_pbMBRSector[0] == 0xE9) &&

             (g_pbMBRSector[1] == 0xfd) &&

             (g_pbMBRSector[2] == 0xff) &&

             (g_pbMBRSector[SECTOR_SIZE_FS-2] == 0x55) &&

             (g_pbMBRSector[SECTOR_SIZE_FS-1] == 0xAA));


    如果没有检测到MBR,则先对NANDFLASH进行低级格式化。BP_LowLevelFormat (SECTOR_TO_BLOCK(dwStartSector), SECTOR_TO_BLOCK(dwNumSectors), dwFlags);再创建分区,CreatePartition (dwStartSector, dwNumSectors, dwPartType, fActive, dwPartIndex);。

    BOOL BP_LowLevelFormat(DWORD dwStartBlock, DWORD dwNumBlocks, DWORD dwFlags)


        dwNumBlocks = min (dwNumBlocks, g_FlashInfo.dwNumBlocks);

        RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("fly::Enter LowLevelFormat [0x%x, 0x%x]./r/n"), dwStartBlock,dwNumBlocks));// dwStartBlock + dwNumBlocks - 1));

        // Erase all the flash blocks.

        if (!EraseBlocks(dwStartBlock, dwNumBlocks, dwFlags))


        // Determine first good starting block

        while (IS_BLOCK_UNUSABLE (dwStartBlock) && dwStartBlock < g_FlashInfo.dwNumBlocks) {



        if (dwStartBlock >= g_FlashInfo.dwNumBlocks) {

            RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("BP_LowLevelFormat: no good blocks/r/n")));       

            return FALSE;


        // MBR goes in the first sector of the starting block.  This will be logical sector 0.

        g_dwMBRSectorNum = dwStartBlock * g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock;


        // Create an MBR.




    在对NANDFLASH进行低格时,主要对坏块的处理。if (!EraseBlocks(dwStartBlock, dwNumBlocks, dwFlags))检测每一个Sector,每个BLOCK只要有一个Sector不能读写这个块都会被处理成坏块,这样才能保证系统的稳定性。在函数的最后调用了    CreateMBR();来创建一个MBR。static BOOL CreateMBR()


        // This, plus a valid partition table, is all the CE partition manager needs to recognize

        // the MBR as valid. It does not contain boot code.

        memset (g_pbMBRSector, 0xff, g_FlashInfo.wDataBytesPerSector);

        g_pbMBRSector[0] = 0xE9;

        g_pbMBRSector[1] = 0xfd;

        g_pbMBRSector[2] = 0xff;

        g_pbMBRSector[SECTOR_SIZE_FS-2] = 0x55;

        g_pbMBRSector[SECTOR_SIZE_FS-1] = 0xAA;

        // Zero out partition table so that mspart treats entries as empty.

        memset (g_pbMBRSector+PARTTABLE_OFFSET, 0, sizeof(PARTENTRY) * NUM_PARTS);

        return WriteMBR();

    }  当然。因为还没有进行分区,这里写入的MBR分区表部分是空的。static BOOL WriteMBR()


        DWORD dwMBRBlockNum = g_dwMBRSectorNum / g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock;

        //dwMBRBlockNum = 1 ;

        RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x%x,g_dwMBRSectorNum = 0x%x./r/n"), dwMBRBlockNum,g_dwMBRSectorNum));

        memset (g_pbBlock, 0xff, g_dwDataBytesPerBlock);

        memset (g_pSectorInfoBuf, 0xff, sizeof(SectorInfo) * g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock);


        // No need to check return, since a failed read means data hasn't been written yet.

