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  • Cloud-native?






    Cloud native is the name for an approach to building and running applications across private, public and hybrid clouds.

    When an app is "cloud native," it’s designed specifically to be developed and managed within a cloud environment.

    Companies are increasingly using cloud native development so they can accelerate up app delivery, get to market faster and meet customer expectations for speed and agility.

    Cloud naitve APP?

           不像传统的应用,它可能也运行在云上, 但是云原生应用是专门构建为了云环境。


    Unlike many traditional applications, which may run in the cloud, cloud native applications are purpose-built for a cloud environment.

    They are designed from day one to exist in public, private or hybrid clouds, rather than an on-premises data center.



    On-premises software is installed and run on computers on the premises (in the building) of the person or organisation using the software, rather than at a remote facility, such as at a server farm somewhere on the internet.
    Premises的意思是生产场所, 营业场所. Premises不是Premise的复数形式, 是有独立含义的单词. 根据Wikipedia的解释, On-premises Software指的是运行在用户或组织所在的经营场所计算机中的软件.
    与On-premises Software相对的概念应该是Software as a Service, 或者Computing in the Cloud. 即软件或者计算是安装并运行在远端的Cloud/Internet/Network中的.

    key components



          开源软件(docker K8S)


    With a cloud native approach, developers focus on creating specialized, single-function services known as microservices. Together, these small, individual units make up a complete application—but each one can be deployed, upgraded and managed on its own. By treating microservices independently of each other, developers can focus on the fundamentals of each component's specialized functionality.


    Cloud native apps need to be lightweight and portable, which is where containerization comes in. This method of operating system virtualization is often used to make microservices easy to manage. Unlike standard virtual machines, which require an embedded operating system, containers are designed to run anywhere and are not reliant on any one cloud platform or specific cloud service. When packaged in a container with all of the resources it needs to run, a microservice can be scaled quickly and independently of other microservices.

    Open source software

    The containers that microservices run in are managed by platforms such as Docker and Kubernetes, the open source software commonly used to automate the process of deploying and scaling cloud native applications.

    biggest benefits




    Fast updates

    By chunking up an application’s code into smaller, more manageable units of microservices, developers can quickly deploy updates for any part of the application—and push code to production many times a day rather than monthly or quarterly. There’s no need to wait for one large release. Instead, engineers can make changes frequently, incrementally and even automatically, which in turn empowers companies to add new and improved application features at the pace customers have come to expect.

    Minimal downtime

    With traditional application development, making updates requires a complete software overhaul. There’s no way for IT departments to identify or fix a problem without impacting the entire system and causing hours of downtime. In contrast, cloud native app development supports continuous delivery with software that stays online as individual issues are addressed. The isolation inherent to containers means an application can be updated by targeting individual microservices as needed, which means problems and bugs can be resolved fast—without causing significant downtimes or disruptions for the end user.

    Increased flexibility

    Because cloud native applications can be easily moved to different environments, companies can seamlessly distribute apps across cloud providers. Cloud native apps can be quickly migrated to public clouds and private clouds, which means it’s relatively simple for organizations to leverage the cloud infrastructure that works best for budgets and business priorities—even as they change.

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lightsong/p/14120910.html
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