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  • 参考论坛:Mali kernel driver TX011-SW-99002-r5p1-00rel0 for firefly

    最近手头有一块firefly_rk3288_reload的开发板,想实现在linux 下用openGL ES来做视频显示。



    Test OpenGL ES Linux support on Firefly-RK3288 Development Board


    Firefly-RK3288 development board is equipped with the powerful Mali
    T764 GPU. Lately, ARM has released the binary user-space fbdev
    driver. We, the Firefly team, have taken a first stab at it.

    - Firefly-RK3288 development board with latest dual boot firmware
    - 64 bit Ubuntu Linux (12.04 or later) host pc.


    First, we need to update the mali kernel driver.

    Download Linux kernel driver TX041-SW-99002-r5p1-00rel0.tgz in

    The porting process involves: replace the old driver files with new
    ones, apply the kds patch, fix the compiling errors and update the
    config file.

    To make life easier, we've packaged all the files into
    firefly-mali-driver-TX011-SW-99002-r5p1-00rel0.tar.gz .
    (note:实际上我们只需要下载firefly-mali-driver-TX011-SW-99002-r5p1-00rel0.tar.gz 这个驱动文件就可以了。)

    │ cd /path/to/your/firefly/sdk
    │ ls kernel  # kernel directory should be here
    │ tar xzf /path/to/firefly-mali-driver-TX011-SW-99002-r5p1-00rel0.tar.gz

    Then compile it:
    │ cd kernel
    │ make firefly-rk3288-linux_defconfig
    │ make -j8 firefly-rk3288.img
    │ make modules


      1)  undefined reference to `kds_waitall'


      2) 在openGL sdk demo运行的时候出现:

         Error: eglGetError(): 12289 (0x3001)

        Error: Failed to initialize EGL at ../../../../samples/opengles_30/skybox/EGLRuntime.cpp:243


        :Platform data not specified

      查看kernel源码,找到相应配置,添加:MALI_PLATFORM_FAKE 配置。


    The compiled mali module is located at drivers/gpu/arm/midgard/. Copy
    mali_kbase.ko to your board:
    │ scp drivers/gpu/arm/midgard/mali_kbase.ko root@BOARD_IP:/system/lib/modules/

    (Why `/system/lib/modules/' ? Just because /etc/rc.local willl insmod
    it automatically.)

    Then follow the steps described in
    [http://wiki.t-firefly.com/index.php/Firefly-RK3288/Build_kernel/en] ,
    to pack zImage and initrd to linux-boot.img .

    Flash linux-boot.img to recovery partition of the board.

    User-space drivers

    Download mali-t76x_r5p0-06rel0_linux_1+fbdev.tar.gz in:

    Then install it to the board:
    │ cat /path/to/mali-t76x_r5p0-06rel0_linux_1+fbdev.tar.gz
    │    | ssh root@BOARD_IP tar --strip-components=1 -xzf - -C /usr/lib

    Compile Mali OpenGL ES SDK demos

    Download Mali_OpenGL_ES_SDK_v2.4.4.71fdbd_Linux_x64.tar.gz in

    Please choose Linux X64 archive.

    To build the SDK demos, you need a cross compile toolchain. If you
    have not installed yet, try this linaro toolchain:
    (Extract it to /opt)

    You also need to install cmake (sudo apt-get install cmake).

    │ tar xzf /path/to/Mali_OpenGL_ES_SDK_v2.4.4.71fdbd_Linux_x64.tar.gz
    │ cd Mali_OpenGL_ES_SDK_v2.4.4
    │ mkdir build-arm
    │ cd build-arm
    │ export TOOLCHAIN_ROOT=/opt/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.9-2014.09_linux/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-
    │ cmake -DTARGET=arm .. 
    │ make install
    │ cd ..
    │ # bin_arm contains all the result files
    │ scp -r bin_arm root@BOARD_IP:/root

    Set 32bit framebuffer

    Before running demos, the fbdev should be in 32 bit mode.

    Run following commands on the board:
    │ sudo -s
    │ cat << EOF >/etc/init/fbset.conf
    │ # fbset - run fbset to set truecolor fbmo
    │ description "run fbset before lightdm"
    │ start on startup and started udev or starting lightdm
    │ task
    │ script
    │     [ -x /bin/fbset ] && /bin/fbset -a -nonstd 1 -depth 32 -rgba "8/0,8/8,8/16,8/24"
    │ end script
    │ EOF
    │ cat << EOF >/etc/X11/xorg.conf
    │ Section "Screen"
    │     Identifier "Default Screen"
    │     DefaultDepth 24
    │ EndSection
    │ EOF

    Then reboot the device.

    Run demos

    Before running demos, make sure you have:
    1. Flashed the new Linux kernel.
    2. Updated mali_kbase.ko
    3. Installed Mali user drivers
    4. Uploaded Mali demos
    5. Configured 32bit framebuffer

    Then open a terminal, run one of the demo:
    │ sudo -i
    │ cd bin_arm/opengles_30/skybox
    │ ./skybox




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lihaiping/p/5566317.html
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