        ReadBlock (dwMBRBlockNum, g_pbBlock, g_pSectorInfoBuf);

        if (!FMD_EraseBlock (dwMBRBlockNum)) {

            RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("CreatePartition: error erasing block 0x%x/r/n"), dwMBRBlockNum));

            return FALSE;


        memcpy (g_pbBlock + (g_dwMBRSectorNum % g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock) * g_FlashInfo.wDataBytesPerSector, g_pbMBRSector, g_FlashInfo.wDataBytesPerSector);

        g_pSectorInfoBuf->bOEMReserved &= ~OEM_BLOCK_READONLY;

        g_pSectorInfoBuf->wReserved2 &= ~SECTOR_WRITE_COMPLETED;

        g_pSectorInfoBuf->dwReserved1 = 0;

        RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("fly::WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x%x./r/n"), dwMBRBlockNum));

        if (!WriteBlock (dwMBRBlockNum, g_pbBlock, g_pSectorInfoBuf)) {

            RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("CreatePartition: could not write to block 0x%x/r/n"), dwMBRBlockNum));

            return FALSE;


        return TRUE;



    在WriteMBR()函数中,就写入了判断MBR 的一些标志到BLOCK,    g_pSectorInfoBuf->bOEMReserved &= ~OEM_BLOCK_READONLY;

        g_pSectorInfoBuf->wReserved2 &= ~SECTOR_WRITE_COMPLETED;

        g_pSectorInfoBuf->dwReserved1 = 0;

    Wince系统启动时,具体是NANDFLASH驱动加载成功后,MOUNT文件系统到NANDFLASH之前,也会通过读取这些SectorInfo来得到MBR 保存的BLOCK,进而读取MBR,获得分区信息,从而把各分区MOUNT到相应文件系统。格式化完成,MBR也写入成功后就可以开始新建分区了。

    /*  CreatePartition


     *  Creates a new partition.  If it is a boot section partition, then it formats

     *  flash.


     *  ENTRY

     *      dwStartSector - Logical sector to start the partition.  NEXT_FREE_LOC if 

     *          none specified. 

     *      dwNumSectors - Number of logical sectors of the partition.  USE_REMAINING_SPACE

     *          to indicate to take up the rest of the space on the flash for that partition.

     *      dwPartType - Type of partition to create.

     *      fActive - TRUE indicates to create the active partition.  FALSE for

     *          inactive.

     *      dwPartIndex - Index of the partition entry on the MBR


     *  EXIT

     *      Handle to the partition on success.  INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error.


    static HANDLE CreatePartition (DWORD dwStartSector, DWORD dwNumSectors, DWORD dwPartType, BOOL fActive, DWORD dwPartIndex)


        DWORD dwBootInd = 0;

        RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("CreatePartition: Enter CreatePartition for 0x%x./r/n"), dwPartType));


        if (fActive)

            dwBootInd |= PART_IND_ACTIVE;

        if (dwPartType == PART_BOOTSECTION || dwPartType == PART_BINFS || dwPartType == PART_XIP)

            dwBootInd |= PART_IND_READ_ONLY;   

         // If start sector is invalid, it means find next free sector

        if (dwStartSector == NEXT_FREE_LOC) {       

            dwStartSector = FindFreeSector();

            if (dwStartSector == INVALID_ADDR) {

                RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("CreatePartition: can't find free sector./r/n")));

                return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;


            // Start extended partition on a block boundary

            if ((dwPartType == PART_EXTENDED) && (dwStartSector % g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock)) {

                dwStartSector = (dwStartSector / g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock + 1) * g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock;



        // If num sectors is invalid, fill the rest of the space up

        if (dwNumSectors == USE_REMAINING_SPACE) {

            DWORD dwLastLogSector = LastLogSector();

            if (dwLastLogSector == INVALID_ADDR)

                return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

            // Determine the number of blocks to reserve for the FAL compaction when creating an extended partition.

