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  • listview 列表框

    #ifndef listviewctrlH
    #define listviewctrlH

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <commctrl.h>

    #pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32.lib")

    namespace NSTS {

    enum EListViewType {
    eListViewIcon = LVS_ICON,
    eListViewList = LVS_LIST,
    eListViewSmallIcon = LVS_SMALLICON,
    eListViewReport = LVS_REPORT

    enum EAlignType{
    eAlignLeft = LVCFMT_LEFT,
    eAlignRight = LVCFMT_RIGHT,
    eAlignCenter = LVCFMT_CENTER

    struct ListViewColumn {
    TCHAR szHeader [128];
    int iWidth;
    EAlignType eAlignType;
    bool fCanSort;

    #define LISTVIEW_TEXT 0x1
    #define LISTVIEW_ICON 0x2
    struct ListViewItem {
    DWORD dwMask;
    TCHAR szText [512];
    HICON hIcon;

    class CListViewCtrl {
    #define SELF_VALID IsWindow (m_hSelf)
    CListViewCtrl (void) {
    m_hSelf = m_hParent = NULL;
    m_hInst = NULL;
    m_imgNormal = m_imgSmall = NULL;
    m_fAdjustColumnWidth = false;
    m_iColumnCount = 0;
    ~CListViewCtrl (void) {
    if (m_imgNormal != NULL) {
    ImageList_Destroy (m_imgNormal);
    m_imgNormal = NULL;
    if (m_imgSmall != NULL) {
    ImageList_Destroy (m_imgSmall);
    m_imgSmall = NULL;

    if (hInst != NULL && IsWindow (hParent) && prc != NULL) {

    // Ensure that the common control DLL is loaded.
    icex.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX);

    CoInitialize (NULL);

    m_hSelf = CreateWindow (WC_LISTVIEW,
    prc->right - prc->left,
    prc->bottom - prc->top,
    if (m_hSelf == NULL) {
    return false;
    m_hParent = hParent;
    m_hInst = hInst;

    m_imgNormal = ImageList_Create (32, 32, ILC_MASK, 1, 1);
    if (m_imgNormal == NULL) {
    Destroy ();
    return false;

    m_imgSmall = ImageList_Create (16, 16, ILC_MASK, 1, 1);
    if (m_imgSmall == NULL) {
    Destroy ();
    return false;

    SetFullSelected ();

    SetStyleEx (GetStyleEx () | LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES);
    return true;
    return false;
    bool Init (HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hParent, const RECT* prc, ListViewColumn clns[], int iSize, DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER | WS_VISIBLE | LVS_REPORT | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS) {
    if (!Init (hInst, hParent, prc, dwStyle)) {
    return false;

    if (!InsertColumns (clns, iSize)) {
    Destroy ();
    return false;

    return true;
    bool Init (HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hParent, const RECT* prc, ListViewItem items[], int iSize, DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER | WS_VISIBLE | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS) {
    if (!Init (hInst, hParent, prc, dwStyle)) {
    return false;

    if (!InsertItems (items, iSize)) {
    Destroy ();
    return false;

    return true;
    void Destroy (void) {
    if (SELF_VALID) {
    DestroyWindow (m_hSelf);
    m_hSelf = m_hParent = NULL;
    m_hInst = NULL;

    if (m_imgNormal != NULL) {
    ImageList_Destroy (m_imgNormal);
    m_imgNormal = NULL;

    if (m_imgSmall != NULL) {
    ImageList_Destroy (m_imgSmall);
    m_imgSmall = NULL;
    m_iColumnCount = 0;

    CoUninitialize ();
    bool Attach (HWND hwnd) {
    CoInitialize (NULL);
    if (IsWindow (hwnd)) {
    int i;
    LVCOLUMN cln;
    cln.mask = LVCF_FMT;
    m_hSelf = hwnd;
    m_hParent = ::GetParent (m_hSelf);

    for (i = 0;; ++i) {
    if (ListView_GetColumn (m_hSelf, i, &cln)) {
    } else {
    return true;
    return false;
    void Dettach (void) {
    CoUninitialize ();
    m_hSelf = m_hParent = NULL;
    m_iColumnCount = 0;

