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  • 【转】完整精确导入Kernel与Uboot参与编译了的代码到Source Insight,Understand, SlickEdit

    The linux kernel and u-boot contains lots of files, when we want to broswe the source code,we just want to see these compiled files, and the header files which required. So this script in this repo is to make a filelist to tell us the files compiled and the header files depended.

    Also, the script would genenate a filelist for the source code broswer IDE/Editor(source insight, Scitools Understand and SlickEdit)

    If you use the source insight or Scitools Understand, or SlickEdit to broswe the linux kernel or/and U-boot source code, this script would help you to add the compiled source code(.S,.C) when you create Project.

    You may want to see the video PF_Prj_Gen_example.mkv in directory usge of repo. In the video, I show the generation and the usage of the Generation file/project for Understand and SlickEdit.

    Also a video(SourceInsight_Example.mkv in usage directory of this repo) shows the generation of filelist for the Source Insight.

    GIF show

    How to generate

    Below is a GIF, shows how to generate the filelist and slickedit workspace/project, the parameters of command:

    • Parameter1, directory of compiled source code, here is kernel: ~/github/BBB/Sebastian-BBB-Hibernation-2
    • Parameter2, Output directory and slickedit workspace(and project) name

    Usage of the generation for Source Insight

    Below Gif shows the procedure of generation and import

    Usage of the generation for SlickEdit

    Usage of the generation for Scitools Understand

    Text word illustration

    0. compile

    compile the kernel or u-boot source code

    1. clone

    git clone https://github.com/tonyho/Generate_Kernel_Uboot_Project_forIDE.git

    2. Generate

    cd Generate_kernel_uboot_project_forIDE
    ./PF_Prj_Gen.sh Path_For_Compiled_Kernel(Uboot)_Directory OutPutProjectFileName

    This would create the filelist for Understand and Source Insight and the Slickedit Project in Outputprojectfilename.And you can use these output file to genenate the project.

  • 相关阅读:
    winform listview控件
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/libra13179/p/10188007.html
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