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  • oracle对表常用的操作

            最近业务需要给表添加索引,因为数据量很大时,查询效率很低;老大建议使用索引; 之前总结的时候将索引没有记录,当然啦,也怪笔者基础薄弱,不管了,慢慢进步嘛,好了进入正题吧!


    create table temp_student(
     id number,
     name varchar2(20),
     sex char(2),
     age number,
     class varchar2(20),
     userId number
    comment on  table  temp_student       is '临时学生表';
    comment on  column temp_student.id    is 'ID';
    comment on  column temp_student.name  is '姓名';
    comment on  column temp_student.sex   is '性别';
    comment on  column temp_student.age   is '年龄';
    comment on  column temp_student.class is '班级';
    comment on  column temp_student.userId is '临时人员ID';
    create table temp_user(
     id   number,
     name varchar2(20),
     age number,
     sex char(2)
    comment on  table  temp_user       is '临时人员表';
    comment on  column temp_user.id    is 'ID';
    comment on  column temp_user.name  is '姓名';
    comment on  column temp_user.age   is '年龄';
    comment on  column temp_user.sex   is '性别';


    select * from temp_student for update; 
    select * from temp_user for update;
    drop table temp_student;
    drop table temp_user;
    alter table temp_student add  join_date date;
    comment on column temp_student.join_date is '入学时间'; 
    alter table temp_student modify(class varchar2(200));
    alter table temp_student rename column  join_date to join;
    rename temp_student to t_student;
    alter table t_student drop column join;
    alter table temp_student add primary key (id);
    alter table temp_user add primary key(id);
    alter table temp_student add constraint  userKey foreign key(userId) references temp_user(id);
    alter table temp_student drop primary key;
    alter table temp_student drop constraint userKey;
    create public synonym t_student for temp_student;
    create public synonym t_user for temp_user;
    grant select,insert,update on sys.temp_student to bepcde,bepopr;
    revoke select,insert,update on sys.temp_student from bepcde,bepopr;
    create sequence t_student_seq 
      minvalue 1 --初始序号为1
      maxvalue 9999999999999999  --最大序号,这里也可以设置
      start with 1 --从1开始计算
      increment by 1 --每次增1
      cache 30  --缓存20个
      cycle; --//循环
    drop sequence t_student_seq;
    select t_student_seq.nextval from dual; --1
    create index id_a on t_student(name);
    drop index id_a;


  • 相关阅读:
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    Confluence 6 数据收集隐私策略
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    Confluence 6 诊断
    Confluence 6 垃圾收集性能问题
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lidelin/p/9996819.html
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