{ "_mongo" : connection to YOURIP:27017{ SSL: { sslSupport: false, sslPEMKeyFile: "" } }{ SSH: { host: "", port: 22, user: "", password: "", publicKey: { publicKey: "", privateKey: "", passphrase: "" }, currentMethod: 0 } }, "_db" : mazhan_log, "_collection" : YOURCOLLECTION, "_ns" : "YOURCOLLECTION", "_query" : { }, "_fields" : null, "_limit" : 0, "_skip" : 0, "_batchSize" : 0, "_options" : 0, "_cursor" : { }, "_numReturned" : 50, "_special" : false, "_cursorSeen" : 50, "help" : function () { print("find() modifiers"); print(" .sort( {...} )"); print(" .limit( n )"); print(" .skip( n )"); print(" .count() - total # of objects matching query, ignores skip,limit"); print(" .size() - total # of objects cursor would return, honors skip,limit"); print(" .explain([verbose])"); print(" .hint(...)"); print(" .addOption(n) - adds op_query options -- see wire protocol"); print(" ._addSpecial(name, value) - http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/advancedqueries#AdvancedQueries-Metaqueryoperators"); print(" .batchSize(n) - sets the number of docs to return per getMore"); print(" .showDiskLoc() - adds a $diskLoc field to each returned object"); print(" .min(idxDoc)"); print(" .max(idxDoc)"); print(" Cursor methods"); print(" .toArray() - iterates through docs and returns an array of the results"); print(" .forEach( func )"); print(" .map( func )"); print(" .hasNext()"); print(" .next()"); print(" .objsLeftInBatch() - returns count of docs left in current batch (when exhausted, a new getMore will be issued)"); print(" .count(applySkipLimit) - runs command at server"); print(" .itcount() - iterates through documents and counts them"); }, "clone" : function () { var q = new DBQuery(this._mongo, this._db, this._collection, this._ns, this._query, this._fields, this._limit, this._skip, this._batchSize, this._options); q._special = this._special; return q; }, "_ensureSpecial" : function () { if (this._special) { return; } var n = {query:this._query}; this._query = n; this._special = true; }, "_checkModify" : function () { if (this._cursor) { throw "query already executed"; } }, "_exec" : function () { if (!this._cursor) { assert.eq(0, this._numReturned); this._cursor = this._mongo.find(this._ns, this._query, this._fields, this._limit, this._skip, this._batchSize, this._options); this._cursorSeen = 0; } return this._cursor; }, "limit" : function (limit) { this._checkModify(); this._limit = limit; return this; }, "batchSize" : function (batchSize) { this._checkModify(); this._batchSize = batchSize; return this; }, "addOption" : function (option) { this._options |= option; return this; }, "skip" : function (skip) { this._checkModify(); this._skip = skip; return this; }, "hasNext" : function () { this._exec(); if (this._limit > 0 && this._cursorSeen >= this._limit) { return false; } var o = this._cursor.hasNext(); return o; }, "next" : function () { this._exec(); var o = this._cursor.hasNext(); if (o) { this._cursorSeen++; } else { throw "error hasNext: " + o; } var ret = this._cursor.next(); if (ret.$err && this._numReturned == 0 && !this.hasNext()) { throw "error: " + tojson(ret); } this._numReturned++; return ret; }, "objsLeftInBatch" : function () { this._exec(); var ret = this._cursor.objsLeftInBatch(); if (ret.$err) { throw "error: " + tojson(ret); } return ret; }, "readOnly" : function () { this._exec(); this._cursor.readOnly(); return this; }, "toArray" : function () { if (this._arr) { return this._arr; } var a = []; while (this.hasNext()) { a.push(this.next()); } this._arr = a; return a; }, "count" : function (applySkipLimit) { var cmd = {count:this._collection.getName()}; if (this._query) { if (this._special) { cmd.query = this._query.query; } else { cmd.query = this._query; } } cmd.fields = this._fields || {}; if (applySkipLimit) { if (this._limit) { cmd.limit = this._limit; } if (this._skip) { cmd.skip = this._skip; } } var res = this._db.runCommand(cmd); if (res && res.n != null) { return res.n; } throw "count failed: " + tojson(res); }, "size" : function () { return this.count(true); }, "countReturn" : function () { var c = this.count(); if (this._skip) { c = c - this._skip; } if (this._limit > 0 && this._limit < c) { return this._limit; } return c; }, "itcount" : function () { var num = 0; while (this.hasNext()) { num++; this.next(); } return num; }, "length" : function () { return this.toArray().length; }, "_addSpecial" : function (name, value) { this._ensureSpecial(); this._query[name] = value; return this; }, "sort" : function (sortBy) { return this._addSpecial("orderby", sortBy); }, "hint" : function (hint) { return this._addSpecial("$hint", hint); }, "min" : function (min) { return this._addSpecial("$min", min); }, "max" : function (max) { return this._addSpecial("$max", max); }, "showDiskLoc" : function () { return this._addSpecial("$showDiskLoc", true); }, "readPref" : function (mode, tagSet) { var readPrefObj = {mode:mode}; if (tagSet) { readPrefObj.tags = tagSet; } return this._addSpecial("$readPreference", readPrefObj); }, "forEach" : function (func) { while (this.hasNext()) { func(this.next()); } }, "map" : function (func) { var a = []; while (this.hasNext()) { a.push(func(this.next())); } return a; }, "arrayAccess" : function (idx) { return this.toArray()[idx]; }, "comment" : function (comment) { var n = this.clone(); n._ensureSpecial(); n._addSpecial("$comment", comment); return this.next(); }, "explain" : function (verbose) { var n = this.clone(); n._ensureSpecial(); n._query.$explain = true; n._limit = Math.abs(n._limit) * -1; var e = n.next(); function cleanup(obj) { if (typeof obj != "object") { return; } delete obj.allPlans; delete obj.oldPlan; if (typeof obj.length == "number") { for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { cleanup(obj[i]); } } if (obj.shards) { for (var key in obj.shards) { cleanup(obj.shards[key]); } } if (obj.clauses) { cleanup(obj.clauses); } } if (!verbose) { cleanup(e); } return e; }, "snapshot" : function () { this._ensureSpecial(); this._query.$snapshot = true; return this; }, "pretty" : function () { this._prettyShell = true; return this; }, "shellPrint" : function () { try { var start = (new Date).getTime(); var n = 0; while (this.hasNext() && n < DBQuery.shellBatchSize) { var s = this.next(); print(s); n++; } if (typeof _verboseShell !== "undefined" && _verboseShell) { var time = (new Date).getTime() - start; print("Fetched " + n + " record(s) in " + time + "ms"); } if (this.hasNext()) { ___it___ = this; } else { ___it___ = null; } } catch (e) { print(e); } }, "toString" : function () { return "DBQuery: " + this._ns + " -> " + tojson(this._query); } }
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