""" 字符串的操作: """ s = "This is a test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter ABcDe aBCdE" # 1、根据索引取值 ---> s[] letter = s[5] print(letter) # i # 2、对字符串进行切片 --> s[start_index:end_index:step] sp = s[::] print(sp) # This is a test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter ABcDe aBCdE sp1 = s[:5:] print(sp1) # This sp2 = s[10::] print(sp2) # test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter ABcDe aBCdE sp3 = s[5:10:] print(sp3) # is a sp4 = s[5:15:2] print(sp4) # i et spre = s[-1:-10:-1] print(spre) # EdCBa eDc # 3、字符串的遍历 for i in s: print(i,end=" ") # T h i s i s a t e s t , a n d i n c l u d e l e t t e r 、 n u m b e r s 1 , 2 , 3 a n d u p - l e t t e r A B c D e a B C d E print() # 4、字符串的长度 ---> len() s_lenth = len(s) print(s_lenth) # 73 # 5、成员运算 ---> in not in print("h" in s) # True # # 6、字符串的删除 ---> 直接清空字符串所在的空间,删除的是数据本身,不是绑定关系 # s1 = "haha 这是一个要被删除的字符串" # del s1 # print(s1) # NameError: name 's1' is not defined
""" 字符串的重要方法 """ s_zh = "***This is a test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter ABcDe aBCdE,并且包括了中文---**" # 1、 去除空白及指定字符 ---> strip() lstrip() rstrip() s2 = s_zh.strip() print(s2) # ***This is a test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter ABcDe aBCdE,并且包括了中文---** print(id(s2),id(s_zh)) # 2407212780880 2407212574624 print(s_zh.strip("*")) # This is a test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter ABcDe aBCdE,并且包括了中文--- print(s_zh.lstrip("*")) # This is a test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter ABcDe aBCdE,并且包括了中文---** print(s_zh.rstrip("*")) # ***This is a test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter ABcDe aBCdE,并且包括了中文--- # 2、 将字符串切分成列表 ---> split() rsplit("str","count"):对字符串进行切分,变为列表,默认以空白进行切分依据! print(s_zh.split()) # ['***This', 'is', 'a', 'test,and', 'include', 'letter、numbers', '1,2,3', 'and', 'up-letter', 'ABcDe', 'aBCdE,并且包括了中文---**'] print(s_zh.rsplit()) # ['***This', 'is', 'a', 'test,and', 'include', 'letter、numbers', '1,2,3', 'and', 'up-letter', 'ABcDe', 'aBCdE,并且包括了中文---**'] print(s_zh.split(" ")) # ['***This', 'is', 'a', 'test,and', 'include', 'letter、numbers', '1,2,3', 'and', 'up-letter', 'ABcDe', 'aBCdE,并且包括了中文---**'] print(s_zh.split("a",1)) # ['***This is ', ' test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter ABcDe aBCdE,并且包括了中文---**'] print(s_zh.rsplit("a",1)) # ['***This is a test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter ABcDe ', 'BCdE,并且包括了中文---**'] # 3、将特定字符串替换成另一种字符串 ---> replace("old","new",count) print(s_zh.replace(" ","%")) # ***This%is%a%test,and%include%letter、numbers%1,2,3%and%up-letter%ABcDe%aBCdE,并且包括了中文---** print(s_zh.replace(" ","%",2)) # ***This%is%a test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter ABcDe aBCdE,并且包括了中文---** # 4、将列表中每个值添加进字符串中 ---> "str".join(intrable) :以 . 