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  • 分享JQuery动画插件Velocity.js的六种列表加载特效


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            Velocity.js <i>slice + sequence</i></h1>
        <pre>Only anim X number with FX#1, animate Y number with FX#2 etc / Read JS source for more
    <span>v1.0 &ndash; Added code</span>
        <div id="btn">
            <i class="type1">Run type 1</i> <i class="type2">Type 2</i> <i class="type3">Type 3</i>
            <i class="type4">Type 4</i> <i class="type5">Type 5</i> <i class="type6">Type 6</i></div>
        <div id="boxes">
            <!-- load via JSONP -->
        <!-- /#boxes -->
        <script src='jquery.js'></script>
        <script src='velocity.min.js'></script>
        <script src='velocity.ui.min.js'></script>
      + jquery.js
      + velocity.js
      + velocity.ui.js
    /* -----------------------------------------------------
    Animate different boxes with different animations and sequence it.
    This demo has a bounch of stuff not needed for a basic slice + sequence
    since everything is wrapped up in a function and lots of if/else statements.
    For basic usage of using Velocity sequence go to:
    ----------------------------------------------------- */
    // Define base div
    var boxes = $('#boxes');
    /* -----------------------------------------------------
    ----------------------------------------------------- */
      goVelocity(true, 'custom.flickDownIn', 'custom.flickUpIn', vOption2);
      goVelocity(true, 'custom.zoomOutIn', 'custom.zoomInIn', vOption3);
      goVelocity(true, 'custom.superZoomOutIn', 'custom.superZoomOutIn', vOption4);
      goVelocity('type5', '', '', vOption5);
      goVelocity('type7', '', '', vOption5);
    /* -----------------------------------------------------
    100% UNRELATED to animation, scroll down the 'real' stuff
    ----------------------------------------------------- */
    boxes.append('<div id="load">Loading data...</div>')
    var getMax = 12;
    var str = '';
    //var tags = 'tommiehansen+sunset';
    tags = 'tommiehansen',
    sort = 'interestingness-desc';
    uri = "http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=6b12dfa3cc61dcafcdcb116bc8114e0b&_render=json&search="+tags+"&sort="+sort+"&num="+getMax;
      function(data) {
        $.each(data.value.items, function(i,item){
         //var img = item.media.m;
         var img = item.guid; img = img.replace('.jpg','_m.jpg');
            str += '<div class="box">';
            str += '<a href="' + "http://www.w2bc.com" + '" target="_blank">';
            str += '<img src="' + img + '" width="240" height="159" /></a>';
            str += '<div class="boxRight"><h3>' + item.title + '</h3><i>Photo <span>by</span> ';
            str += '<a href="' +  "http://www.w2bc.com" + '" target="_blank">Tommie Hansen</a> / flickr</i>';
            str += '</div></div>';
          if (i == getMax-1) { return false; }
        goVelocity(); // run initial
    /* -----------------------------------------------------
    ----------------------------------------------------- */
    // Register new animations
    $.Velocity.RegisterUI("custom.slideUpIn", {
      defaultDuration: 500,
      calls: [[ { opacity: [1,0], translateY: [0,90], translateZ: 0 } ]]
    $.Velocity.RegisterUI("custom.slideDownIn", {
      defaultDuration: 500,
      calls: [[ { opacity: [1,0], translateY: [0,-90], translateZ: 0 } ]]
    $.Velocity.RegisterUI("custom.slideLeftIn", {
      defaultDuration: 500,
      calls: [[ { opacity: [1,0], translateX: [0,-90], translateZ: 0 } ]]
    $.Velocity.RegisterUI("custom.slideRightIn", {
      defaultDuration: 500,
      calls: [[ { opacity: [1,0], translateX: [0,90], translateZ: 0 } ]]
    $.Velocity.RegisterUI("custom.zoomOutIn", {
      defaultDuration: 500,
      calls: [[ { opacity: [1,0], scale:[1,1.5], translateZ: 0 } ]]
    $.Velocity.RegisterUI("custom.zoomInIn", {
      defaultDuration: 500,
      calls: [[ { opacity: [1,0], scale:[1,0.5], translateZ: 0 } ]]
    $.Velocity.RegisterUI("custom.superZoomOutIn", {
      defaultDuration: 500,
      calls: [[ { opacity: [1,0], scale:[1,5], translateZ: 0, translateY: [0,500] } ]],
    $.Velocity.RegisterUI("custom.flickUpIn", {
      defaultDuration: 500,
      calls: [[ { opacity: [1,0], translateY: [0,90], rotateZ: [0,10], translateZ: 0 } ]]
    $.Velocity.RegisterUI("custom.flickDownIn", {
      defaultDuration: 500,
      calls: [[ { opacity: [1,0], translateY: [0,-90], rotateZ: [0,-10], translateZ: 0 } ]]
    $.Velocity.RegisterUI("custom.fadeOut", {
      defaultDuration: 300,
      calls: [[ { opacity: 0, translateZ: 0 } ]],
      reset: { translateY:0, opacity:0, rotateZ:0, scale:1, translateX:0 }
