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  • 新闻报道翻译研讨20091128 饱受战争冲突之苦的国家腐败根深蒂固Corruption Digs Deepest in Countries in Conflict

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    IN THE NEWS - Corruption Digs Deepest in Countries in Conflict

    Written by Brianna Blake


    This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.


    Transparency International is out with its two thousand nine report on corruption around the world. The nongovernmental organization has released its Corruption Perceptions Index each year since nineteen ninety-eight.



    This year the country seen as least corrupt is New Zealand. New Zealand shared first place last year with Denmark and Sweden. This year Denmark is ranked second, and Sweden shares third place with Singapore.



    At the bottom of the list, ranked last for the third year, is Somalia.



    The order of the list is based on how corrupt a country's government is considered by a number of international organizations. These include the World Bank, the World Economic Forum and the Asian and African development banks.



    Transparency International, based in Berlin, works to fight corruption and increase public awareness. Its yearly report has grown to a list of one hundred eighty countries.



    The group says unstable countries damaged by war and ongoing conflict continue to be those most affected by corruption. Those countries include Afghanistan and Iraq, two nations that receive billions of dollars in international aid.


    Iraq moved up two places this year and is now ranked fourth from the bottom, along with Sudan. But Afghanistan fell three places to just above Somalia, meaning Afghanistan is seen as the second most corrupt country.



    Transparency International says people have to pay bribes to receive basic services. A lack of government enforcement against corruption is blamed for helping the Taliban gain supporters.



    The United States has approved close to forty billion dollars in aid for Afghanistan over the past eight years of war. President Obama is preparing to announce his new war plan on Tuesday. The plan is expected to include thousands of additional American troops.



    Afghan President Hamid Karzai began a second term last week after an election in which widespread cheating was found. He is under increased international pressure to fight corruption.

    在一场作弊广泛的大选之后,阿富汗总统Hamid Karzai于上周开始了他的第二个总统任期。他迫于国际压力之下开始反腐。


    Last week his government announced new efforts to investigate top officials. A group of current and former cabinet ministers are reportedly under investigation.



    In this year's corruption report, the United States dropped one place, to nineteenth from eighteenth last year. Yet the score actually improved by two-tenths of a point. Transparency International says there are many concerns about supervision of the American financial industry.



    Many of the countries at the bottom of the list are in sub-Saharan Africa. Patrick Berg is a program coordinator for Transparency International.

    非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南的许多的国家排名垫底。Patrick Berg是透明组织计划协调员。


    PATRICK BERG : "Where you find poverty, corruption usually hits people the hardest. In some of the more affluent countries, corruption may be a major problem. But it does not keep people from getting health care or clean water to their houses."

    PATRICK BERG:贫穷所在之地,经常也是腐败最令人痛之所。在一个相对富裕的国家,腐败也许是一个大问题。但是它不会使人们得不到医疗或者是生活所需的清洁水。


    But he says some countries -- including Botswana, Mauritius and Cape Verde -- have worked hard to improve their governance. As a result, they have improved their standing on the list.



    And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. I'm Steve Ember.

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