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  • VB6之图像灰度与二值化



      1 Private Declare Function GetBitmapBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hbitmap As Long, _
      2     ByVal dwCount As Long, _
      3     lpBits As Any) As Long
      4 Private Declare Function SetBitmapBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hbitmap As Long, _
      5     ByVal dwCount As Long, _
      6     lpBits As Any) As Long
      7 Private Declare Function GetDIBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal aHDC As Long, _
      8     ByVal hbitmap As Long, _
      9     ByVal nStartScan As Long, _
     10     ByVal nNumScans As Long, _
     11     lpBits As Any, _
     12     lpBI As BitMapInfo, _
     13     ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
     14 Private Declare Function SetDIBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, _
     15     ByVal hbitmap As Long, _
     16     ByVal nStartScan As Long, _
     17     ByVal nNumScans As Long, _
     18     lpBits As Any, _
     19     lpBI As BitMapInfo, _
     20     ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
     21 Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, _
     22     ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
     23 Private Declare Function CreateDC Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDCA" (ByVal lpDriverName As String, _
     24     ByVal lpDeviceName As String, _
     25     ByVal lpOutput As String, _
     26     lpInitData As Long) As Long
     27 Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
     29 Private Type BitMapInfoHeader
     30     biSize As Long
     31     biWidth As Long
     32     biHeight As Long
     33     biPlanes As Integer
     34     biBitCount As Integer
     35     biCompression As Long
     36     biSizeImage As Long
     37     biXPelsPerMeter As Long
     38     biYPelsPerMeter As Long
     39     biClrUsed As Long
     40     biClrImportant As Long
     41 End Type
     43 Private Type RGBQuad
     44     rgbBlue As Byte
     45     rgbGreen As Byte
     46     rgbRed As Byte
     47     ''rgbReserved As Byte
     48 End Type
     50 Private Type BitMapInfo
     51     bmiHeader As BitMapInfoHeader
     52     bmiColors As RGBQuad
     53 End Type
     55 Private Sub Command1_Click()
     56     Dim pic As StdPicture
     57     Set pic = LoadPicture("D:My DocumentsDownloads119562132_21n.jpg")
     59     Dim w As Long
     60     Dim h As Long
     61     With pic
     62         w = ScaleX(.Width, vbHimetric, vbPixels)
     63         h = ScaleY(.Height, vbHimetric, vbPixels)
     64     End With
     66     Dim hdc As Long
     67     hdc = CreateDC("DISPLAY", vbNullString, vbNullString, 0&)
     68     Call SelectObject(hdc, pic.Handle)
     70     Dim bits() As Byte
     71     ReDim bits(3, w, h) As Byte
     72     Dim bi As BitMapInfo
     73     With bi.bmiHeader
     74         .biBitCount = 32&
     75         .biCompression = 0&
     76         .biPlanes = 1&
     77         .biSize = Len(bi.bmiHeader)
     78         .biWidth = w
     79         .biHeight = h
     80     End With
     81     Call GetDIBits(hdc, pic.Handle, 0, h, bits(0, 0, 0), bi, 0&)
     83     '灰度化
     84     Dim x As Long
     85     Dim y As Long
     86     Dim g As Byte
     87     For x = 0 To w
     88         For y = 0 To h
     89             '灰度公式:Gray=R×0.299+G×0.587+B×0.114
     90             '貌似有更好的方案:g=(bits(0, ix, iy) ^ 2.2 * 0.0722 + bits(1, ix, iy) ^ 2.2 * 0.7152 + bits(2, ix, iy) ^ 2.2 * 0.2126) ^ (1 / 2.2)
     91             '不过,肉眼看不出差别来 (>_<)
     92             g = bits(0, x, y) * 0.114 + bits(1, x, y) * 0.587 + bits(2, x, y) * 0.299
     93             bits(0, x, y) = g
     94             bits(1, x, y) = g
     95             bits(2, x, y) = g
     96         Next
     97     Next
    101     Picture1.Picture = Picture1.Image
    102     Call SetDIBits(Picture1.hdc, Picture1.Picture.Handle, 0&, h, bits(0, 0, 0), bi, 0&)
    103     Picture1.Picture = Picture1.Image
    105     Dim threshold As Byte
    106     threshold = GetThreshold(bits, w, h)
    108     '二值化,阈值通过[最大类间方差法(Otsu)]取得
    109     For x = 0 To w
    110         For y = 0 To h
    111             If bits(0, x, y) > threshold Then
    112                 bits(0, x, y) = 255
    113                 bits(1, x, y) = 255
    114                 bits(2, x, y) = 255
    115             Else
    116                 bits(0, x, y) = 0
    117                 bits(1, x, y) = 0
    118                 bits(2, x, y) = 0
    119             End If
    120         Next
    121     Next
    123     Picture2.Picture = Picture2.Image
    124     Call SetDIBits(Picture2.hdc, Picture2.Picture.Handle, 0&, h, bits(0, 0, 0), bi, 0&)
    125     Picture2.Picture = Picture2.Image
    127     Erase bits
    128     Call DeleteDC(hdc)
    129     Set pic = Nothing
    130 End Sub
    133 Private Function GetThreshold(ByRef Pixels() As Byte, _
    134     ByVal Width As Long, _
    135     ByVal Height As Long) As Byte
    136     '最大类间方差法(Otsu)
    137     '这个函数是我根据百度文库一个文档里提供的C代码翻译过来的
    138     '@http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=wVl9A7eZiRddxpaCPPLcAIb-VDlyrV__-Zfw6j6o50FEUochgV9G_zRVsMHVDxN2ilOUXiRbSSM-as_ELJpjxnWEvERlABlvVoVK6-FDQpW
    139     Dim hist(255) As Long
    140     Dim x As Long
    141     Dim y As Long
    142     Dim i As Long
    144     For i = 0 To 255: hist(i) = 0: Next
    145     For y = 0 To Height
    146         For x = 0 To Width
    147             hist(Pixels(0, x, y)) = hist(Pixels(0, x, y)) + 1
    148         Next
    149     Next
    151     Dim p(255) As Double
    152     Dim ut As Double
    153     Dim uk As Double
    154     Dim sigma As Double
    155     Dim mk As Double
    156     Dim maxk As Byte
    157     Dim maxs As Double
    158     Dim total As Long
    159     Dim EPSTLON As Double
    160     EPSILON = 0.000001 '10 ^ -6
    163     total = Width * Height
    164     ut = 0
    165     For i = 0 To 255
    166         p(i) = hist(i) / total
    167         ut = ut + i * hist(i)
    168     Next
    169     ut = ut / total
    170     wk = 0
    171     uk = 0
    172     maxs = 0
    173     For i = 0 To 255
    174         uk = uk + i * p(i)
    175         wk = wk + p(i)
    176         If wk <= EPSTLON Or wk >= (1# - EPSTLON) Then
    177         Else
    178             sigma = (ut * wk - uk)
    179             sigma = (sigma * sigma) / (wk * (1# - wk))
    180             If sigma > maxs Then
    181                 maxs = sigma
    182                 maxk = i
    183             End If
    184         End If
    185     Next
    186     GetThreshold = maxk
    187 End Function



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