Fat Brother is a famous prophet, One day he get a prediction that disaster will come after X days. He is too nervous that sudden die. Fortunately he leave a note about number X after he died:
X is a number of integer which can divided exactly by Y range in [L, R]
You want to know what X is.
There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer T (T <= 10000) indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:
Contain 3 integer L, R, Y (1 <= L <= R <= 2^63 - 1, 1 <= Y <= 2^63 - 1)
There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer T (T <= 10000) indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:
Contain 3 integer L, R, Y (1 <= L <= R <= 2^63 - 1, 1 <= Y <= 2^63 - 1)
Each case print a number X.
Sample Intput
1 3 2
3 10 3
Sample Output
即区间[L, R]中能被Y整除的数的数量。
直接用 R/Y 减去 L/Y 即可,也就是1到R中能被Y整除的数的数量减去1到L中能被Y整除的数的数量,因为是闭区间,所以要注意L本身是否能被Y整除,如果可以,结果要+1.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(void) { int t; while(cin >> t) { while(t--) { long long l, r, y, num = 0; cin >> l >> r >> y; num += r/y-l/y; if(l%y == 0) { num++; } cout << num << endl; } } return 0; }
当给出的数的范围很大的时候要记得用 long long,如果是水题,这很有可能是一道找规律的题目,如本题。