    // Define some Velocity option VARs for re-use etc
    var vOption = { duration: 400, stagger: 60, easing: 'easeOutQuad', display: false };
    var vOption2 = { duration: 300, stagger: 90, easing: 'easeOutExpo', display: false };
    var vOption3 = { duration: 300, stagger: 60, easing: 'easeOutQuad', display: false };
    var vOption4 = { duration: 700, stagger: 60, easing:'easeOutQuad', display: false };
    var vOption5 = { duration: 500, easing:'easeOutQuad', display: false };
    var vOption6 = { duration: 500, easing:'easeOutQuad', display: false, sequenceQueue: false };
    // Default transitions
    anim1 = 'custom.slideLeftIn',
    anim2 = 'custom.slideRightIn';
    function goVelocity(isOut, ani1, ani2, vOpt) {
      if(!ani1) { ani1 = anim1, ani2 = anim2 };
      if(!vOpt) { vOpt = vOption; };
      // base VARs
      var box = boxes.find('.box');
      // Slice boxes to different groups (for IN-transitions)
      slice1 = 3, // 1-3
      slice2 = 6, // 4-6
      slice3 = 9; // 7-9
      // setup Velocity sequence
      seq1 = box.slice(0, slice1).get(),        // .get() = transform jquery object to raw DOM nodes
      seq2 = box.slice(slice1, slice2).get(),
      seq3 = box.slice(slice2, slice3).get(),
      seq4 = box.slice(slice3).get();          // rest of elements after slice3
      var velocitySequence;
      $.Velocity(box.get(), "stop");  // stop all animation if one is already running
      // Begin a lot of if()
        velocitySequence = [
          { elements: box.get(), properties: 'custom.fadeOut', options: vOption },
          { elements: seq1, properties: ani1, options: vOpt },
          { elements: seq2, properties: ani2, options: vOpt },
          { elements: seq3, properties: ani1, options: vOpt },
          { elements: seq4, properties: ani2, options: vOpt }
      else if(isOut=='type5'){
        var b = box.get(); // convert to raw dom nodes
        var nth1 = box.filter(':nth-child(3n+1)').get();
        var nth2 = box.filter(':nth-child(3n)').get();
        var nth3 = box.filter(':nth-child(3n-1)').get();
        velocitySequence = [
          { elements: b, properties: 'custom.fadeOut', options: vOption },
          { elements: nth1, properties: 'custom.slideDownIn', options: vOpt },
          { elements: nth2, properties: 'custom.slideUpIn', options: vOption6 },
          { elements: nth3, properties: 'custom.zoomOutIn', options: vOption3 },
      else if(isOut=='type6'){
        var b = box.get(); // convert to raw dom nodes
        var one = box.slice(0,1)
        var two = box.slice(1,3);
        var three = box.slice(3);
        velocitySequence = [
          { elements: b, properties: 'custom.fadeOut', options: vOption },
          { elements: one, properties: 'custom.slideDownIn', options: vOpt },
          { elements: two, properties: 'transition.slideUpIn', options: vOption6 },
          { elements: three, properties: 'transition.slideDownIn', options: vOption5 },
      else if(isOut=='type7'){
        var b = box.get(); // convert to raw dom nodes
        //var s1 = box.eq(0);
        //var s2 = box.eq(4)
        var s0 = box.slice(0,1);
        var s1 = box.slice(1,2);
        var s2 = box.slice(2,3);
        var s3 = box.filter(':nth-child(3n-1)');
        s3 = s3.slice(1); // skip first
        var s4 = box.filter(':nth-child(3n+1)');
        s4 = s4.slice(1); // skip first
        var s5 = box.filter(':nth-child(3n)');
        s5 = s5.slice(1); // skip first
        velocitySequence = [
          { elements: b, properties: 'custom.fadeOut', options: vOption },
          { elements: s0, properties: 'custom.slideLeftIn', options: vOpt },
          { elements: s1, properties: 'custom.slideDownIn', options: vOption6 },
          { elements: s2, properties: 'custom.slideRightIn', options: vOption6 },
          { elements: s3, properties: 'custom.slideUpIn', options: vOpt },
          { elements: s4, properties: 'custom.slideLeftIn', options: vOpt },
          { elements: s5, properties: 'custom.slideRightIn', options: vOption6 },
      else {
        // Page load animation
        box.css('opacity', 0);
        velocitySequence = [
          { elements: seq1, properties: ani1, options: vOpt },
          { elements: seq2, properties: ani2, options: vOpt },
          { elements: seq3, properties: ani1, options: vOpt },
          { elements: seq4, properties: ani2, options: vOpt }
    } // end goVelocity()//@ sourceURL=pen.js
    View Code


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                color: hotpink;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liaohuolin/p/4021436.html
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