    DWORD GetStyle (void) const {
    return (DWORD)GetWindowLongPtr (m_hSelf, GWL_STYLE);
    bool SetStyle (DWORD dwStyle) {
    return SetWindowLongPtr (m_hSelf, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);
    DWORD GetStyleEx (void) const {
    return (DWORD)ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle (m_hSelf);
    bool SetStyleEx (DWORD dwStyleEx) {
    return ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle (m_hSelf, dwStyleEx);

    bool SetView (EListViewType eType) {
    DWORD dwStyle = GetStyle ();

    dwStyle &= ~LVS_REPORT;
    dwStyle &= ~LVS_ICON;
    dwStyle &= ~LVS_SMALLICON;
    dwStyle &= ~LVS_LIST;
    dwStyle |= eType;
    return SetStyle (dwStyle);
    void SetImageList (void) {
    ListView_SetImageList (m_hSelf, m_imgNormal, LVSIL_NORMAL);
    ListView_SetImageList (m_hSelf, m_imgSmall, LVSIL_SMALL);
    bool ShowLine (bool fShow = true) {
    return SetStyleEx (GetStyleEx () | LVS_EX_GRIDLINES);
    bool SetItemLParam (int iItem, int iIndex, const void* pLparam) {
    LVITEM item;
    item.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
    item.iItem = iItem;
    item.iSubItem = iIndex;
    item.lParam = (LPARAM)pLparam;
    return ListView_SetItem (m_hSelf, &item);
    void* GetItemLParam (int iItem, int iIndex) {
    LVITEM item;
    item.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
    item.iItem = iItem;
    item.iSubItem = iIndex;
    if (ListView_GetItem (m_hSelf, &item)) {
    return (void*)item.lParam;
    return NULL;
    bool DeleteAllItems (void) {
    if (ListView_DeleteAllItems (m_hSelf)) {
    return true;
    return false;
    int GetSelectedItemCount (void) const {
    return ListView_GetSelectedCount (m_hSelf);
    int GetItemCount (void) const {
    return ListView_GetItemCount (m_hSelf);
    int GetSelectedItem (void) const {
    return ListView_GetSelectionMark (m_hSelf);
    bool GetSelectedText (int iIndex, TCHAR* pszText) const {
    int iSelected = GetSelectedItem ();
    if (iSelected != -1) {
    return GetItemText (iSelected, iIndex, pszText);
    return false;
    bool GetItemText (int iPos, int iIndex, TCHAR* pszText) const {
    if (pszText) {
    ListView_GetItemText (m_hSelf, iPos, iIndex, pszText, 511);
    return true;
    return false;
    bool InsertItems (ListViewItem items [], int iSize, int iPos = -1) {
    if (items != NULL && iSize >= 0) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < iSize; ++i) {
    if (!InsertItem (&items [i], iPos)) {
    return false;
    return true;
    return false;
    bool InsertItem (ListViewItem* pitem, int iPos = -1) {
    if (pitem != NULL) {
    bool fRet = true;
    int iCorrectPos = (iPos == -1 ? GetItemCount () : iPos);
    LVITEM item;

    item.mask = 0;
    item.iItem = iCorrectPos;
    item.iSubItem = 0;
    item.iImage = iCorrectPos;

    if (pitem->dwMask & LISTVIEW_TEXT) {
    item.mask |= LVIF_TEXT;
    item.pszText = pitem->szText;
    item.cchTextMax = lstrlen (pitem->szText);

    if (pitem->dwMask & LISTVIEW_ICON) {
    item.mask |= LVIF_IMAGE;
    ImageList_AddIcon (m_imgNormal, pitem->hIcon);
    ImageList_AddIcon (m_imgSmall, pitem->hIcon);

    if (-1 == ListView_InsertItem (m_hSelf, &item)) {
    fRet = false;

    return fRet;
    return false;
    bool InsertItem (const TCHAR* pszText, int iPos = -1) {
    if (pszText != NULL) {
    ListViewItem item;
    item.dwMask = LISTVIEW_TEXT;
    lstrcpy (item.szText, pszText);
    return InsertItem (&item, iPos);
    return false;
    bool SetItemText (TCHAR* pszText, int iPos, int iIndex) {
    if (pszText != NULL) {
    LVITEM item;
    item.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
    item.pszText = pszText;
    item.cchTextMax = lstrlen (pszText);
    item.iItem = iPos;
    item.iSubItem = iIndex;