为分界将 interable 中每个元素组合成字符串 ls = ["我","需要","将","这个","列表","添加","进","字符串中"] print("".join(ls)) # 我需要将这个列表添加进字符串中 print(".".join(ls)) # 我.需要.将.这个.列表.添加.进.字符串中 # 5、统计字符串中特定字符出现的次数 ---> count(str, start_index=None, end_index=None) print(s_zh.count("i")) # 3 # 6、根据字符取索引 ---> index(str[, start[, end]]) print(s_zh.index("i")) # 5 --> 从左到右第一个 # 7、 以特定字符开头及结尾 ---> startwith(str[, start[, end]]) / endwith(str[, start[, end]]) print(s_zh.startswith("*")) # True print(s_zh.endswith("-")) # False # 8、判断字符串内部是否是自然数、纯字母、字符串或字母、汉字 ---> isdigit() / isalpha() / isalnum() # isdigit --> 判断是否为纯数字(自然数,不包括罗马数字、汉字等) # isalpha --> 判断是否为纯字母或汉字 # isalnum --> 判断是否为字母或汉字或数字(所有类型的数字) # isnumeric --> 判断是否为数字(所有类型的数字) print("Ⅳ".isnumeric()) # True print("Ⅳ".isdigit()) # False print("Ⅳ".isalnum()) # True print("a1".isalpha()) # False # 9、字符串的大写小写 --> upper lower captialize title s_zh1 = "this is a test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter abcde abcde" print(s_zh1.upper()) # ***THIS IS A TEST,AND INCLUDE LETTER、NUMBERS 1,2,3 AND UP-LETTER ABCDE ABCDE,并且包括了中文---** print(s_zh1.lower()) # ***this is a test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter abcde abcde,并且包括了中文---** print(s_zh1.capitalize()) # This is a test,and include letter、numbers 1,2,3 and up-letter abcde abcde print(s_zh1.title()) # This Is A Test,And Include Letter、Numbers 1,2,3 And Up-Letter Abcde Abcde
""" 基本操作 """ ls = [1,2,3,"a",'b','c',"赵",'钱'] # 1、取值 print(ls[2]) # 3 # 2、切片 print(ls[::-1]) # ['钱', '赵', 'c', 'b', 'a', 3, 2, 1] # 3、拼接 print(ls + ["1",2,3]) # [1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c', '赵', '钱', '1', 2, 3] # 4、长度 print(len(ls)) # 8 # 5、成员运算 in not in # 6、遍历:使用for循环,循环遍历列表
""" 常用方法 """ # 1、增 ls.append("append") print(ls) # [1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c', '赵', '钱', 'append'] ls.insert(3,"insert") print(ls) # [1, 2, 3, 'insert', 'a', 'b', 'c', '赵', '钱', 'append'] ls.extend([100,200,300]) print(ls) # [1, 2, 3, 'insert', 'a', 'b', 'c', '赵', '钱', 'append', 100, 200, 300] # 2、删 ls.remove("append") print(ls) # [1, 2, 3, 'insert', 'a', 'b', 'c', '赵', '钱', 100, 200, 300] ls.pop(3) # --> 可以删除指定index的值,默认删除最后一个 print(ls) # [1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c', '赵', '钱', 100, 200, 300] # ls.clear() # 将列表中值进行删除 # 3、改 ls[1] = 22 print(ls) # [1, 22, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c', '赵', '钱', 100, 200, 300] # 4、查 print(ls.index("赵")) # 6 print(ls.count("a")) # 1 --> 查询指定字符串出现次数 # 5、其它方法 ls.reverse() print(ls) # [300, 200, 100, '钱', '赵', 'c', 'b', 'a', 3, 22, 1] ls1 = ['a','d','c','f','e','g'] ls1.sort(reverse=True) print(ls1) # ['g', 'f', 'e', 'd', 'c', 'a'] --> 只能对同种类型的数据进行排序 # ls.copy() --> 浅拷贝,只是复制列表容器本身及内部的内存地址,不会复制列表中元素本身
a = 10
b = 3.74
c = True
print(int(a), int(b), int(c)) # 10 3 1
print(float(a), float(b), float(c)) # 10.0 3.74 1.0
print(bool(a), bool(b), bool(c)) # True True True