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  • CUDA:Supercomputing for the Masses (用于大量数据的超级计算)-第六节


    第六节:全局内存和CUDA RPOFILER 

    Rob Farber 是西北太平洋国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)的高级科研人员。他在多个国家级的实验室进行大型并行运算的研究,并且是几个新创企业的合伙人。大家可以发邮件到rmfarber@gmail.com与他沟通和交流。

    在关于CUDA(Compute Unified DeviceArchitecture,即计算统一设备架构的简称)的系列文章的第二节,我探讨了内存性能和在reverseArray_multiblock_fast.cu.内使用共享内存。在本节,我探讨使用CUDA PROFILER检测全局内存。


    了解如何有效使用全局内存是成为一名CUDA编程高手的基本要求。下面对全局内存进行了简要介绍,应该可以有助于你了解reverseArray_multiblock.cu和reverseArray_multiblock_fast.cu之间的性能区别。如有需要,以后的专栏文章会继续探索如何有效利用全局内存。同时,我们会采用图示的方式详细探讨全局内存(见CUDA Programming Guide的第5.1.2.1节)。


    • 32位数据类型将减慢大约10x
    • 64位数据类型将减慢大约4x
    • 128位数据类型将减慢大约2x






    控制CUDA profiler的文本版本的环境变量是: 

    • CUDA_PROFILE – 设置为1(或0)可以启用(或禁用)profiler
    • CUDA_PROFILE_LOG – 设置为日志文件的名称(默认设置为./cuda_profile.log)
    • CUDA_PROFILE_CSV – 设置为1(或0)可以启用(或禁用)使用逗号分隔的日志版本。
    • CUDA_PROFILE_CONFIG – 指定最多带有4个信号的配置文件


    • gld_coherent:已合并的全局存储器负载单元的数量
    • gst_incoherent:未合并的全局存储器存储单元的数量
    • gst_coherent:已合并的全局存储器存储单元的数量
    • local_load:局部存储器负载单元的数量
    • local_store:局部存储器存储单元的数量
    • branch:线程执行的分支事件的数量
    • divergent_branch:warp中发散分支的数量
    • instructions:指令计数
    • warp_serialize:warp中基于与共享或常量存储器的地址冲突进行序列化的线程数量
    • cta_launched:执行的线程块

    Profiler 计数器注意问题:



    我们来使用profiler.看下reverseArray_multiblock.cu 和reverseArray_multiblock_fast.cu。在本样例中,我们会在Linux下的bash shell中对环境变量和配置文件进行如下设置:

    1 export CUDA_PROFILE=1
    2 export CUDA_PROFILE_CONFIG=$HOME/.cuda_profile_configexport CUDA_PROFILE=1
    3 export CUDA_PROFILE_CONFIG=$HOME/.cuda_profile_config


     1 gld_coherent
     2 gld_incoherent
     3 gst_coherent
     4 gst_incoherent
     5 [code]
     8 运行reverseArray_multiblock.cu可执行文件,在./cuda_profile.log中生成以下配置报告:
     9 [code]
    10 method,gputime,cputime,occupancy,gld_incoherent,gld_coherent,gst_incoherent,gst_coherent
    11 method=[ memcopy ] 
    12 gputime=[ 438.432 ] 
    13 method=[ _Z17reverseArrayBlockPiS_ ] 
    14 gputime=[ 267.520 ] 
    15 cputime=[ 297.000 ] 
    16 occupancy=[ 1.000 ] 
    17 gld_incoherent=[ 0 ] 
    18 gld_coherent=[ 1952 ] 
    19 gst_incoherent=[ 62464 ] 
    20 gst_coherent=[ 0 ]
    21 method=[ memcopy ] 
    22 gputime=[ 349.344 ] 


     1 method,gputime,cputime,occupancy,gld_incoherent,gld_coherent,gst_incoherent,gst_coherent
     2 method=[ memcopy ] 
     3 gputime=[ 449.600 ] 
     4 method=[ _Z17reverseArrayBlockPiS_ ] 
     5 gputime=[ 50.464 ] 
     6 cputime=[ 108.000 ] 
     7 occupancy=[ 1.000 ] 
     8 gld_incoherent=[ 0 ] 
     9 gld_coherent=[ 2032 ] 
    10 gst_incoherent=[ 0 ] 
    11 gst_coherent=[ 8128 ]
    12 method=[ memcopy ] 
    13 gputime=[ 509.984 ]


    比较这两个profiler结果,可看到reverseArray_multiblock_fast.cu内没有不连贯的存储,而 reverseArray_multiblock.cu却相反,它包含很多不连贯存储。看一下reverseArray_multiblock.cu的源,并看一下您是否可以修复不连贯存储的性能问题。修复之后,测量一下这两个程序彼此的相对速度。