    return ListView_SetItem (m_hSelf, &item);
    return false;
    bool SetItemIcon (HICON hIcon, int iPos, int iIndex = -1) {
    return (SetItemNormalIcon (hIcon, iPos, iIndex) &&
    SetItemSmallItem (hIcon, iPos, iIndex));
    bool SetItemNormalIcon (HICON hIcon, int iPos, int iIndex = -1) {
    LVITEM item;
    item.mask = LVIF_IMAGE;
    item.iItem = iPos;
    item.iSubItem = iIndex;
    item.iImage = ImageList_AddIcon (m_imgNormal, hIcon);
    return ListView_SetItem (m_hSelf, &item);
    bool SetItemSmallItem (HICON hIcon, int iPos, int iIndex = -1) {
    LVITEM item;
    item.mask = LVIF_IMAGE;
    item.iItem = iPos;
    item.iSubItem = iIndex;
    item.iImage = ImageList_AddIcon (m_imgSmall, hIcon);
    return ListView_SetItem (m_hSelf, &item);
    bool RemoveItem (int iItem) {
    if (ListView_DeleteItem (m_hSelf, iItem)) {
    return true;
    return false;
    bool SetTextColor (COLORREF clrText) {
    return ListView_SetTextColor (m_hSelf, clrText);
    bool SetTextBkColor (COLORREF clrBk) {
    return ListView_SetTextBkColor (m_hSelf, clrBk);
    bool SetLineColor (COLORREF clrLine) {
    if (SELF_VALID) {
    ListView_SetOutlineColor (m_hSelf, clrLine);
    return true;
    return false;

    /* report */
    int GetColumnCount (void) const { return m_iColumnCount; };

    bool InsertColumns (ListViewColumn clns [], int iSize, int iPos = -1) {
    if (clns && iSize >= 0) {
    LVCOLUMN lvCln;
    int i;
    int iTruePos;
    lvCln.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH;
    lvCln.cchTextMax = 127;

    iTruePos = (iPos == -1 ? GetColumnCount () : iPos);
    for (i = 0; i < iSize; ++i) {
    lvCln.pszText = clns [i].szHeader;
    lvCln.cx = clns [i].iWidth;
    lvCln.fmt = (int)clns [i].eAlignType;
    if (ListView_InsertColumn (m_hSelf, iTruePos, &lvCln) == -1) {
    return false;
    return true;
    return false;
    bool InsertColumn (ListViewColumn* pcln, int iPos = -1) {
    if (pcln) {
    int iTruePos;
    LVCOLUMN lvCln;
    lvCln.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH;
    lvCln.cchTextMax = 127;
    lvCln.pszText = pcln->szHeader;
    lvCln.cx = pcln->iWidth;
    lvCln.fmt = (int)pcln->eAlignType;
    iTruePos = (iPos == -1 ? GetColumnCount () : iPos);
    if (ListView_InsertColumn (m_hSelf, iTruePos, &lvCln) != -1) {
    DWORD dwStyle = GetStyle ();
    if (pcln->fCanSort) {
    } else {
    dwStyle &= ~LVS_SORTASCENDING;
    return SetStyle (dwStyle);
    return false;
    bool InsertColumn (const TCHAR* pszText, int iWidth = 100, int iPos = -1) {
    ListViewColumn cln;
    int iTruePos;
    lstrcpy (cln.szHeader, pszText);
    cln.iWidth = iWidth;
    cln.eAlignType = eAlignLeft;
    iTruePos = (iPos == -1 ? GetColumnCount () : iPos);
    return InsertColumn (&cln, iTruePos);
    bool RemoveColumn (int iCln) {
    if (ListView_DeleteColumn (m_hSelf, iCln)) {
    return true;
    return false;
    bool SetColumnWidth (int iCln, int iWidth) {
    return ListView_SetColumnWidth (m_hSelf, iCln, iWidth);
    int GetColumnWidth (int iCln) {
    return ListView_GetColumnWidth (m_hSelf, iCln);
    bool SetColumnAlignType (int iCln, EAlignType eType) {
    LVCOLUMN cln;
    cln.mask = LVCF_FMT;
    cln.fmt = (int)eType;
    return ListView_SetColumn (m_hSelf, iCln, &cln);
    void AdjustColumnWidth (bool fAdjust = true) {
    m_fAdjustColumnWidth = fAdjust;
    bool PromptHideText (bool fPrompt = true) {
    if (fPrompt) {
    return SetStyleEx (GetStyleEx () | LVS_EX_LABELTIP);
    } else {
    return SetStyleEx (GetStyleEx () & ~LVS_EX_LABELTIP);
    /** unreachable */
    while (1);
    return false;
    bool EnableDragColumns (bool fEnable = true) {
    if (fEnable) {
    return SetStyleEx (GetStyleEx () | LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP);
    } else {
    return SetStyleEx (GetStyleEx () & ~LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP);
    /** unreachable */
    while (1);
    return false;

