class MyGenericClass<T> { //.... }
class MyGenericClass<T1, T2, T3> { private T1 innerT1Object; public MyGenericClass() { } public MyGenericClass(T1 t) { innerT1Object = t; } public T1 InnerT1Object { get { return innerT1Object; } } }
class MyGenericClass<T1, T2, T3> { private T1 innerT1Object; public MyGenericClass() { innerT1Object = new T1(); } public MyGenericClass(T1 t) { innerT1Object = t; } public T1 InnerT1Object { get { return innerT1Object; } } }
public bool Compare(T1 op1,T2 op2) { if (op1 != null && op2 != null)//正确 return true; else return false; } public bool Compare(T1 op1, T2 op2) { if (op1 == op2)//错误 return true; else return false; }
public MyGenericClass() { innerT1Object = default(T1); }
使用where 关键字约束泛型,可以有多个约束,多个约束直接用逗号隔开,也可以有多个where用于约束不同的类型,where约束必须写在继承的类或接口后面
class MyGenericClass<T1,T2>:IMyInterface where T1:Constraint1,Constraint2 where T2:Constraint3
约束 | 定义 |
struct | T必须是值类型,比如int,结构等 |
class | T必须是引用类型,比如string、类 |
base-class | T是某个类型或者继承于某个类型,使用时用具体的类名替代,比如T:Animal |
interface | T是某个接口或者继承了某个接口,如T:IMyInterface |
new() | T必须有无参数的公共构造函数,如果new()用做约束,它必须是为类型T指定的最后一个约束 |
class MyGenericClass<T1, T2, T3> where T1:struct where T2:class where T3:Animal { } MyGenericClass<int, string, Cow> generic = new MyGenericClass<int, string, Cow>();
class MyGenericClass<T1, T2, T3> where T1:T2 { }
class MyGenericClass<T1, T2, T3> where T1:T2 where T2:T1 { }
class MyGenericClass<T1, T2, T3> where T1:MyInterface ,new() where T2:class { }
abstract class Animal { protected string name; public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } public Animal() { name = "The animal has no name."; } public Animal(string newName) { name = newName; } public void Feed() { Console.WriteLine("{0}has been fed.", name); } public abstract void MakeANoise(); } class Cow : Animal { public void Milk() { Console.WriteLine("{0}has been milked.", name); } public Cow(string newName) : base(newName) { } public override void MakeANoise() { Console.WriteLine("{0} say 'moo'",name); } } class Chicken : Animal { public void LagEgg() { Console.WriteLine("{0}has lag en egg.", name); } public Chicken(string newName) : base(newName) { } public override void MakeANoise() { Console.WriteLine("{0} say 'Cluck'", name); } } class SuperCow : Cow { public SuperCow(string name) : base(name) { } public void Fly() { Console.WriteLine("{0} is flying", name); } public override void MakeANoise() { Console.WriteLine("{0} say 'here i come to save the world'", name); } } class Farm<T>:IEnumerable<T> where T : Animal { private List<T> animals = new List<T>(); public List<T> Animails { get { return animals; } } public void MakeNoises() { foreach (T animal in animals) { animal.MakeANoise(); } } public void FeedTheAnimals() { foreach (T animal in animals) { animal.Feed(); } } public Farm<Cow> GetCows() { Farm<Cow> cows = new Farm<Cow>(); foreach (T animal in animals) { if (animal is Cow) cows.Animails.Add(animal as Cow); } return cows; } //实现IEnumerable<T>接口用于迭代Farm<T>集合,实现该接口,需要实现下面两个方法 public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() { return animals.GetEnumerator(); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return animals.GetEnumerator(); } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Farm<Animal> farm = new Farm<Animal>(); farm.Animails.Add(new Cow("Jack")); farm.Animails.Add(new Chicken("Vera")); farm.Animails.Add(new Chicken("Sally")); farm.Animails.Add(new SuperCow("Kavin")); farm.MakeNoises(); Farm<Cow> cowFarm = farm.GetCows(); foreach (Cow cow in cowFarm) { if (cow is SuperCow) (cow as SuperCow).Fly(); } Console.ReadLine(); } }
