import net.grinder.plugin.http.HTTPRequest import net.grinder.script.GTest import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.GrinderRunner import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.annotation.BeforeProcess import net.grinder.scriptengine.groovy.junit.annotation.BeforeThread import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import com.s*****.testwa.taskserver.echo.EchoClient import static net.grinder.script.Grinder.grinder // import static net.grinder.util.GrinderUtils.* // You can use this if you're using nGrinder after 3.2.3 /** * A simple example using the HTTP plugin that shows the retrieval of a * single page via HTTP. * * This script is automatically generated by ngrinder. * * @author papapa */ @RunWith(GrinderRunner) class SocketTest { public static BufferedReader br public static InputStream is public static PrintWriter pw public static OutputStream os public static BufferedWriter bw GTest test1 = new GTest(1, "事务1") HTTPRequest request @BeforeProcess public static void beforeProcess() { //进程初始化 grinder.logger.info("beforeProcess.") } @BeforeThread public void beforeThread() { test1.record(this, "action") grinder.threadNumber grinder.logger.info("beforeThread.") } @Before public void before() { grinder.logger.info("before.") } @Test public void test1() { Socket socket = new Socket("talk8xgc.cns*****.com",6700); socket.setSoLinger(true,0) while(true){ sleep(10000) } } public void action() { Socket socket = new Socket("",9100); socket.setSoLinger() try { is = socket.getInputStream(); os = socket.getOutputStream(); String s1 = "<packet id="Heartbeat"> " + "<body> " + "<output> " + "<ip></ip> " + "<mac>00-0B-00-19-54-F7</mac> " + "<name>71411810004070</name> " + "<brand>实达</brand> " + "<model>TP-200K</model> " + "</output> " + "</body> " + "</packet> "; bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os,"GBK")); //鍚戞湇鍔″櫒绔�彂閫佷竴鏉℃秷鎭� bw.write(s1); bw.flush(); //璇诲彇鏈嶅姟鍣ㄨ繑鍥炵殑娑堟伅 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); String mess = br.readLine(); grinder.logger.info("---------mess={}",mess) } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } socket.setSoLinger(true,0) } }