    bool InsertRow (const TCHAR* pszText, int iPos = -1) {
    return InsertItem (pszText, iPos);
    bool SetRowText (TCHAR* pszText, int iPos, int iIndex) {
    return SetItemText (pszText, iPos, iIndex);
    bool RemoveRow (int iRow) {
    return RemoveItem (iRow);
    bool InsertRowHwnd (HWND hwnd) {
    /** unimplemented */
    return false;
    bool RemoveRowHwnd (int iRow, int iIndex) {
    /** unimplemented */
    return false;
    bool SetSelectedRowBk (COLORREF clrSelectedBk) {
    /** unimplemented */
    return false;
    bool SetMouseOnRowBk (COLORREF clrMouseOnBk) {
    /** unimplemented */
    return false;
    bool SetSelectedRowTextColor (COLORREF clrSelectedText) {
    /** unimplemented */
    return false;
    bool SetMouseOnRowTextColor (COLORREF clrMouseOnText) {
    /** unimplemented */
    return false;
    bool SetRowBk (COLORREF clrRowBk) {
    /** unimplemented */
    return false;
    bool SetRowTextColor (COLORREF clrRowText) {
    /** unimplemented */
    return false;
    bool SetFullSelected (bool fFull = true) {
    if (fFull) {
    return SetStyleEx (GetStyleEx () | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT);
    } else {
    return SetStyleEx (GetStyleEx () & ~LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT);

    /** unreachable */
    while (1);
    return false;

    bool UseCheckBox (bool fCb = true) {
    if (fCb) {
    return SetStyleEx (GetStyleEx () | LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES);
    } else {
    return SetStyleEx (GetStyleEx () & ~LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES);

    while (1);
    return false;
    bool UseEditBox (bool fEb = true) {
    if (fEb) {
    return SetStyle (GetStyle () | LVS_EDITLABELS);
    } else {
    return SetStyle (GetStyle () & ~LVS_EDITLABELS);

    while (1);
    return false;
    bool IsItemSelected (int iItem) const {
    LVITEM item;
    item.mask = LVIF_STATE;
    if (ListView_GetItem (m_hSelf, &item)) {
    return item.state == LVIS_SELECTED;
    return false;
    bool IsItemChecked (int iItem) const {
    return ListView_GetCheckState (m_hSelf, iItem);
    bool SetBkColor (COLORREF clrBk) {
    return ListView_SetBkColor (m_hSelf, clrBk) && SetTextBkColor (clrBk);
    bool SetBkBitmap (TCHAR* pszBmp) {
    LVBKIMAGE lvbk;
    lvbk.pszImage = pszBmp;
    return ListView_SetBkImage (m_hSelf, &lvbk);
    bool SetColumnIcon (HICON hIcon, int iCln) {
    /***** 未实现 */
    LVCOLUMN lvcn;
    lvcn.mask = LVCF_IMAGE;
    lvcn.iImage = 0;
    ImageList_AddIcon (m_imgSmall, hIcon);
    ImageList_AddIcon (m_imgNormal, hIcon);
    if (lvcn.iImage == -1) {
    return false;
    return ListView_SetColumn (m_hSelf, iCln, &lvcn);
    bool SetColumnText (TCHAR* pszText, int iCln) {
    LVCOLUMN lvcn;
    lvcn.mask = LVCF_TEXT;
    lvcn.pszText = pszText;
    lvcn.cchTextMax = 511;
    return ListView_SetColumn (m_hSelf, iCln, &lvcn);

    struct SortStruct {
    CListViewCtrl* plst;
    int iColumn;
    bool fAscending;
    bool SortItems (int iCln, bool fAscending = true) {
    SortStruct ss = { this, iCln, fAscending };
    return ListView_SortItemsEx (m_hSelf, CompareFunc, (LPARAM)&ss);
    int FindItem (TCHAR* pszText, int iStart = 0) {
    LVFINDINFO lvfi;
    lvfi.flags = LVFI_STRING | LVFI_WRAP;
    lvfi.psz = pszText;
    return ListView_FindItem (m_hSelf, iStart, &lvfi);
    bool SelectItem (int iItem) {
    if (SELF_VALID) {
    ListView_SetItemState (m_hSelf, iItem, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED);
    return true;
    return false;
    bool PointToItem (const POINT* ppt, int* piItem, int* piSubItem) {
    if (ppt) {
    RECT rc;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < GetItemCount (); ++i) {
    if (!ListView_GetItemRect (m_hSelf, i, &rc, LVIR_BOUNDS)) {
    return false;
    if (PtInRect (&rc, *ppt)) {
    if (piItem) {
    *piItem = i;
    if (piSubItem) {
    int j;
    RECT rcSub;
    rcSub.left = 0;
    rcSub.top = rc.top;
    rcSub.bottom = rc.bottom;
    rcSub.right = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < GetColumnCount (); ++j) {
    rcSub.left += rcSub.right;
    rcSub.right += GetColumnWidth (j);
    if (PtInRect (&rcSub, *ppt)) {
    *piSubItem = j;
    return true;
    return false;
    return false;