//正确 class SuperFarm<T> : Farm<T> where T:Animal { } //错误 class SuperFarm<T> : Farm<T> { }
class SuperFarm<T> : Farm<T> where T:Cow { }
//正确 class SuperFarm : Farm<Cow> { } //错误的,没有给出类型T的具体类型信息 class SuperFarm : Farm<T> { }
与其他类一样,泛型类可以对运算符进行重载。例如我们可以在Fram<T>中重载如下运算符,这样我们就能计算Farm<Animal> newFarm=farm+cowFarm这里的类型,其中cowFarm是Farm<Cow>的实例,farm是Farm<Animal>的实例,使用隐式转换运算符,我们就能把cowFarm隐式转换为List<Animal>类型,进而利用第二个运算符进行计算。
public static implicit operator List<Animal>(Farm<T> farm) { List<Animal> result = new List<Animal>(); foreach (T animal in farm) { result.Add(animal); } return result; } public static Farm<T> operator +(Farm<T> farm1, List<T> farm2) { Farm<T> result=new Farm<T> (); foreach(T animal in farm1) { result.Animails.Add(animal); } foreach(T animal in farm2) { if(!result.Contains(animal)) result.animals.Add(animal); } return result; }
第二个运算符中,第一个参数必须为Farm<T>类型,第二个参数必须为List<T>类型,为了使Farm<Animal> newFarm=cowFarm+farm能计算,再添加一个运算符,这个运算符利用了现有的运算符。
public static Farm<T> operator +(List<T> farm1, Farm<T> farm2) { return farm2 + farm1; }
有人说利用下面这个运算符也能实现Farm<Animal> newFarm=cowFarm+farm的运算
public static Farm<T> operator +(Farm<T> farm1, Farm<T> farm2) { Farm<T> result = new Farm<T>(); foreach (T animal in farm1) { result.Animails.Add(animal); } foreach (T animal in farm2) { if (!result.Contains(animal)) result.animals.Add(animal); } return result; }
public static implicit operator Farm<Animal>(Farm<T> farm) { Farm<Animal> result = new Farm<Animal>(); foreach (T animal in farm) { result.animals.Add(animal); } return result; }
public struct MyStruct<T1, T2> { public T1 item1; public T2 item2; }
interface MyInterface<T> where T : Animal { bool AttemptToBreed(T animal1, T animal2); T OldestInHerd { get; } }
public Farm<Cow> GetCows() { Farm<Cow> cows = new Farm<Cow>(); foreach (T animal in animals) { if (animal is Cow) cows.Animails.Add(animal as Cow); } return cows; }
public Farm<U> GetSpecies<U>() where U:T { Farm<U> result = new Farm<U>(); foreach (T animal in animals) { if (animal is U) result.animals.Add(animal as U); } return result; }
public T GetDefault<U>() { return default(T); }
class MyDefault { public static T GetDefault<T>() where T:Animal { return default(T); } }
class Program { delegate int MyDelegate(int op1, int op2); static void Main(string[] args) { MyDelegate sum = new MyDelegate(Add); MyDelegate Multiply = new MyDelegate(Mul); Console.WriteLine(sum(1, 2));//3 Console.WriteLine(Multiply(1, 2));//2 Console.ReadLine(); } public static int Add(int op1, int op2) { return op1 + op2; } public static int Mul(int op1, int op2) { return op1 * op2; } }
class Program { delegate T MyGenericDelegate<T>(T op1, T op2); static void Main(string[] args) { MyGenericDelegate<int> sum2 = new MyGenericDelegate<int>(Add); MyGenericDelegate<int> Multiply2 = new MyGenericDelegate<int>(Mul); Console.WriteLine(sum(1, 2));//3 Console.WriteLine(Multiply(1, 2));//2 Console.ReadLine(); } public static int Add(int op1, int op2) { return op1 + op2; } public static int Mul(int op1, int op2) { return op1 * op2; } }
我们知道使用 多态性可以把子类的对象放在基类的变量中,比如
Cow myCow=new Cow("Cow"); Animal myAnimal =myCow;
