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  • Linux + TranslateTool / StartDict





    源码包stardict-3.0.1.tar.bz2 1911K
    中文Windows特别版stardict-3.0.1-zh_CN.exe 65M
    Fedora GTK editionstardict-gtk-3.0.1-1.fc8.i386.rpm 1M
    Command line versionsdcv-0.4.2.tar.bz2 180KProject site
    StarDict-Editorstardict-editor.exe 98K stardict-tools-3.0.1.tar.bz2 396K

    WyabdcRealPeopleTTS 软件包是星际译王词语的发音文件,是扩展名为.wav的文件.
    Linux系统下,通过(tar -xjvf) 解压文件 tarball 到 "/usr/share/".Windows系统下,

    可以使用WinRAR压缩工具释放tarball 文件,放到类似"C:\Program Files\" 或 "Program Files\StarDict\"的安装目录下。


    在Windows下金山词霸/有道/词霸豆豆/Lingos等一堆的词典软件,但是在 linux下就没有这么多的选择了。通常都是使用“星际译王”,但是这个东西,通过新立得安装之后是没有词典文件的,默认只能通过网络查找单词。这样,如 果网络有问题或者网速慢,用起来是很痛苦的。所以,装上词典文件显得必然而必须。可是上星际译王 的主页,对新手来说看了会很头疼。主页上的安装步骤:

    tar -xjvf a.tar.bz2
    mv a /usr/share/stardict/dic

    词典文件有两种,一种是RPM的,是普通的词典文件;另一种是tarbal的,是带发音的文 件(这个没装过不知道效果如何,据说不怎么样)。星际译王将在 “/usr/share/stardict/dic” 和 “~/.stardict/dic” 目录查找词典文件,在 “/usr/share/stardict/treedict” 和 “~/.stardict/treedict” 目录查找树型词典文件。下载后解压,拷贝文件到 “/usr/share/stardict/dic” 或者 “~/.stardict/dic” 目录,重启 stardict,即可。


    sudo apt-get install stardict-cdict-gb stardict-cedict-gb stardict-hanzim stardict-langdao-ce-gb stardict-langdao-ec-gb stardict-oxford-gb stardict-xdict-ce-gb stardict-xdict-ec-gb


    sudo apt-get install stardict stardict-common stardict-plugin stardict-plugin-espeak stardict-plugin-festival
    mkdir stardict_tmp && cd stardict_tmp
    wget -c -r -nd -A "stardict*" http://archive.ubuntu.org.cn/ubuntu-cn/dists/gutsy/main/binary-i386/dict/
    sudo dpkg -i *.deb




    tar -xjvf a.tar.bz2
    mv a /usr/share/stardict/dic
    使用压缩软件(WinRAR)释放文件.tar.bz2,你会这个文件里找到一目录,然后将目录拷贝到dic\下面, 如C:\Program files\stardict\dic\



    词典 简体中文
    cdict-gb dictionary(en - zh_CN)RPM tarbal GPL, 4.5M, 57510 words
    stardict1.3 dictionary(en - zh_CN)RPM tarbal GPL, 1.1M, 51214 words
    Sun Dict(en - zh_CN)RPMtarbal GPL, 1M, 33042 words
    xdict-ec-gb dictionary(en - zh_CN)RPM tarbal GPL, 3.7M, 177842 words
    xdict-ce-gb dictionary(zh_CN - en)RPM tarbal GPL, 2.6M, 160997 words.
    cedict-gb dictionary(zh_CN - en)RPMtarbal CEDICT LICENCE , 0.7M, 31200 words. 推荐!
    langdao-ec-gb dictionary(en - zh_CN) 朗道英汉字典RPM tarbal GPL, 9.1M, 435468 words. 推荐!
    langdao-ce-gb dictionary(zh_CN - en) 朗道汉英字典RPM tarbal GPL, 7.8M, 405719 words. 推荐!
    Hanzi Master (zh_CN - en)RPM tarbal GPL, 427K, 25992 words
    Chinese idiom dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 汉语成语词典RPM tarbal GPL, 2M, 24702 words
    Chinese idiom dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 汉语成语词典(修正版)RPMtarbal GPL, 1.9M, 13001 words
    汉语成语词典(美化版)RPMtarbal GPL, 2.8M, 13305 words
    Modern Chinese dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 现代汉语词典RPM tarbal GPL, 3.3M, 57643 words
    Modern Chinese dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 现代汉语词典(修正版)RPMtarbal GPL, 3.2M, 57691 words
    21 century bidirectional dictionary 21世纪英汉汉英双向词典RPMtarbal GPL, 13M, 213723 words
    quick_eng-zh_CN 英汉专业词典RPM tarball GPL, 10.7M, 634008 words
    ncce-ec 新世纪英汉科技大词典RPM tarbal Free to use, 10.4M, 626953 words
    ncce-ce 新世纪汉英科技大词典RPM tarbal Free to use, 10.6M, 621241 words
    kdic-ec-11w(en - zh_CN) KDic11万英汉词典RPMtarbal GPL, 2.3M, 112344 words.
    kdic-computer-gb dictionary 计算机词汇RPMtarbal GPL, 683K, 6131 words.
    FoGuang big dictionary (Buddhism) 佛光大辞典RPM tarbal Free to use, 8.1M, 22555 words
    FaXiang dictionary (Buddhism) 法相辞典RPM tarbal Free to use, 3M, 14603 words
    FoXue big dictionary (Buddhism) 佛学大辞典RPM tarbal Free to use, 3.7M, 30928 words
    Soothill-Hodous Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms(zh_CN - en)RPM tarbal GPL, 1M, 16037 words
    Eng-Ch-Eng dic of Buddhist termsRPM tarbal GPL, 320K, 3441 words
    陈义孝佛学常见辞汇RPM tarbal GPL, 319K, 5850 words
    SanZunFaSu (Buddhism) 三藏法数RPM tarbal GPL, 1.3M, 8084 words
    Chin-Eng-BuddhistRPMtarbal GPL, 1.2M, 17979 words
    yusig 唯識名詞白話新解RPMtarbal GPL, 365K, 1466 words
    Bulkwang Fo-KuangRPMtarbal GPL, 8.5M, 22646 words
    Various-BuddhistRPMtarbal GPL, 13M, 55342 words
    quick_de-zh_CN 德汉词典RPMtarball GPL, 3.2M, 104542 words
    Fundset德汉词典RPMtarball Free to use, 3.1M, 68985 words
    HanDeDict 汉德辞典RPM tarball GPL, 1.6M, 62505 words
    Chinese-French dictionary 汉法词典RPM tarball GPL, 645K, 25286 words
    本草纲目RPMtarball GPL, 319K, 765 words
    英文字根字典RPMtarball GPL, 332K, 7835 words
    UnihanRPMtarball Free to use , 4.9M, 71226 words
    五笔86RPMtarball Free to use , 835K, 78641 words
    五笔98RPMtarball Free to use , 842K, 78597 words
    康熙字典RPMtarball Public Domain, 203M, 70205 words
    梵高著名作品赏析RPMtarball Public Domain, 12M, 43 words
    康熙字典文字版RPMtarball Public Domain, 4.3M, 46816 words
    廣韻RPMtarball GPL, 162K, 3830 words
    廣韻反查RPMtarball GPL, 172K, 20284 words
    Han-Viet 汉越RPMtarball GPL, 572K, 49731 words
    Viet-Han 越汉RPMtarball GPL, 421K, 29112 words


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lindows/p/14390546.html
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