LeetCode解题之Valid Number
推断一个字符串是否是数值类型的。这里的数值类型除了一般要考虑的小数、正负数外还要考虑科学计数法e,如” -3.2e-23 “是数值类型的。
- 小数点前和后没有数字都是合法的
- 科学计数法后面也能够是负数
输入: s = ” -3.2e-23 “
输出: True
class Solution(object):
def isNumber(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: bool
s = s.strip()
length = len(s)
index = 0
# Deal with symbol
if index < length and (s[index] == '+' or s[index] == '-'):
index += 1
is_normal = False
is_exp = True
# Deal with digits in the front
while index < length and s[index].isdigit():
is_normal = True
index += 1
# Deal with dot ant digits behind it
if index < length and s[index] == '.':
index += 1
while index < length and s[index].isdigit():
is_normal = True
index += 1
# Deal with 'e' and number behind it
if is_normal and index < length and (s[index] == 'e' or s[index] == 'E'):
index += 1
is_exp = False
if index < length and (s[index] == '+' or s[index] == '-'):
index += 1
while index < length and s[index].isdigit():
index += 1
is_exp = True
# Return true only deal with all the characters and the part in front of and behind 'e' are all ok
return is_normal and is_exp and index == length
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert Solution().isNumber("3.e-23") == True
assert Solution().isNumber(".2e81") == True
assert Solution().isNumber("2e10") == True
assert Solution().isNumber(" 0.1") == True
assert Solution().isNumber("1 b") == False
assert Solution().isNumber("3-2") == False
assert Solution().isNumber("abc") == False
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