1 at first, we use the (keyup) event handler to update the modify
@Component({ selector: 'my-app' }) @Template({ inline: '<h1>{{myName}}</h1>' + '<input type="text" #newname (keyup)/>' + '<h3 [style.color]="newname.value">{{newname.value}}</h3> ' })
but, if i wanna do something more when I use the keyup in all the input keyup?
we use the Decorator to decorator the event
2 import the Decorator
import {Component, Template, bootstrap, Decorator} from 'angular2/angular2';
3 define the Decorator
@Decorator({ selector: 'input', events: {'keyup': 'onKeyUp()'} }) class InputDecorator { onKeyUp() { console.log('do nothing'); } }
4 use the decorator
@Template({ inline: '<h1>{{myName}}</h1>' + '<input type="text" #newname />' + '<input type="text" #test/>' + '<h3 [style.color]="newname.value">{{newname.value}}</h3> ', directives: [InputDecorator] })
5 the whole page code
import {Component, Template, bootstrap, Decorator} from 'angular2/angular2'; @Decorator({ selector: 'input', events: {'keyup': 'onKeyUp()'} }) class InputDecorator { onKeyUp() { console.log('do nothing'); } } @Component({ selector: 'my-app' }) @Template({ inline: '<h1>{{myName}}</h1>' + '<input type="text" #newname />' + '<input type="text" #newnam />' + '<h3 [style.color]="newname.value">{{newname.value}}</h3> ', directives: [InputDecorator] }) class MyApp { constructor() { this.myName = 'Jackey'; this.myFriends = [ {name: 'Jackey1', age: 25}, {name: 'Jackey2', age: 26} ]; } } bootstrap(MyApp);