List<Cow> cows=new List<Cow>(); cows.Add(new Cow("Cow1")); List<Animal> animals = cows;
答案是不能的,因为虽然Cow和Animal有继承关系, 但在泛型上类型List<Cow>和List<Animal>是两个不同的类型,它们不具有继承关系,不能互相转换。为了使上面的代码能运行,C#引入了另一个概念,协变。
// 摘要: // 公开枚举器,该枚举器支持在指定类型的集合上进行简单迭代。 // // 类型参数: // T: // 要枚举的对象的类型。 [TypeDependency("System.SZArrayHelper")] public interface IEnumerable<out T> : IEnumerable { // 摘要: // 返回一个循环访问集合的枚举器。 // // 返回结果: // 可用于循环访问集合的 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<T>。 IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator(); }
List<Cow> cows = new List<Cow>(); cows.Add(new Cow("Cow1")); IEnumerable<Cow> iCows = cows;//多态性 IEnumerable<Animal> iAnimals = iCows;//协变
delegate T MyGenericDelegate2<out T>();
抗变:抗变和协变相反,抗变可以把泛型对象值存放在T类型的派生子类的泛型变量中。通过在类型变量T前面使用关键字in定义抗变,抗变只能用在接口和泛型委托中,用作方法参数。 比如IComparer<T>
// 摘要: // 定义类型为比较两个对象而实现的方法。 // // 类型参数: // T: // 要比较的对象的类型。 public interface IComparer<in T> { // 摘要: // 比较两个对象并返回一个值,指示一个对象是小于、等于还是大于另一个对象。 // // 参数: // x: // 要比较的第一个对象。 // // y: // 要比较的第二个对象。 // // 返回结果: // 一个带符号整数,它指示 x 与 y 的相对值,如下表所示。值含义小于零x 小于 y。零x 等于 y。大于零x 大于 y。 int Compare(T x, T y); }
上面的接口定义了抗变,所以我们可以排序Cows把IComparer<Cow> 对象传给 IComparer<Animal>类型的变量,从而实现排序
class AnimalComparer : IComparer<Animal> { public static AnimalComparer Default = new AnimalComparer(); public int Compare(Animal x, Animal y) { return x.Name.Length.CompareTo(y.Name.Length) ; } } List<Cow> cows = new List<Cow>(); cows.Add(new Cow("Cow22")); cows.Add(new Cow("Cow1")); cows.Add(new Cow("Cow111")); cows.Sort(AnimalComparer.Default);
class ShortCollection<T>:IList<T> { protected int maxSize = 10; protected Collection<T> innerCollection; public ShortCollection():this(10) { } public ShortCollection(int size) { maxSize = size; innerCollection = new Collection<T>(); } public ShortCollection(List<T> list):this(10,list) { } public ShortCollection( int size,List<T> list) { maxSize =size ; if (list.Count < maxSize) { innerCollection = new Collection<T>(list); } else { ThrowTooManyItemException(); } } protected void ThrowTooManyItemException() { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Unable to add any more items,maxinum size is " + maxSize + " items."); } public int IndexOf(T item) { return innerCollection.IndexOf(item); } public void Insert(int index, T item) { if (innerCollection.Count < maxSize) innerCollection.Insert(index, item); else ThrowTooManyItemException(); } public void RemoveAt(int index) { innerCollection.RemoveAt(index); } public T this[int index] { get { return innerCollection[index]; } set { innerCollection[index]=value; } } public void Add(T item) { if (innerCollection.Count < maxSize) innerCollection.Add(item); else ThrowTooManyItemException(); } public void Clear() { innerCollection.Clear(); } public bool Contains(T item) { return innerCollection.Contains(item); } public void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex) { innerCollection.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex); } public int Count { get { return innerCollection.Count; } } public bool IsReadOnly { get { return (innerCollection as IList<T>).IsReadOnly; } } public bool Remove(T item) { return innerCollection.Remove(item); } public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() { return innerCollection.GetEnumerator(); } System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return innerCollection.GetEnumerator(); } }