            DWORD dwReservedBlocks = g_FlashInfo.dwNumBlocks / PERCENTAGE_OF_MEDIA_TO_RESERVE;

            if((dwReservedBlocks = g_FlashInfo.dwNumBlocks / PERCENTAGE_OF_MEDIA_TO_RESERVE) < MINIMUM_FLASH_BLOCKS_TO_RESERVE) {

                dwReservedBlocks = MINIMUM_FLASH_BLOCKS_TO_RESERVE;



            dwNumSectors = dwLastLogSector - dwStartSector + 1 - dwReservedBlocks * g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock;



        if (!AreSectorsFree (dwStartSector, dwNumSectors)){

            RETAILMSG (1, (TEXT("fly:::::CreatePartition: sectors [0x%x, 0x%x] requested are out of range or taken by another partition/r/n"), dwStartSector, dwNumSectors));

            return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;


        RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("CreatePartition: Start = 0x%x, Num = 0x%x./r/n"), dwStartSector, dwNumSectors));


        AddPartitionTableEntry (dwPartIndex, dwStartSector, dwNumSectors, (BYTE)dwPartType, (BYTE)dwBootInd);

        if (dwBootInd & PART_IND_READ_ONLY) {

            if (!WriteLogicalNumbers (dwStartSector, dwNumSectors, TRUE)) {

                RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("CreatePartition: can't mark sector info./r/n")));

                return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;



        if (!WriteMBR())

            return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

        g_partStateTable[dwPartIndex].pPartEntry = (PPARTENTRY)(g_pbMBRSector + PARTTABLE_OFFSET + sizeof(PARTENTRY)*dwPartIndex);

        g_partStateTable[dwPartIndex].dwDataPointer = 0;

        return (HANDLE)&g_partStateTable[dwPartIndex];           


    如果第二个参数为-1,则视为将余下的所有空间划为一个分区。LastLogSector();函数获得最后一个逻辑Sector。static DWORD LastLogSector()


        if (g_dwLastLogSector) {

           return g_dwLastLogSector;


        DWORD dwMBRBlock = g_dwMBRSectorNum / g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock;

        DWORD dwUnusableBlocks = dwMBRBlock;

        for (DWORD i = dwMBRBlock; i < g_FlashInfo.dwNumBlocks; i++) {

            if (IS_BLOCK_UNUSABLE (i))




        g_dwLastLogSector = (g_FlashInfo.dwNumBlocks - dwUnusableBlocks) * g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock - 1;

        RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("fly:::LastLogSector: Last log sector is: 0x%x./r/n"), g_dwLastLogSector));


        return g_dwLastLogSector;


    即g_dwLastLogSector = (g_FlashInfo.dwNumBlocks - dwUnusableBlocks) * g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock - 1;//(NAND 的BLOCK总数 – MBR保存的那个BLOCK)* 每个BLOCK的Sector数 – 保存MBR的那个Sector。得到的就是从MBR那个Sector之后的所有Sector,即逻辑大小。

    AreSectorsFree (dwStartSector, dwNumSectors)函数判断参数提供的起始Sector和个数有没有超出来NAND的界限,或者逻辑分区的界限。   

    重头戏开始了。通过AddPartitionTableEntry (dwPartIndex, dwStartSector, dwNumSectors, (BYTE)dwPartType, (BYTE)dwBootInd); 准备分区信息写入分区表。

    /*  AddPartitionTableEntry


     *  Generates the partition entry for the partition table and copies the entry

     *  into the MBR that is stored in memory.



     *  ENTRY

     *      entry - index into partition table

     *      startSector - starting logical sector

     *      totalSectors - total logical sectors

     *      fileSystem - type of partition

     *      bootInd - byte in partition entry that stores various flags such as

     *          active and read-only status.