    static int CALLBACK CompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort) {
    TCHAR sz1 [512], sz2 [512];
    SortStruct* ss = (SortStruct*)lParamSort;
    int iRet;

    if (ss == NULL || ss->plst == NULL) {
    return 0;
    ss->plst->GetItemText (lParam1, ss->iColumn, sz1);
    ss->plst->GetItemText (lParam2, ss->iColumn, sz2);
    iRet = lstrcmpi (sz1, sz2);

    return (ss->fAscending ? iRet : -iRet);

    HWND GetSelf (void) const { return m_hSelf; };
    HWND GetParent (void) const { return m_hParent; };

    HWND m_hSelf;
    HWND m_hParent;
    HINSTANCE m_hInst;
    HIMAGELIST m_imgNormal;
    HIMAGELIST m_imgSmall;
    bool m_fAdjustColumnWidth;
    int m_iColumnCount;


    #endif // listviewctrlH


    RECT rclv = { 50, 50, 300, 200};
    assert (g_lv1.Init (hInst, hwndDlg, &rclv));
    assert (g_lv1.InsertColumn (TEXT ("H1"), 50));
    assert (g_lv1.InsertColumn (TEXT ("H2"), 80));
    assert (g_lv1.InsertRow (TEXT ("")));
    g_lv1.PromptHideText ();
    g_lv1.SetRowText (TEXT (""), 1, 1);
    g_lv1.InsertRow (TEXT (""));
    g_lv1.SetRowText (TEXT (""), 0, 1);
    g_lv1.SetTextColor (RGB (255, 255, 255));
    g_lv1.SetFullSelected ();
    g_lv1.ShowLine ();
    g_lv1.SetImageList ();
    g_lv1.EnableDragColumns ();
    g_lv1.UseCheckBox ();
    g_lv1.UseEditBox ();
    g_lv1.SetColumnText (TEXT ("WHAT"), 1);
    g_lv1.SetColumnWidth (1, 200);
    g_lv1.SetBkColor (RGB (128, 128, 128));
    // assert (g_lv1.SetBkBitmap (TEXT ("D:\\A.BMP")));

    HICON h1 = LoadIcon (hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE (IDI_ICON1));
    HICON h2 = LoadIcon (hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE (IDI_ICON2));
    g_lv1.InsertRow (TEXT ("aa"));
    g_lv1.SetRowText (TEXT ("啊a"), 0, 1);
    g_lv1.SetRowText (TEXT (""), 2, 1);

    g_lv1.SetItemIcon (h1, 0);
    g_lv1.SetItemIcon (h1, 0);
    g_lv1.SetItemIcon (h2, 1, 1);
    g_lv1.SetItemIcon (h2, 1);
    g_lv1.SetItemIcon (h1, 2);
    g_lv1.SetColumnAlignType (1, NSTS::eAlignCenter);
    assert (g_lv1.SetColumnIcon (h1, 0));
    DestroyIcon (h1);
    DestroyIcon (h2);

    case WM_NOTIFY:
    if (wParam == 0)
    LPNMHDR pnmh = (LPNMHDR) lParam;
    if (pnmh->code == NM_RCLICK) {
    POINT pt, pt2;
    int iItem, iSubItem;
    TCHAR szWhat [128] = TEXT ("not in");
    GetCursorPos (&pt);
    pt2.x = pt.x;
    pt2.y = pt.y;
    ScreenToClient (g_lv1.GetSelf (), &pt2);
    if (g_lv1.PointToItem (&pt2, &iItem, &iSubItem)) {
    wsprintf (szWhat, TEXT ("in. item: %d, subitem:%d"), iItem, iSubItem);
    MessageBox (hwndDlg, szWhat, NULL, MB_OK);
    // Find Item

    TCHAR szFind [512];
    GetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, IDC_EDIT1, szFind, 511);
    int i = g_lv1.FindItem (szFind);
    g_lv1.SelectItem (i);

    // Sort Item

    static bool fsort = true;
    fsort = !fsort;
    g_lv1.SortItems (1, fsort);
    return TRUE;

    // set view

    assert (g_lv1.SetView (NSTS::eListViewSmallIcon));

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    sqoop 1.4.4-cdh5.1.2快速入门
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lin1270/p/2334943.html
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