- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- // device pointers.
- float *d_pitch;
- float *d_normal;
- // matrix size.
- size_t cols = 63;
- size_t rows = 16;
- size_t pitch = 0;
- // alloc the data form gpu memory.
- cudaMallocPitch((void**)&d_pitch, &pitch, cols*sizeof(float), rows);
- cudaMalloc((void**)(&d_normal), rows*cols*sizeof(float));
- // test the data address.
- fprintf(stdout, "row size(in bytes) = %.2f*128. ", pitch/128.0f);
- fprintf(stdout, "the head address of d_pitch mod 128 = %x. ", ((unsigned int)d_pitch)%128);
- fprintf(stdout, "the head address of d_normal mod 128 = %x. ", ((unsigned int)d_normal)%128);
- cudaFree(d_pitch);
- cudaFree(d_normal);
- getchar();
- return 0;
- }
- row size(in bytes) = 28.00*128.
- the head address of d_pitch mod 128 = 0.
- the head address of d_normal mod 128 = 0.