#pragma once #ifndef SALES_H_ #define SALES_H_ #include <stdexcept> #include <string> class Sales { public: enum { MONTHS = 12 }; class bad_index :public std::logic_error { private: int bi; public: explicit bad_index(int ix, const std::string& s = "Index error in Sales object "); int bi_val() const { return bi; } virtual ~bad_index() throw() {} }; explicit Sales(int yy = 0); Sales(int yy, const double* gr, int n); virtual ~Sales() {} int Year() const { return year; } virtual double operator[](int i) const; virtual double& operator[](int i); private: double gross[MONTHS]; int year; }; class LabeledSales :public Sales { public: class nbad_index :public Sales::bad_index { private: std::string lbl; public: nbad_index(const std::string& lb, int ix, const std::string& s = "Index error in LabelSales object "); const std::string& label_val() const { return lbl; } virtual ~nbad_index() throw() {} }; explicit LabeledSales(const std::string& lb = "none", int yy = 0); LabeledSales(const std::string& lb, int yy, const double* gr, int n); virtual ~LabeledSales() {} const std::string& Label() const { return label; } virtual double operator[](int i) const; virtual double& operator[](int i); private: std::string label; }; #endif // !SALES_H_
#include "pch.h" #include "sales.h" using std::string; Sales::bad_index::bad_index(int ix, const string& s) :std::logic_error(s), bi(ix) { } Sales::Sales(int yy) { year = yy; for (int i = 0; i < MONTHS; i++) gross[i] = 0; } Sales::Sales(int yy, const double* gr, int n) { year = yy; int lim = (n < MONTHS) ? n : MONTHS; int i; for (i = 0; i < lim; i++) gross[i] = gr[i]; for (; i < MONTHS; i++) gross[i] = 0; } double Sales::operator[](int i) const { if (i < 0 || i >= MONTHS) throw bad_index(i); return gross[i]; } double& Sales::operator[](int i) { if (i < 0 || i >= MONTHS) throw bad_index(i); return gross[i]; } LabeledSales::nbad_index::nbad_index(const string& lb, int ix, const string& s) :Sales::bad_index(ix, s) { lbl = lb; } LabeledSales::LabeledSales(const string& lb, int yy) : Sales(yy) { label = lb; } LabeledSales::LabeledSales(const string& lb, int yy, const double* gr, int n) : Sales(yy, gr, n) { label = lb; } double LabeledSales::operator[](int i) const { if (i < 0 || i >= MONTHS) throw nbad_index(Label(), i); return Sales::operator[](i); } double& LabeledSales::operator[](int i) { if (i < 0 || i >= MONTHS) throw nbad_index(Label(), i); return Sales::operator[](i); }
#include "pch.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <cctype> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> #include "sales.h" using namespace std; int main(void) { double vals[12] = { 1220,1100,1122,2212,1232,2334, 2884,2393,3302,2922,3002,3544 }; double vals2[12] = { 12,11,22,21,32,34, 28,29,33,29,32,35 }; Sales sales1(2011, vals, 12); LabeledSales sales2("Blogstar", 2012, vals2, 12); cout << "First try block: "; try { int i; cout << "Year = " << sales1.Year() << endl; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { cout << sales1[i] << ' '; if (i % 6 == 5) cout << endl; } cout << "Year = " << sales2.Year() << endl; cout << "Label = " << sales2.Label() << endl; for (i = 0; i <= 12; i++) { cout << sales2[i] << ' '; if (i % 6 == 5) cout << endl; } cout << "End of try block 1. "; } catch (LabeledSales::nbad_index& bad) { cout << bad.what(); cout << "Company: " << bad.label_val() << endl; cout << "bad index: " << bad.bi_val() << endl; } catch (Sales::bad_index& bad) { cout << bad.what(); cout << "bad index: " << bad.bi_val() << endl; } cout << " Next try block: "; try { sales2[2] = 37.5; sales1[20] = 23345; cout << "End of try block 2. "; } catch (LabeledSales::nbad_index& bad) { cout << bad.what(); cout << "Company: " << bad.label_val() << endl; cout << "bad index: " << bad.bi_val() << endl; } catch (Sales::bad_index& bad) { cout << bad.what(); cout << "bad index: " << bad.bi_val() << endl; } cout << "Done "; return 0; }