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  • 不引入任何第三方最最简单异或加密(或者说是混淆)实现

    最简单的加密当然是混淆了. 任何一个字节,通过两次异或可以还原, 那么用这个原理就可以双方约定一组约定的字节序列进行混淆了

    好了, 直接贴几个语言的实现


    local bit = require 'bit'
    local function xor_encode(input, key)
    	assert(#key > 0)
    	--为了便于计算,这里使用0开始循环,由于lua语言的差异(末尾是闭区间), 所以减一
    	local input_count, key_count = #input, #key
    	local ret = ''
    	for i = 1, input_count do
    		local a = string.byte(input, i)
    		local j = i%key_count
    		local e = string.byte(key, j == 0 and key_count or j)
    		local v =  bit.bxor(a, e)
    		ret = ret .. string.char(v)
    	return ret
    local t = xor_encode('hello!', 'ab')
    print(xor_encode(t, 'ab'))


    import 'dart:convert' show utf8;
    // 将字符加密
    List<int> xorEncode(String input,String key) {
      final keyLen = key.length;
      final count = input.length;
      List<int> inputBytes = utf8.encode(input);
      List<int> keyBytes = utf8.encode(key);
      List<int> ret = [];
      for(var i=0; i<count; i++){
        final j = i%keyLen;
        final v = inputBytes[i] ^ keyBytes[j];
      return ret;
    // 将加密后的东西解开
    String xorDecode(List<int> inputBytes, String key) {
      List<int> keyBytes = utf8.encode(key);
      final keyLen = key.length;
      final count = inputBytes.length;
      for(var i=0; i<count; i++){
        final j = i%keyLen;
        inputBytes[i] ^=  keyBytes[j];
      return utf8.decode(inputBytes);
    void main() async {
      final input = "hello!";
      final key = "ab";
      final encRet = xorEncode(input, key);
      final decRet = xorDecode(encRet, key);


    // 编码
    function xorEncode(input, key) {
        let len = input.length
        let keyLen = key.length
        let results = []
        for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            let j = i%keyLen
            let v = input[i].charCodeAt() ^ key[j].charCodeAt()
        return results
    // 解码
    function xorDecode(input, key) {
        let len = input.length
        let keyLen = key.length
        let results = ''
        for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            let j = i%keyLen
            let v = input[i] ^ key[j].charCodeAt()
            results += String.fromCharCode(v)
        return results
    let e = xorEncode('hello~!', 'ab')
    console.log(xorDecode(e, 'ab'))


    // 使用utf-8字符集进行base64编码
    function utoa(str) {
        return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)));
    // 使用utf-8字符集解析base64字符串 
    function atou(str) {
        return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(str)));
    // 编码
    function xorEncode(input, key) {
        let len = input.length
        let keyLen = key.length
        let str = ''
        for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            let j = i%keyLen
            let v = input[i].charCodeAt() ^ key[j].charCodeAt()
            str += String.fromCharCode(v)
        return window.btoa(str)
    // 解码
    function xorDecode(base64, key) {
        let bstr = window.atob(base64)
        let len = bstr.length
        let input = new Uint8Array(len)
        for(let i =0; i< len; i++){
            input[i] = bstr.charCodeAt(i)
        let keyLen = key.length
        let results = ''
        for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            let j = i%keyLen
            let v = input[i] ^ key[j].charCodeAt()
            results += String.fromCharCode(v)
        return results
    let e = xorEncode(encodeURIComponent('你好啊'), 'ab')
    console.log( e)
    console.log(decodeURIComponent(xorDecode(e, 'ab')))
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/linbc/p/15232116.html
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