     1 // includes, system
     2 #include <stdio.h>
     3 #include <assert.h>
     4 // Simple utility function to check for CUDA runtime errors
     5 void checkCUDAError(const char* msg);
     6 // Part3: implement the kernel
     7 __global__ void reverseArrayBlock(int *d_out, int *d_in)
     8 {
     9     int inOffset  = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
    10     int outOffset = blockDim.x * (gridDim.x - 1 - blockIdx.x);
    11     int in  = inOffset + threadIdx.x;
    12     int out = outOffset + (blockDim.x - 1 - threadIdx.x);
    13     d_out[out] = d_in[in];
    14 }
    15 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    16 // Program main
    17 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    18 int main( int argc, char** argv) 
    19 {
    20     // pointer for host memory and size
    21     int *h_a;
    22     int dimA = 256 * 1024; // 256K elements (1MB total)
    23     // pointer for device memory
    24     int *d_b, *d_a;
    25     // define grid and block size
    26     int numThreadsPerBlock = 256;
    27     // Part 1: compute number of blocks needed based on array size and desired block size
    28     int numBlocks = dimA / numThreadsPerBlock;  
    29     // allocate host and device memory
    30     size_t memSize = numBlocks * numThreadsPerBlock * sizeof(int);
    31     h_a = (int *) malloc(memSize);
    32     cudaMalloc( (void **) &d_a, memSize );
    33     cudaMalloc( (void **) &d_b, memSize );
    34     // Initialize input array on host
    35     for (int i = 0; i < dimA; ++i)
    36     {
    37         h_a[i] = i;
    38     }
    39     // Copy host array to device array
    40     cudaMemcpy( d_a, h_a, memSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
    41     // launch kernel
    42     dim3 dimGrid(numBlocks);
    43     dim3 dimBlock(numThreadsPerBlock);
    44     reverseArrayBlock<<< dimGrid, dimBlock >>>( d_b, d_a );
    45     // block until the device has completed
    46     cudaThreadSynchronize();
    47     // check if kernel execution generated an error
    48     // Check for any CUDA errors
    49     checkCUDAError("kernel invocation");
    50     // device to host copy
    51     cudaMemcpy( h_a, d_b, memSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
    52     // Check for any CUDA errors
    53     checkCUDAError("memcpy");
    54     // verify the data returned to the host is correct
    55     for (int i = 0; i < dimA; i++)
    56     {
    57         assert(h_a[i] == dimA - 1 - i );
    58     }
    59     // free device memory
    60     cudaFree(d_a);
    61     cudaFree(d_b);
    62     // free host memory
    63     free(h_a);
    64     // If the program makes it this far, then the results are correct and
    65     // there are no run-time errors.  Good work!
    66     printf("Correct!
    68     return 0;
    69 }
    70 void checkCUDAError(const char *msg)
    71 {
    72     cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
    73     if( cudaSuccess != err) 
    74     {
    75         fprintf(stderr, "Cuda error: %s: %s.
    ", msg, cudaGetErrorString( err) );
    76         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    77     }                         
    78 }


     1 // includes, system
     2 #include <stdio.h>
     3 #include <assert.h>
     4 // Simple utility function to check for CUDA runtime errors
     5 void checkCUDAError(const char* msg);
     6 // Part 2 of 2: implement the fast kernel using shared memory
     7 __global__ void reverseArrayBlock(int *d_out, int *d_in)
     8 {
     9     extern __shared__ int s_data[];
    10     int inOffset  = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
    11     int in  = inOffset + threadIdx.x;
    12     // Load one element per thread from device memory and store it 
    13     // *in reversed order* into temporary shared memory
    14     s_data[blockDim.x - 1 - threadIdx.x] = d_in[in];
    15     // Block until all threads in the block have written their data to shared mem
    16     __syncthreads();
    17     // write the data from shared memory in forward order, 
    18     // but to the reversed block offset as before
    19     int outOffset = blockDim.x * (gridDim.x - 1 - blockIdx.x);
    20     int out = outOffset + threadIdx.x;
    21     d_out[out] = s_data[threadIdx.x];
    22 }
    23 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    24 // Program main
    25 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    26 int main( int argc, char** argv) 
    27 {
    28     // pointer for host memory and size
    29     int *h_a;
    30     int dimA = 256 * 1024; // 256K elements (1MB total)
    31     // pointer for device memory
    32     int *d_b, *d_a;
    33     // define grid and block size
    34     int numThreadsPerBlock = 256;
    35     // Compute number of blocks needed based on array size and desired block size
    36     int numBlocks = dimA / numThreadsPerBlock;  
    37     // Part 1 of 2: Compute the number of bytes of shared memory needed
    38     // This is used in the kernel invocation below
    39     int sharedMemSize = numThreadsPerBlock * sizeof(int);
    40     // allocate host and device memory
    41     size_t memSize = numBlocks * numThreadsPerBlock * sizeof(int);
    42     h_a = (int *) malloc(memSize);
    43     cudaMalloc( (void **) &d_a, memSize );
    44     cudaMalloc( (void **) &d_b, memSize );
    45     // Initialize input array on host
    46     for (int i = 0; i < dimA; ++i)
    47     {
    48         h_a[i] = i;
    49     }
    50     // Copy host array to device array
    51     cudaMemcpy( d_a, h_a, memSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
    52     // launch kernel
    53     dim3 dimGrid(numBlocks);
    54     dim3 dimBlock(numThreadsPerBlock);
    55     reverseArrayBlock<<< dimGrid, dimBlock, sharedMemSize >>>( d_b, d_a );
    56     // block until the device has completed
    57     cudaThreadSynchronize();
    58     // check if kernel execution generated an error
    59     // Check for any CUDA errors
    60     checkCUDAError("kernel invocation");
    61     // device to host copy
    62     cudaMemcpy( h_a, d_b, memSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
    63     // Check for any CUDA errors
    64     checkCUDAError("memcpy");
    65     // verify the data returned to the host is correct
    66     for (int i = 0; i < dimA; i++)
    67     {
    68         assert(h_a[i] == dimA - 1 - i );
    69     }
    70     // free device memory
    71     cudaFree(d_a);
    72     cudaFree(d_b);
    73     // free host memory
    74     free(h_a);
    75     // If the program makes it this far, then the results are correct and
    76     // there are no run-time errors.  Good work!
    77     printf("Correct!
    78     return 0;
    79 }
    81 void checkCUDAError(const char *msg)
    82 {
    83     cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
    84     if( cudaSuccess != err) 
    85     {
    86         fprintf(stderr, "Cuda error: %s: %s.
    ", msg, cudaGetErrorString( err) );
    87         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
    88     }                         
    89 }

    reverseArray_multiblock_fast .cu

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liangliangdetianxia/p/3981168.html
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