     *  EXIT


    static void AddPartitionTableEntry(DWORD entry, DWORD startSector, DWORD totalSectors, BYTE fileSystem, BYTE bootInd)


        PARTENTRY partentry = {0};

        Addr startAddr;

        Addr endAddr;

        ASSERT(entry < 4);

        // no checking with disk info and start/total sectors because we allow

        // bogus partitions for testing purposes

        // initially known partition table entry

        partentry.Part_BootInd = bootInd;

        partentry.Part_FileSystem = fileSystem;

        partentry.Part_StartSector = startSector;

        partentry.Part_TotalSectors = totalSectors;

        // logical block addresses for the first and final sector (start on the second head)

        startAddr.type = LBA;

        startAddr.lba = partentry.Part_StartSector;

        endAddr.type = LBA;

        endAddr.lba = partentry.Part_StartSector + partentry.Part_TotalSectors-1;

        // translate the LBA addresses to CHS addresses

        startAddr = LBAtoCHS(&g_FlashInfo, startAddr);

        endAddr = LBAtoCHS(&g_FlashInfo, endAddr);

        // starting address

        partentry.Part_FirstTrack = (BYTE)(startAddr.chs.cylinder & 0xFF);

        partentry.Part_FirstHead = (BYTE)(startAddr.chs.head & 0xFF);

        // lower 6-bits == sector, upper 2-bits = cylinder upper 2-bits of 10-bit cylinder #

        partentry.Part_FirstSector = (BYTE)((startAddr.chs.sector & 0x3F) | ((startAddr.chs.cylinder & 0x0300) >> 2));

        // ending address:

        partentry.Part_LastTrack = (BYTE)(endAddr.chs.cylinder & 0xFF);

        partentry.Part_LastHead = (BYTE)(endAddr.chs.head & 0xFF);

        // lower 6-bits == sector, upper 2-bits = cylinder upper 2-bits of 10-bit cylinder #

        partentry.Part_LastSector = (BYTE)((endAddr.chs.sector & 0x3F) | ((endAddr.chs.cylinder & 0x0300) >> 2));

        memcpy(g_pbMBRSector+PARTTABLE_OFFSET+(sizeof(PARTENTRY)*entry), &partentry, sizeof(PARTENTRY));


    这里面的地址信息是一种叫CHS(Cyinder/Head/Sector)的地址。eboot中有将逻辑地址LBS(Logical Block Addr)与这种地址互相转换的函数LBAtoCHS,CHSToLBA。
    Addr LBAtoCHS(FlashInfo *pFlashInfo, Addr lba)
        Addr chs;
        DWORD tmp = pFlashInfo->dwNumBlocks * pFlashInfo->wSectorsPerBlock;

        chs.type = CHS;
        chs.chs.cylinder = (WORD)(lba.lba / tmp);                                      // 柱面,应该始终是0
        tmp = lba.lba % tmp;
        chs.chs.head = (WORD)(tmp / pFlashInfo->wSectorsPerBlock);                     // 块地址
        chs.chs.sector = (WORD)((tmp % pFlashInfo->wSectorsPerBlock) + 1);     // 扇区+1

        return chs;

    Addr CHStoLBA(FlashInfo *pFlashInfo, Addr chs)
        Addr lba;

        lba.type = LBA;
        lba.lba = ((chs.chs.cylinder * pFlashInfo->dwNumBlocks + chs.chs.head)
            * pFlashInfo->wSectorsPerBlock)+ chs.chs.sector - 1;

    return lba;


    static BOOL WriteLogicalNumbers (DWORD dwStartSector, DWORD dwNumSectors, BOOL fReadOnly)


        DWORD dwNumSectorsWritten = 0;

        DWORD dwPhysSector = Log2Phys (dwStartSector);

        DWORD dwBlockNum = dwPhysSector / g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock;

        DWORD dwOffset = dwPhysSector % g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock;


        while (dwNumSectorsWritten < dwNumSectors) {

            // If bad block, move to the next block

            if (IS_BLOCK_UNUSABLE (dwBlockNum)) {




            memset (g_pbBlock, 0xff, g_dwDataBytesPerBlock);

            memset (g_pSectorInfoBuf, 0xff, sizeof(SectorInfo) * g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock);

            // No need to check return, since a failed read means data hasn't been written yet.

            ReadBlock (dwBlockNum, g_pbBlock, g_pSectorInfoBuf);

            if (!FMD_EraseBlock (dwBlockNum)) {

                return FALSE;


            DWORD dwSectorsToWrite = g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock - dwOffset;

            PSectorInfo pSectorInfo = g_pSectorInfoBuf + dwOffset;

            // If this is the last block, then calculate sectors to write if there isn't a full block to update

            if ((dwSectorsToWrite + dwNumSectorsWritten) > dwNumSectors)

                dwSectorsToWrite = dwNumSectors - dwNumSectorsWritten;


            for (DWORD iSector = 0; iSector < dwSectorsToWrite; iSector++, pSectorInfo++, dwNumSectorsWritten++) {

                // Assert read only by setting bit to 0 to prevent wear-leveling by FAL

                if (fReadOnly)

                    pSectorInfo->bOEMReserved &= ~OEM_BLOCK_READONLY;

                // Set to write completed so FAL can map the sector 

                pSectorInfo->wReserved2 &= ~SECTOR_WRITE_COMPLETED;       

                // Write the logical sector number

                pSectorInfo->dwReserved1 = dwStartSector + dwNumSectorsWritten;           


            if (!WriteBlock (dwBlockNum, g_pbBlock, g_pSectorInfoBuf))

                return FALSE;


            dwOffset = 0;



        return TRUE;



    让我们继续回到BP_OpenPartition函数中,如果从一开始IsValidMBR()就检测到有效的MBR,GetPartitionTableIndex(dwPartType, fActive, &dwPartIndex);获得分区表。和dwPartIndex分区表的索引号。

    static BOOL GetPartitionTableIndex (DWORD dwPartType, BOOL fActive, PDWORD pdwIndex)



        DWORD iEntry = 0;


        for (iEntry = 0; iEntry < NUM_PARTS; iEntry++, pPartEntry++) {

            if ((pPartEntry->Part_FileSystem == dwPartType) && (((pPartEntry->Part_BootInd & PART_IND_ACTIVE) != 0) == fActive)) {

                *pdwIndex = iEntry;

                return TRUE;


            if (!IsValidPart (pPartEntry)) {

                *pdwIndex = iEntry;

                return FALSE;



        return FALSE;



    // end of master boot record contains 4 partition entries

    typedef struct _PARTENTRY {

            BYTE            Part_BootInd;           // If 80h means this is boot partition

            BYTE            Part_FirstHead;         // Partition starting head based 0

            BYTE            Part_FirstSector;       // Partition starting sector based 1

            BYTE            Part_FirstTrack;        // Partition starting track based 0

            BYTE            Part_FileSystem;        // Partition type signature field

            BYTE            Part_LastHead;          // Partition ending head based 0

            BYTE            Part_LastSector;        // Partition ending sector based 1

            BYTE            Part_LastTrack;         // Partition ending track based 0

            DWORD           Part_StartSector;       // Logical starting sector based 0

            DWORD           Part_TotalSectors;      // Total logical sectors in partition


    分区表就是通过这个结构写入MBR,起始地址,分区大小,分区格式,对应结构写入MBR所在的Sector就可以了。在检测有效分区时static BOOL IsValidPart (PPARTENTRY pPartEntry)


        return (pPartEntry->Part_FileSystem != 0xff) && (pPartEntry->Part_FileSystem != 0);





        // create extended partition in whatever is left


        hPartEx = BP_OpenPartition( (NK_START_BLOCK+1+BINFS_BLOCK) * PAGES_PER_BLOCK,

                                    NEXT_FREE_LOC,   // (1024 - (NK_START_BLOCK+1+SECTOR_TO_BLOCK_SIZE(FILE_TO_SECTOR_SIZE(dwBINFSPartLength)))) * PAGES_PER_BLOCK,




        if (hPartEx == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )


            EdbgOutputDebugString("*** WARN: StoreImageToBootMedia: Failed to open/create Extended partition ***/r/n");



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    储存过程 (创建,调用,查询,删除)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liang123/p/6325809.html
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